Browse by name

Person Last Name Document title Date
Suaso . Census of men of Taos detachment. 00-00-1806
Sulier Joaquin del Real Alencaster (gobernador). notice to comandante general that two Frenchmen have left El Paso on their way to Chihuahua to... 10-12-1806
Sursa Nemesio Salcedo (comandante general). Two letters to governor of New Mexico acknowledging receipt of diaries of expedition to Arkansas... 10-25-1806
Subiere Agustin I. Printed decree publishing a law setting minimum and maximum salaries for retired officers - adapted from Cortes law of September... 12-16-1812
Suaso Lucero, Pablo. Report on local elections for representatives to a district electoral junta to be held at Taos and on district election. 12-03-1820
Suazo Lucero, Pablo. Report on local elections for representatives to a district electoral junta to be held at Taos and on district election. 12-03-1820
Suares Pereda Dominguez, Jose. Circular from imperial regency confirming all officials in their positions. 10-05-1821
Suarez Pereda Imperial regency. Decree ordering verification of proclamation of independence, and the oath of allegiance to the empire. 10-06-1821
Suares Pereda Dominguez, Jose. Transmitting decree of imperial regency calling for three days of prayer to gain divine support for the nation. 10-07-1821
Suarez Pereda Junta provisional gubernativa. Printed manifiesto announcing independence. 10-13-1821
Suniga y Guzman Sotomayor y Mendosa Bathazar de Suniga y Guzman Sotomayor y Mendoza. Que los capitanes den los auxilios necesarios al padre Olivares. 12-28-1716
Surdo Narciso Tapia. Auto de testimonio of Apache woman concerning Apache truce with Spaniards. 12-14-1777
Surdo Narciso Tapia al Narciso Muniz. Description Apache attack on Janos, and Apache peace negotiations. 12-15-1777
Surdo Narciso Muniz al Narciso Tapia. Letter concerning Apache attack on Janos, later suit for peace. 12-18-1777
Surdo Narciso Tapia a Narciso Muniz. Letter concerning Apache truce. 12-23-1777
Surdo Narciso Tapia; Narciso Muniz' reply. Exchange of prisoners between Apaches, Spaniards. 01-19-1778
Surdo Narcisco Tapia al senor comandante de la primera divicion. Letter concerning missing soldier, Apache truce. 01-30-1778
Surdo Narciso Tapia al senor comandante de la primera division (2/11/1778); copy of Muniz' reply (2/14/1778). Documents concerning Apache... 02-11-1778
Surdo Narciso Tapia, et al. (2/11/1777); Muniz' reply (2/14/1777) (copy). Documents concerning encounter with chiricahua Apaches. 02-11-1778
Suazedo Juan Chirinos (soludo). Pleito sobre la muerte de Christobal Carabajal por Juan Chirinos, soldados del presidio de Bexar. 01-16-1772
