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Person Last Name Document titlesort descending Date
Rubi Letter from Mendinuta to virrey acknowledging letters of 3/17/1767 and 6/15/1767 3/17/1767 - 6/15/1767
Rubi Letter from Pallou, guardian of San Francisco college, to fiscal de lo civil concerning irregularities of new missionaries transferred to... 10-16-1686
Rubi Letter from Pasqua to viceroy reporting on situations of thirteen missions of Nueva California; missionaries from college of San Fernando... 04-28-1788
Rubi Letter from Rubi to virrey re: deplorable state of affiars in Nueva Vizcaya. 07-05-1766
Rubi Letter of governor Fayni to viceroy Bucareli and draft responses 10-04-1773
Rubi Letter of padre Diaz to viceroy Bucareli. 03-21-1775
Rubi Letter to viceroy and Diary recounting activities at Sacramento presidio 01-20-1768
Rubi Letters and notes passed between Fayni and Bucareli on Indian crisis 02-03-1772
Rubi Letters between Mendinuta and virrey Bucareli concerning Indian murders and thefts. 09-30-1772
Rubi Letters between Pineda and Croix concerning Indian attacks, preparations for incoming troops, and Jesuit expulsions. 04-12-1767
Rubi Letters from Alderete to viceroy about affairs at Santa Rosa presidio 01-15-1764
Rubi Letters from Cancio to viceroy regarding military appointments and lack of capital to mantain presidio. 11-22-1765
Rubi Letters from Gomez de la Torre to virrey re: payments to soldiers, Rubi's inspection of San Buenaventura. 08-20-1767
Rubi Letters from Indians of the nacion de los pelones for virrey complaining that Escandon is mistreating them. 09-07-1750
Rubi Letters from Rodriguez to viceroy concerning presidial affairs 12-03-1755
Rubi Letters from virrey concerning new administration in Nuevo Santander. 07-03-1769
Rubi Letters informing virrey about situation of new colony Nuevo Santander. 04-18-1769
Rubi Letters informing virrey about the possibility of opening a commerce to the provincias of the north. 11-25-1787
Rubi Letters to the virrey explaining problems in collection of diezmos, the inconveniences of the location of the bishopric, the problems of... 12-17-1773
Rubi Letters to viceroy with rosters, inventories from fronteras. 03-15-1766
Rubi List of autos referring to various issues within Provincias Internas. 05-02-1703
Rubi Luis Antonio Manchaca. Debts owed to personnel of abandoned presidio de Adaes. 11-28-1780
Rubi Mariano Sanchez. Petition to governor for redress against unfair seizure of a bull and mule by the alcalde of Belen, Jose Pino, and Pino... 11-12-1809
Rubi Marques de Rubi. Estado que manifesta las provincias en que se hallan estableridos los presidio internos. IS-HA-N.D.
Rubi Marques de Rubi. Regalamiento y instrucion para los presidios Linea e Frontera, de la Nueba Espana. 11-01-1772
Rubi Melchor Afan de Ribera. Carta sobre obediencia a la revista de los presidios. 08-30-1767
Rubi Melchor falamantes. Plan to determine western limits of the province of louisiana and Texas. 03-26-1807
Rubi Military roll submitted by Barrio. 05-09-1767
Rubi muy senor mio: no dudo que siendonos a vuestra senoria y a mi el idioma castellano, debemos entenderlo mexor, que el latino, aprendido por... 08-02-1779
Rubi O'conor's informe on condition of interior provinces 01-30-1776
Rubi Padre Bartholome Saenz a padre Joseph de Hidalgo. Carta. 02-15-1767
Rubi Petitions to cancel a fine. 00-00-0000
Rubi Pino, Jose to Manrique, Jose. Re: arrest of priest. 08-19-1810
Rubi Providencias para admitir de paz a los Apaches lipanes en Nuevo Santander. 12-12-1782
Rubi Real Alencaster, Joaquin del to bishop of Durango. Draft of a letter transmitting a petition for fray Josef Rubi requesting an unspecified... 05-28-1805
Rubi Reply to Bucareli on new rules of consolidation of presidios in Texas. 05-08-1773
Rubi Report of Cachupin's visita of El Paso wherein he suggests presidio be moved to Robledo; related letters. 10-24-1766
Rubi revistta y reforma de la compania del presidio de Monterrey executtada por el governador de la provincia del Nuevo Reino de Leon el dia 12... 01-01-1768
Rubi Ripperda's correspondence re: new regulations, redisio and mission abandonment and peace with Indians. 03-30-1773
Rubi Routine administrative correspondence between Bustamante, captain of presidio of Guajoquilla, and virrey. 01-01-1761
Rubi Routine correspondence between Vargas, captain of presidio of Pasaje, and virrey. 05-29-1763
Rubi Rubi (Marques de). Carta a Oconor con ideas sobre reformacion de los presidios. 09-23-1767
Rubi Rubi (Marques de). Carta a Oconor con instruciones para inspeccion de los presidios. 09-13-1767
Rubi Rubi (Marques de). Carta sobre llegada de Antonio Trevino. 07-12-1767
Rubi Series of documents relating to transfer of destacamento de Voluntarios de Cataluna to presidio of Mesa del Tonati. 03-17-1773
Rubi Teodoro de Croix to Domingo Cabello. Conditions in Texas and peace with Indians. 06-13-1781
Rubi Vijil, Felipe to Pena, Josef Mariano de la. List of names of persons leaving the jurisdiction. 10-30-1812
