Browse by name

Person Last Name Document titlesort descending Date
Ramirez Request of payment of sinodos and monies to priests in Sonora. 08-02-1770
Ramirez Revistas of all companias of Nueva Vizcaya, December 1816. 12-01-1816
Ramirez Revistas of all companias of Nueva Vizcaya, November 1816. 11-01-1816
Ramirez Ripperda (baron de)(gobernador). Orden del gobernador para descargar de un barril de mescal contrabando en la plaza. 10-16-1775
Ramirez Ripperda (governador). Carta a Luis Cazorla sobre le pago por el maiz de una mision del padre Pedro Ramirez. 11-13-1777
Ramirez Ripperda to Croix re: troop activity, horses, and Indian depredations 04-00-1771
Ramirez Ripperda's correspondence re: defence, troop movement and allocation, and Indian depredations 07-21-1770
Ramirez Ripperda's correspondence re: peace with Indians, use of troops, defense, Indian depredations and pacification 05-26-1771
Ramirez Senor: El dia catorce del proximo pasado se introduxo en esta provincia una gruesa partida de mas de cincuenta indios 01-14-1784
Ramirez Senor: la superior orden de vuestra excelencia del 14 del junio pasaio me dexa instruido 07-09-1779
Ramirez Septiembre 6, 1783 Senor: Acompano a la superioridad de vuestra excelencia. 02-04-1783
Ramirez Series of autos and testimonies dealing with prosecution of Indian caudillo Leonardo Ramires. 11-03-1779
Ramirez Series of autos and testimonies dealing with prosecution of Indian caudillo Leonardo Ramires. 11-03-1779
Ramirez Series of autos and testimonies on trial against Indian leader Leonardo Ramirez, accused of abuses committed against Indians under his... 08-11-1780
Ramirez Series of autos and testimonies on trial against Indian leader Leonardo Ramirez, accused of abuses committed against Indians under his... 08-11-1780
Ramirez Series of autos in prosecution of Cordero Ruiz and Amezua 01-10-1791
Ramirez Series of documents and summary reports of hostilities carried out in west Provincias Internas against Indians and other military actions. 02-01-1792
Ramirez Series of documents concerning maritime transportation, fiscal affairs, military organization and administration, civil administration and... 10-13-1810
Ramirez Series of documents dealing with a demanda made against Indian caudillo in Sichu. 07-19-1775
Ramirez Series of documents dealing with conflict created due to mistreatment of Indians by caudillo Leonardo Ramirez. Case against Indian leader... 09-10-1780
Ramirez Series of informes from Beregana to virrey noting granting of loans to private citizens from Caxas de Chiguagua. 01-08-1795
Ramirez Series of letters from hacendados and mineros in real of Vallecillos, complaining about abuses of authority committed by local commander 09-11-1790
Ramirez Series of letters in which fray Prestamero informs virrey that Croix holds 'religiosos' in low esteem, missions suffering because... 08-18-1780
Ramirez Series of letters to Francisco de Ugalde concerning Indian raids around Linares, Nuevo Reino de Leon 12-01-1786
Ramirez Series of letters to Francisco de Ugalde concerning Indian raids around Linares, Nuevo Reino de Leon 12-01-1786
Ramirez Series of reports on the status of the missions of the province of Nayarit. Missionaries send certification of gubernatorial visits. 10-29-1781
Ramirez Series of testimonies and certificacions about conquest of Indians from Nayarit 1770-1778. 11-08-1770
Ramirez Service records of oficiales, sargentos y cadete from compania veterana de Lampazos. 08-19-1799
Ramirez Service records, biographies, and honors of individuals of the compania de Horcasitas. 01-01-1817
Ramirez Service records, biographies, and honors of individuals of the compania de Horcasitas. 01-01-1817
Ramirez Sigue el inventa=rio de libros de=haziendas y caxa 11-13-1767
Ramirez Sinking of brigantine cantabro, loss of supplies, loss of boat in Loreto 03-08-1816
Ramirez Slave sale 03-02-1655
Ramirez sobre cobrar a los arrendatarios de las fincas rusticas situadas en San Luis Potosi y Tamaulipas lo que adeudaron (?) el dia en que seso la... 06-21-1825
Ramirez Sobre la frontera entre francia y Espana cerca del rio Colorado y relaciones entre los dos paises. 00-00-1720
Ramirez sobre reduccion de las indios pames del sichu. 12-03-1790
Ramirez Soldiers from Punta de Lampazos are sent to Monterrey. 01-07-1786
Ramirez Testimonio by Escandon details biographical information on Spanish families in Camargo, Cantaro, Revilla 1753. 01-11-1751
Ramirez Testimonio by Escandon details biographies of Spanish families in Burgos 1753. 03-21-1753
Ramirez Testimonio del expediente formado a representacion de los vezinos del real presidio de los Adaes, sobre que se les dexe avecindar en la... 10-04-1773
Ramirez testimonio del expediente instruido sobre las desgracias que han causado las inundaciones en el Nuevo Reyno de Leon. 08-13-1802
Ramirez testimonio del expediente instruido sobre las desgracias que han causado las inundaciones en el Nuevo Reyno de Leon. 08-13-1802
Ramirez Testimonios by Escandon, Fragoso detail Spanish biographies and Indian conversion information from Reynosa 1753. 01-13-1753
Ramirez Testimonios concerning discovery of new mines and vetas. 10-16-1766
Ramirez The king real cedula concerning payment stipends to missionaries. 06-02-1701
Ramirez The Suma Revolt and other Indian uprisings 1684-1685 00-00-1684
Ramirez Vargas, Francisco de (fray) to Vargas, Diego de (gobernador). Request for Spanish escorts by missionaries to help them travel. 03-07-1696
Ramirez varias comunicaciones entre el r.p.f. Francisco Garcia Diego, el pe. Felix Caballero, y la junta sobre averiguar el numero e misioneros que... 03-09-1836
Ramirez varias comunicaciones entre el r.p.f. Francisco Garcia Diego, el pe. Felix Caballero, y la junta sobre averiguar el numero e misioneros que... 03-09-1836
Ramirez varias contestaciones entre la contaduria de propios y arbitrios, el ministerio y la junta del fondo, relativas a la glosa de las cuentas... 11-09-1832
