Browse by name

Person Last Name Document title Date
Silva Capitan Joseph Berroteran. Diario de la Campana para el reconocimiento de las margenes del rio del norte. 05-22-1729
Silva Joseph de Messa (Mesa). Testimonio concerning silver Arizona. 08-19-1737
Silva Padre Juan Ortiz Zapata partido de Santa Maria Bazeraca from relacion de los misiones que la compania tiene en...el Nueva Vizcaya...1676. 1676
Silva Melchor falamantes. Plan to determine western limits of the province of louisiana and Texas. 03-26-1807
Silva Sumaria informacion practicada por el gobernador de California sobre la indirecta acusacion de tres yndios de la mision de Santa Clara... 04-30-1786
Silva Civil, military and fiscal affairs in San Blas. 05-02-1809
Silva Budget of expenses made in repair of salt stores of Huaristemba and Zapotillo. 02-29-1817
Silva Correspondence between Viceroy, Croquez, Labayen, Cruz and others about ships and commerce between San Blas and other ports; budgets... 01-19-1814
Silva Series of documents concerning maritime transportation, fiscal affairs, military organization and administration, civil administration and... 10-13-1810
Silva Expediente concerning construction of ship for use by San Diego presidio 12-10-1801
Silva Letter of governor Fueros to viceroy Flores 00-00-0000
Silva Concerning appearance of Felipe de Mendoza at San Juan Bautista 10-24-1703
Silva [untitled] 09-24-1636
Silva About military incursions in Nuevo Mexico under governor Cuerbo Valdes. 09-15-1706
Silva Fines to officials and other people in Nuevo Santander 00-00-1785
Silva Letters about Indian rebellion and accusations of military incompetence in defending area. 00-00-1789
Silva Letters about Indian rebellion and accusations of military incompetence in defending area. 00-00-1789
Silva Miscellaneous letters and notes from Virrey(?) to Fayni about campaign funding, personnel, Indian hostilities. 09-10-1771
Silva Letters from Pineda to Croix concerning Indian raids. 03-12-1767
Silva Vaamonde's suggestions re: vacancies at Lampazos. 10-15-1791
Silva Administrative correspondence between Torija and virrey. 01-01-1763
Silva Correspondence between Croix and Cuellar concerning war against Apaches. Copies of extensive series of documents and testimonies from... 10-20-1766
Silva Correspondence between Gigedo and Munoz of December 1792 and year 1793. 12-31-1792
Silva Series of documents concerning naming of governor of Nuevo Leon. 03-27-1813
Silva Indice de los partes que remite al excelentisimo senor virrey el gobernador del Nuevo Reyno de Leon en el correo de hoy 1 de febrero, 1783. 01-19-1783
Silva May 24, 1783 a fin de determinar con el acierto que se debe sobre las providencias.... 07-09-1782
Silva Septiembre 6, 1783 Senor: Acompano a la superioridad de vuestra excelencia. 02-04-1783
Silva Los indios Chichimecos del pueblo de San Christobal de esa provincia Andres de la Garra.... 01-10-1784
Silva Senor: El dia catorce del proximo pasado se introduxo en esta provincia una gruesa partida de mas de cincuenta indios 01-14-1784
Silva Various autos by Sola dealing with maritime traffic in the Californias including request that national ships receive same rights that were... 06-05-1809
Silva (Sargento)/military rolls from Echegaray for year end 1787. 05-01-1739
Silva Letters from Ramon and Gomez de Castro to Ugalde concerning Indians behavior, and military reports. 09-20-1787
Silva Offices concerning legal trial to Mata. 10-17-1786
Silva Soldiers from Punta de Lampazos are sent to Monterrey. 01-07-1786
Silva Letters from Echegaray to Ugalde concerning military promotions, granting of invalid status and travel costs of Indian captives. 01-25-1788
Silva Letters from Echegaray to Ugalde and Gonzalez de la Huerta concerning remittance of military lists, and sugar trade. 01-11-1789
Silva Series of documents dealing with a demanda made against Indian caudillo in Sichu. 07-19-1775
Silva Series of documents dealing with hiring religious personnel for curatos of Colotlan. 04-01-1786
Silva Series of letters between government officials and the viceroy 05-24-1792
Silva solicitud de la diputacion de mineria, sobre que se le franqueen por el tribunal 100 [mil] pesos para fomento del mineral del real de Santa... 12-16-1791
Silva revistta y reforma de la compania del presidio de Monterrey executtada por el governador de la provincia del Nuevo Reino de Leon el dia 12... 01-01-1768
Silva numero 29 informacion dada por el capitan protector don Josef Antonio Garcia Davila, sobre el buen manejo de las autoridades 06-28-1780
Silva Continuation of preceeding folios in which fathers of various missions defend themselves against allegations of poor mission administration... 02-10-1767
Silva Declaracion de don Juan Antonio Manzano y de don Christobal Feliciano 11-20-1781
Silva Concerns reports from Potau to Revilla Gigedo about military actions against Indians. Also some Indians hostilities and other Indians... 11-02-1792
Silva superior gobierno -- 1752 -- autos fechos por el padre guardian y venerable discretorio del semenario apostolico 08-14-1749
Silva exmo. Senor. El padre guardian, y venerable discretorio de el seminario apostolico de propaganda fide de nuestra senora de Guadalupe de... 09-12-1752
Silva Mexico y marzo 4 de 1758. Excmo senor. Hallandose sin curso la consulta que se expresa en esta carta no abstante el decreto puesto 03-04-1758
Silva provinsias de occidente, Pedro Allende capitan encargado del govierno de Nuevo Mejico, sobre cobrado el sobre sueldo que gosa el governador... 11-22-1815
Silva al senor fiscal de real hacienda 02-17-1817
