Browse by name

Person Last Name Document titlesort descending Date
Sanchez Disparate collection of letters, informes from Ugalde and unsigned others to Lacomba concerning activities and organization of tercera... 11-12-1783
Sanchez Dovalina Disparate collection of letters, informes from Ugalde and unsigned others to Lacomba concerning activities and organization of tercera... 11-12-1783
Sanches Disparate collection of letters, informes from Ugalde and unsigned others to Lacomba concerning activities and organization of tercera... 11-12-1783
Sanchez de Tagle Disposition of estate of Juan Antonio Cortes, cura y vicario que fue de la villa de Santa Barbara. 03-20-1710
Sanchez Disposition of Serante's personal effects. 10-01-1792
Saenz de Ontiveros Dispute over water rights 03-13-1769
Sanchez Manzanera Dispute over water rights 03-13-1769
Santos Division of water sources among Indians of mission San Antonio and settlers from the Canary Islands. 06-02-1731
Salinas y Baraona Documentos para la historia eclesiastica y civil de la Nueva Viscaya- libro ii, tomo xx. 00-00-1600
Sarria Documentos para la historia eclesiastica y civil de la Nueva Viscaya- libro primero, tomo xix. 00-00-1595
San Juan de Santa Cruz Documentos sobre los enemigos acocolames y Cocoyomes. 05-10-1716
Salaices Documentos sobre los enemigos acocolames y Cocoyomes. 05-10-1716
Sapao Documents about Apache attacks in Nueva Vizcaya. 04-03-1770
Sallen Documents about exploration of California. 02-20-1769
Sandoval Documents about rights of deceased by governor Sandoval to viceroy. 05-29-1735
Sanchez Navarro Documents about sale of prohibited liquors, wines, mezcal in Nueva Vizcaya. 01-19-1770
Sandobal Documents comprising resume (service record) of Orozco. 06-06-1787
Sandoval Documents concern budget and outlining remaining repairs to be made on real palacio on Plazuela Bolador in Mexico by Mascaro. 01-29-1791
Saxabia Documents concern crimes committed by Ramon and witnesses' testifying against him. Diligencias practicadas sobre la conducta del... 12-10-1795
Sanchez Cortina Documents concerning Abalos accusing Olasaran of imperiosity, mistreatment of troops. 12-25-1805
Santa Cruz Documents concerning Abalos accusing Olasaran of imperiosity, mistreatment of troops. 12-25-1805
Sanches Documents concerning accusations of mistreatment of Indians in missions in alta California 08-20-1778
Saavedra Documents concerning accusations of mistreatment of Indians in missions in alta California 08-20-1778
Santa Maria Documents concerning accusations of mistreatment of Indians in missions in alta California 08-20-1778
Sangrador Documents concerning administrative matters in presidio Monterrey and other missions and presidios in the area of of alta California. 01-08-1794
Sarmiento de Valladares Documents concerning alleged wrongdoings involving Ramon and Vaga in Coahuila. 12-19-1692
Salinas Documents concerning alleged wrongdoings involving Ramon and Vaga in Coahuila. 12-19-1692
Salzedo Documents concerning allotment of lands to the population and soldiers of Horcasitas. Others concerning Indians prisoners. 10-17-1764
San Christoval Documents concerning allotment of lands to the population and soldiers of Horcasitas. Others concerning Indians prisoners. 10-17-1764
Salas Documents concerning allotment of lands to the population and soldiers of Horcasitas. Others concerning Indians prisoners. 10-17-1764
Santos Documents concerning allotment of lands to the population and soldiers of Horcasitas. Others concerning Indians prisoners. 10-17-1764
Sandoval Documents concerning allotment of lands to the population and soldiers of Horcasitas. Others concerning Indians prisoners. 10-17-1764
Salcedo Documents concerning american military activities in New Orleans and frontier incidents involving U.S. 03-14-1809
Salcedo Documents concerning american military activities in New Orleans and frontier incidents involving U.S. 03-14-1809
Sagarraga Documents concerning audit of accounts of haciendas owned by Fondo Piadoso during their administration by Sagarraga. 09-09-1800
Saem Documents concerning benefits, problems of 'recargo de armamentos.' 10-23-1778
Sagarzurieta Documents concerning bishop of Durango's dealings with government and military leaders. 05-31-1817
Salcedo Documents concerning bishop of Durango's dealings with government and military leaders. 07-28-1817
Saucha Documents concerning capture, reduccion of Apaches. 11-24-1788
Sastre Documents concerning death of Sastre. 03-17-1773
Samaniego Documents concerning death of Sastre. 03-17-1773
Salcedo Documents concerning defense plans to prevent U.S. invasion of Texas and reports of troop strengths at Texas presidios. 11-08-1808
Sanchez Pareja Documents concerning dispute between Taulia and Romero over having both received titles for same job position as justicia mayor in Nayarit. 01-02-1783
Sanchez de Lara Documents concerning dispute between Taulia and Romero over having both received titles for same job position as justicia mayor in Nayarit. 01-02-1783
Saenz de la Fuente Documents concerning executors of Neve's will, inventories, auction and accounts of Neve's wealth. 01-29-1777
Sandoval Documents concerning executors of Neve's will, inventories, auction and accounts of Neve's wealth. 01-29-1777
Sales Documents concerning executors of Neve's will, inventories, auction and accounts of Neve's wealth. 01-29-1777
Sal Documents concerning executors of Neve's will, inventories, auction and accounts of Neve's wealth. 01-29-1777
Sanchez Documents concerning executors of Neve's will, inventories, auction and accounts of Neve's wealth. 01-29-1777
Sanchez Documents concerning executors of Neve's will, inventories, auction and accounts of Neve's wealth. 01-29-1777
