Browse by name

Person Last Name Document titlesort descending Date
Ugalde Request to return to Spain for Manuel Cueto y Vierna. 02-15-1785
Ugalde Resumen general. de los meritos y servicios del coronel d. Juan de Ugalde Caballero del orden de Santiago, comandante 10-05-1787
Ugalde Routine administrative correspondence from Vaamonde to Castro. 04-28-1790
Ugalde Satisfacciones que yo el capitan dn. Manuel Maria Murgier doi a los cargos principales... 05-07-1789
Ugalde Senor capitan don Juan Maria Murgier - Mui senor mio: enterado de lo que usted me expono en su carta . . . . 07-14-1786
Ugalde Senor comandante general=por ser de Suma importancia que las naciones barbaras se aficionen... 05-26-1777
Ugalde Series of documents concerning dispute between Arredondo and obispo de Monterrey over control of hospital de pobres. 05-06-1816
Ugalde Series of documents dealing with Indian wars and some administrative affairs among government officials 03-20-1792
Ugalde Series of documents dealing with property confiscation of deceased governor from Nuevo Reyno de Leon, Vicente Santianez 05-10-1790
Ugalde Series of documents dealing with property confiscation of deceased governor from Nuevo Reyno de Leon, Vicente Santianez 05-10-1790
Ugalde Series of letters and oficios from Vidal to Ugalde concerning military organization and activities. 05-25-1787
Ugalde Series of letters between government officials and the viceroy 05-24-1792
Ugalde Series of letters from Castro to virrey complaining about Emparan. 07-14-1791
Ugalde Series of letters to Francisco de Ugalde concerning Indian raids around Linares, Nuevo Reino de Leon 12-01-1786
Ugalde Series of letters to Ugarte y Loyola requesting intelligence and expenses reports; notice of new sub-commander under Ugarte y Loyola. 07-18-1787
Ugalde Series of military personnel records from compania Volante de Nuevo Santander for 1788 signed by Murgier. 03-01-1788
Ugalde Series of oficios and letters from Vidal to Ugalde concerning military organization and activities. 11-20-1786
Ugalde Series of oficios and letters from Vidal to Ugalde concerning military organization and activities. 10-26-1788
Ugalde Series of testimonies dealing with accusations made against Alferez Guillermo Dufay, accused of using abusive manners against subordinates... 03-10-1790
Ugalde Service records of officers of tercera compania del Nuevo Santander. 01-01-1754
Ugalde Service records of oficiales, sargentos y cadete from compania veterana de Lampazos. 08-19-1799
Ugalde Sobre existencia en este reyno del teniente coronel don Miguel Emparan governador que fue de Coahuila. 03-23-1797
Ugalde Sobre extencion de limites de la Luisiana hasta el Rio de Sabinas. 05-19-1789
Ugalde sobre incorporacion en el regimto. ge dragones de Espana del teniente coronel graduado don Pedro de Allande capn. del presidio de San... 11-19-1787
Ugalde Soldiers from Punta de Lampazos are sent to Monterrey. 01-07-1786
Ugalde Solicitud del capitan de la segunda compania Volante don Juan Maria Murgier para restituirse a Espana. 00-00-1787
Ugalde solicitudes de coronel don Joseph Antonio Rengel pidiendo permiso para venir a curarse en esta capital... 03-14-1786
Ugalde Sor. Comandante general -- en mi oficio no. 8 de 29 de marzo proximo passado dixe a v.s. venian los indios el dia siguiente . . . 04-09-1788
Ugalde Summary of expedientes sent to comandancia general of Provincias Internas upon separation from viceroyalty. 01-19-1791
Ugalde Suplemento de la instruccion general que comprehende dos copias de oficios pasado el primero a 4 companias presidiales y una bolante 01-01-1787
Ugalde Tercera compania Volante. Cuenta del fondo de gratificacion de hombres desde fin de 90 hasta fin del 1791. 12-31-1791
Ugalde Testimony from ministers to virrey, others explaining harsh treatment of Indians at certain missions. 09-07-1787
Ugalde Two draft letters of viceroy Flores(?) to governor Guiterrez and letter of response 10-03-1789
Ugalde Ugalde . . . Num.10 . . . de 4 de diziembre de 87. -- pide a v.e. permiso para pasar a Texas . . . 04-28-1788
Ugalde Ugalde report to fiscal 10-18-1783
Ugalde Ugalde's field reports of campaign against the mescaleros in Nueva Vizcaya, Texas, and New Mexico. 08-11-1787
Ugalde Ugarte y Loyola and Ugalde discuss through letters to virrey Conde de Galvez need to contract merchant to provide for troops of Provincias... 10-12-1786
Ugalde Ugarte y Loyola corresponds with Virreynato regarding various administrative, military and financial matters. 08-03-1786
Ugalde Ugarte y Loyola, Jacobo (comandante general) to Concha, Fernando de la (gobernador). Copy of letter from Revilla Gigedo (virrey) concerning... 10-24-1789
Ugalde Ugarte y Loyola, Jacobo to Concha, Fernando de la. Separation of Coahuila and Texas from comandancia and formation of new comandancia with... 01-23-1788
Ugalde Unnumbered letters from Vaamonde and others to Conde de Revilla Gigedo. This series begins with he recivido las dos instancas. 09-20-1793
Ugalde Unsigned documents that deal exclusively with matters directly or indirectly related to the giving of gifts to the lipanes, comanches... 02-18-1789
Ugalde Various instancias from officers requesting promotions within Provincias Internas. 12-21-1786
Ugalde Various military instancias from Nuevo Leon. 04-27-1783
Ugalde Various military instancias from Nuevo Santander. None Given
Ugalde [untitled] 02-02-1789
Ugalde [untitled] 02-02-1789
Ugalde [untitled] 01-01-1787
