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Person Last Name Document titlesort descending Date
Ruis . Official records of the compania de Santa Fee. 03-00-1810
Ruis Aprehension de 4 individuos de una embarcacion americana, sus Socorros y destino. 04-09-1806
Ruis Californias 1763. Testimonio de los autos seguidos contra don Jacinto Marmolejo sobre cantidad de pesos dado a pedimento de p. Armesto. 00-00-1735
Ruis Communications between various officials concerning status of royal treasuries 10-18-1787
Ruis Concerns construction of church at Ygollo mission, secularization and inventory of 'temporalidades' at others. 03-00-1768
Ruis Correspondence between viceroy and Corbalan concerning military personnel, salaries, and fiscal affairs of Sonoran military expedition. 01-15-1771
Ruis Declaration formed concerning Pedro Carrasco of the 4th compania Volante for desertion, apprehended in this villa in union with a woman 06-11-1818
Ruis Detailed account of money spent in San Francisco's presidio. 06-26-1795
Ruis Documents concerning administrative matters in presidio Monterrey and other missions and presidios in the area of of alta California. 01-08-1794
Ruis Documents concerning administrative matters in presidio Monterrey and other missions and presidios in the area of of alta California. 01-08-1794
Ruis expediente sobre la aprovacion de capitan de la compania miliciana de los valles del Pilon y Mota que el governador del Nuevo Reyno de Leon... 07-13-1772
Ruis Expenses incurred by Spanish government for taking into custody, seven Americans, two Russians and two indios gentiles before being turned... 06-02-1808
Ruis Folio 224 reads decretos folio 225 begins Mexico 21 de octubre de 1757 founding of presidio at Santa Rosa del Alcazan and correspondence... 06-22-1757
Ruis hallandose vacante el empleo de segundo Alferez de mi compania de mi compania de cavalleria.... letters concerning military retirement and... 12-15-1818
Ruis Imprisonment of Joseph Antonio Charles for desertion 05-19-1801
Ruis indice de los expedientes respectivos a la real audiencia y sala del crimen de Mexico que existen en l archivo de la secretaria del... 02-09-1797
Ruis Investigation by Arguello of Castaneda, accused of assaulting San Buenaventura's head of escort. 10-07-1778
Ruis Jazinto de Barrios y Jaurigue. Documents concerning encroachment of French into Spanish Texas. 09-00-1754
Ruis Leiba, Jose Francisco. 12-27-1819
Ruis Letters between virrey and officials of San Blas concerning shipping, salaries, appointments, and various payments. 06-27-1767
Ruis Letters from Ugalde to detachment commanders and officials of primera compania. 08-00-1788
Ruis Letters, testigos, autos between Gomezde Castro, Castillo de ? An Altamira about Chichimec reducciones in Guadalcazar 1742-3. 05-27-1743
Ruis numero 8letters concerning promotion for Guifas, problems with senior officers, illness, and financial problems 10-02-1786
Ruis Pena, Josef Mariano de la. General census of citizens in the jurisdiction of Alburquerque for 1814. 12-10-1814
Ruis Phelipe Patron. 06-02-1766
Ruis Presupuestos y memorias de los presidios de la Nueva California, ano de 1810. 01-15-1809
Ruis provinsias de occidente separacion del deuditor de la comandancia general de occidente y sueldo que deve disfutar interin se concluye su... 12-03-1814
Ruis Quexas del padre ministro de la villa de Altamira contra don Pedro Guemes por Escandoloso. 10-02-1792
Ruis Reports of Indian raids in Nueva Vizcaya. 03-13-1789
Ruis Ruis (?), Manuel. Records of contributions to the navajos. 06-30-1814
Ruis Ruis, Antonio to Melgares, Facundo. Acknowledging receipt of shoes, and reporting on their distribution. 11-27-1821
Ruis Testimony from ministers to virrey, others explaining harsh treatment of Indians at certain missions. 09-07-1787