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Person Last Name Document title Date
Tueros Indice 9o de los expidientes con que el sargento Valentin Moreno remite al senor comandante general de las Provincias Internas brigadier... N.D.
Tueros Jose de Galvez to Juan de Pineda. Cartas ordenes del ilustrisimo senor d. Jose de Galvez, siendo comandante en jefe de las Provincias... 02-00-1769
Tueros Tribunal y real audiencia de cuentas a Antonio Maria Bucareli Ursua. Remite los pertenecientes de las comunicaciones obtenidas por varios... 04-28-1777
Tueros Letter from Cancio to viceroy in regards to lack of visits to territory by priests. 08-25-1767
Tueros Documentation of letters between viceroy and various officers for Sonora expedition. 04-10-1767
Tueros Offices concerning index of Pedro de Nava's letters from 1790 to 1793, 12-06-1790
Tueros Correspondence between Belena, Galvez, viceroy and other officials regarding visits by Galvez an Belena to provinces of Sonora and Sinaloa . 10-00-1769
Tueros [untitled] 03-02-1770
Tueros [untitled] 10-20-1770
Tueros Letters about treasury of Sonora, and other documents. 01-20-1770
Tueros Documents about military campaigns in Sonora by capitan Cancio. 03-29-1769
Tueros Documents regarding military appointments. 01-29-1777
Tueros Documents regarding military appointments. 01-29-1777
Tueros Documents relating to various issues within prov. internas. 05-03-1703
Tueros Various documents relating to issues within Provincias Internas 07-17-1778
Tueros Various documents relating to issues within Provincias Internas 07-17-1778
Tueros Letters from Azuela and Bellido to viceroys concerning the military struggle against Sonoran Indians (with responses) 01-15-1771
Tueros Correspondence between comandante general, viceroy and various officers. 04-00-1787
Tueros Correspondence relating to Diaz' request for payment of back retirement salary. 08-20-1783
Tueros Suplemento de la instruccion general que comprehende dos copias de oficios pasado el primero a 4 companias presidiales y una bolante 01-01-1787
Tueros excelentisimo senor acompano a v.e. documento adjunto remitido por mi theniente gobernador... 08-19-1791
Tueros Correspondence between capitan Urrea and viceroy concerning military life and tactics against Indians. 01-11-1774
Tueros Correspondence between capitan Tueros and viceroy Bucareli concerning rebellion of capitan Seri Boquinete. 01-20-1779
Tueros Account of de Anza's expeditions to Californiain relacion sent to viceroy Bucareli. 02-25-1777
Tueros Concerning Tueros' business, salary, gambling operation. 11-29-1772
Tueros Concerning transportation of gold from Cieneguilla to ciudad de Mexico. 07-23-1772
Tueros Correspondence re: discovery of placeres in Palo Ensebado area; need for troops to protect area from rebel Indians Cieneguilla, Altar.... 09-12-1775
Tueros Letters from Gil de Bernabe and Cartagena to Bucareli concerning Indian Seris pacification. 11-05-1772
Tueros Population census, agricultural and mine conditions of San Ildephonso de la Cieneguilla. 12-25-1775
Tueros Tueros presents informe answering inquiry to condition of Coahuila crops, livestock, troops, enemies, and defense. 10-23-1787
Tueros Florez orders that governors and comandantes of Sonora and Nueva Viscaya obey instructions given by Galvez for administration of those... 09-18-1787
Tueros Documents required to obtain marriage license for Ignacio Garisuain, Josefa Martinez. 05-14-1782
Tueros General military correspondence between Ugalde and Florez. 07-07-1788
Tueros Letters between Ugalde, other military administrators, various concerns. 11-16-1788