Browse by name

Person Last Name Document titlesort descending Date
Siday Civil suit- indios naturales contra herederos of don Pedro de Penea. 07-23-1658
Silva Civil, military and fiscal affairs in San Blas. 05-02-1809
Simon del Campo Collection of letters, decretos, oficios concerning effects of revisions in military pension program on invalid soldiers and their families. 00-00-1769
Sinofui compania precidial Horcasitas. Provincia de Sonora. Dia primero del mes de septiembre de 1816. 09-01-1816
Simon compania precidial Horcasitas. Provincia de Sonora. Dia primero del mes de septiembre de 1816. 09-01-1816
Sierra Comunicaciones relativas al gobierno provincial de Coahuila. Anos de 1766 y 1767. Gobernador Barrios. 01-15-1766
Sierragorda con fecha de 12 de diziembre de 93 represento don Francisco de Yermo vecino del presidio de Rio Grande . . . . 01-30-1793
Silva Concerning appearance of Felipe de Mendoza at San Juan Bautista 10-24-1703
Sierragorda Concerning arrest of Santianez, repopulation of San Juan. 02-13-1772
Sierraltas Concerning creation and division of parishes in bishopric of Guadalajara 10-30-1698
Siculi Concerning rations, accounts for Bacoachi Apaches. 04-15-1791
Siqueyro Concerning rations, accounts for Bacoachi Apaches. 04-15-1791
Sierra Gorda Concerns 'retirement' of Fueros, considered 'inutil' by Ugalde and virrey. 02-25-1788
Sierragorda Concerns colonization of San Miguel, wages of N.A. and I.P. Santiago y Castillo. 06-04-1761
Sierragorda Concerns construction of church at Ygollo mission, secularization and inventory of 'temporalidades' at others. 03-00-1768
Silva Concerns reports from Potau to Revilla Gigedo about military actions against Indians. Also some Indians hostilities and other Indians... 11-02-1792
Sierra Gorda Conde de la Sierra Gorda. Audiencia del Conde de Sierra Gorda sobre el reintegro de las tierras in Nuevo Santander. 04-12-1776
Silva consequente de ordenes superiores de los excelentisimos senores virrey de estos dominios y comandante general de esta provincia, he... 01-11-1816
Sierragorda Consulta del governador del Nuevo Santander sobre haber muerto a dos indios el piquete de la marina... 12-13-1782
Sierra Gorda consulta del senor Conde de Sierra Gorda, sobre se le remita la porcion del polvora que esta destinada para aquella compania Volante 08-03-1780
Sierra Consultation by Ruiz with virrey on various civil and naval matters. 02-20-1778
Sisneros Continuation of documents concerning Roldan-Grimaldi civil-military controversy 04-22-1817
Sisneros Continuation of documents concerning Roldan-Grimaldi civil-military controversy 04-22-1817
Silva Continuation of preceeding folios in which fathers of various missions defend themselves against allegations of poor mission administration... 02-10-1767
Sisneros Continuation of Roldan-Grimaldi controversy concerning civil-military authority. 08-29-1817
Sisneros Continuation of Roldan-Grimaldi controversy concerning civil-military authority. 08-29-1817
Sisneros Continuation of Roldan-Grimaldi controversy over civil-military authority. 10-13-1817
Sisneros Continuation of Roldan-Grimaldi controversy over civil-military authority. 10-13-1817
Sierra Contra jugadores de Naipes. 05-18-1764
Sierra Gorda Copied informes from archbishop in San Luis Potosi concerning establishment of missions in Nuevo Santander and Provincias Internas. 11-15-1772
Silva Correspondence between Arredondo and virrey concerning diverse routine administrative affairs. 06-18-1817
Sierragorda Correspondence between Castro and the viceroy. Military administration 1791. 04-06-1791
Sierra Gorda Correspondence between civil officers from Horcasitas, Santillana, Escandon and viceroy Galvez regarding attacks by Chichimecas. 02-28-1786
Sierra Correspondence between comandante general and viceroy about military appointments. 08-13-1790
Sierragorda Correspondence between commander of provincias del Oriente and the viceroy. 05-21-1785
Sierra Gorda Correspondence between Conde de la Sierra Gorda and Diaz de Bustamante concerning mescalero raids on presidio of Laredo. 07-24-1795
Sierra Gorda Correspondence between Conde de la Sierra Gorda and virrey concerning naming of new Alferezes to replace those killed or wounded during... 03-07-1795
Silva Correspondence between Croix and Cuellar concerning war against Apaches. Copies of extensive series of documents and testimonies from... 10-20-1766
Siloria Correspondence between Diaz and the viceroy concerning Apache raids in Guanacevi and real del Oro. 01-11-1790
Sinfuego Correspondence between Elisa, virrey re: repairs on frigate conception. 07-28-1792
Siro Correspondence between Elizondo and viceroy regarding expedition to Sonora. 04-08-1767
Six Correspondence between Elizondo and viceroy regarding state of readiness of troops for Sonora expedition. 08-21-1768
Silva Correspondence between Gigedo and Munoz of December 1792 and year 1793. 12-31-1792
Sierra Gorda Correspondence between gobernador of Nuevo Santander and others campaign diaries, and administrative matters for 1780. 01-04-1780
Sierragorda Correspondence between gobernador, virrey and la Fuente regarding various military procedural matters in sparse detail. 10-19-1796
Sierra Gorda Correspondence between Lasaga and virrey (?) re: administrative matters for 1782. 02-25-1782
Sierra Gorda Correspondence between Lorca y Villena and virrey re: Serano request for mission in San Carlos. 07-20-1774
Sierra Gorda Correspondence between Munoz and virrey, year 1972 01-02-1792
Sierragorda Correspondence between Nava and Revilla Gigedo re: military personnel, finances and murder of peaceful Indians by soldiers. 01-01-1791
Sierra Gorda Correspondence between Nava and virrey concerning diverse military and administrative affairs. 04-10-1793
