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Person Last Name Document titlesort descending Date
Rengel Expediente concerning funds for pacification of indians 02-20-1779
Rengel Expediente promovido a consulta del comandante general de provincias de Poniente sobre colocar en el mando militar de la Sonora al coronel... 02-29-1764
Rengel expediente promovido por el senor intendiente de Durango sobre la remision a la superintendencia subdelegada de los extractos de revista. 08-16-1787
Rengel expediente promovido sobre si deve o no cargar nueve por ciente el asentista de las tropas don Francisco de Guazarnotegui en las memorias... 03-23-1788
Rengel expediente sobre declaracion de a que gefe corresponde declarar el goze de las pensiones del monte pio militar... 02-01-1763
Rengel expediente sobre el cumplimento real orden de 29 de febrero de 1787 comunicada al denor secretario de virreynato don Francisco Fernandez de... 12-24-1784
Rengel expediente sobre el cumplimento real orden de 29 de febrero de 1787 comunicada al senor secretario de virreynato don Francisco Fernandez de... 05-19-1785
Rengel expediente sobre nombrimiento de don Vicente Troncoso para segundo teniente del presidio de Santa Fe del Nuevo Mexico, renuncia que hace... 11-10-1787
Rengel expediente sobre providencias para contener la infedilidad de los taraumaras y gente foragida que hostilizan en la Nueva Vizcaya. 10-03-1781
Rengel expediente sobre viudedad para dona Josefa Bustamante Muger de don Nicolas Ortiz teniente del presidio de Santa Fe del Nuevo Mexico. 09-01-1769
Rengel Fages discusses peninsular rule that citizens must register and brand their livestock. 10-25-1781
Rengel Fages writes to virrey regarding much needed stamped paper. 10-27-1783
Rengel Fernando Chacon -to- Pedro de Nava (comandante). Information regarding probable comanche imposter. 03-29-1798
Rengel Florez orders that governors and comandantes of Sonora and Nueva Viscaya obey instructions given by Galvez for administration of those... 09-18-1787
Rengel General military correspondence between Ugalde and Florez. 07-07-1788
Rengel Gubernatorial correspondence between several government officials and the viceroy, concerning the situation of Indians who have surrendered... 10-18-1792
Rengel Gubernatorial correspondence concerning reports on the status of the provincias del poniente. 11-00-1792
Rengel Gubernatorial correspondence dealing with reports sent to the viceroy on the status of the provinces of Sonora and Nueva Vizcaya. 12-31-1792
Rengel Hoz is named head of tobacco industry in Rosario where harvest is looking good. 03-31-1785
Rengel Index of documents re: Provincias Internas and Nayarit located in Chapultepec. 00-00-1771
Rengel Index of offices and letters received and remitted by Nava to virrey from November, 1791 to May, 1792 11-11-1791
Rengel indice de los expedientes comines de Provincias Internas de los anos 1728 a 1792 00-00-1728
Rengel Indice de papeles importantes sobre Provincias Internas 1786-1793. 00-00-1786
Rengel Informe to Florez (virrey) re: state of provincias. 12-10-1787
Rengel Informe to king describing establishment, development and current problems in Provincias Internas. 05-08-1789
Rengel Informes of Ugarte y Loyola and Alegre in which the conditions of provincias of Nueva Viscaya, Nuevo Mexico and Sonora, including... 09-22-1776
Rengel Informes to and from Rengel concerning peace campaigns with Apaches mescaleros 02-12-1787
Rengel instancia del br. Juan Joseph Joaquin Blanquer Capellan del presidio del principe en la Nueva Vizcaya en que solicita retiro con sueldo 07-13-1783
Rengel Instructions to Diaz with regard to peace with mescaleros. 10-30-1787
Rengel Investigation by Arguello of Castaneda, accused of assaulting San Buenaventura's head of escort. 10-07-1778
Rengel Jacobo Ugarte y Loyola to Domingo Cabello. Eca y Musquiz' transfer to Texas and discharge of Antonio Gonzalez. 05-03-1786
Rengel Jacobo Ugarte y Loyola to king. Three letters to Ugarte y Loyola describing situation of Apaches de paz in Bacoachi and others elsewhere. 04-16-1787
Rengel Jacobo Ugarte y Loyola to Raphael Martinez Pacheco. Passing along instructions on Indian relations. 05-25-1787
Rengel Jacobo Ugarte y Loyola. Discussion of chain of command in defense against Indian hostilities. 06-19-1787
Rengel Jose Antonio Rengel to Domingo Cabello, furnishing supplies to indians 04-16-1785
Rengel Jose Antonio Rengel to Domingo Cabello, Rengel approves Guerses appointment as captain and the means to improve relations with with the... 04-01-1785
Rengel Jose Antonio Rengel to Domingo Cabello. Cabello's appointment as lieutenant to the king and sub-inspector of Cuba. 02-09-1786
Rengel Jose Antonio Rengel to Domingo Cabello. Gives instructions regarding payment of stipend to missionaries of Nacogdoches. 03-20-1785
Rengel Jose Antonio Rengel to Domingo Cabello. Official collection of tithes on corn and bean crops. 02-03-1786
Rengel Jose Antonio Rengel to Domingo Cabello. Restrictions on amount of tobacco ships' passengers are allowed to transport. 02-23-1786
Rengel Jose Antonio Rengel to Domingo Cabello. Transmission of official dispatch praising victory of troops over the Apaches at San Augustin de... 03-08-1785
Rengel Jose Antonio Rengel to Domingo Cabello. Visit of northern Indians to La Bahia. 04-25-1785
Rengel Jose Antonio Rengel to Domingo Cabello. Visiting Indians and relations. 07-12-1785
Rengel Jose Antonio Rengel. Rengel's letters/instructions to Cordero, Peru and others concerning frontier military affairs. 00-00-1787
Rengel Joseph Antonio Bengel to Domingo Cavello. Relations with visiting comanches . 07-00-1785
Rengel Joseph Antonio Rengal to Domingo Cabello. Establishment of a bank. 02-16-1785
Rengel Joseph Antonio Rengel al gobernador de Texas. Jose de Galvez' new title of marque's de Sonora. 02-16-1786
Rengel Joseph Antonio Rengel to Domingo Cabello, orders that military campaigns only last one month 04-01-1785
Rengel Joseph Antonio Rengel to Domingo Cabello. Abolition of the branding of slaves. 05-19-1785
Rengel Joseph Antonio Rengel to Domingo Cabello. Distribution of presents to the Indians. 04-30-1785
