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Person Last Name Document title Date
Unzaga Amezaga Representaciones a la corte por el virreynato de Mexico. 00-00-1772
Unzaga Representaciones a la corte por el virreynato de Mexico. 00-00-1776
Unzueta Series of documents relating to criminal case against Duarte. 12-00-1803
Unzaga Ibarrola Correspondencia con el gobernador de Coahuila, ano de 1757 01-31-1757
Unzaga Correspondencia, provincia de Coahuila, ano de 1758. 04-07-1758
Uno y Campa Formation and armament of cavalry and presidio in Nuevo Leon. 06-07-1783
Unanue Joseph de Ydoiaga to virrey Juan Francisco Guemes y Horcasitas and other presidio capitans. 00-00-1747
Unzaga y Amezdoa Documents dealing with return of Indians to province and ways to remedy problems 08-03-1782
Unzaga y Amezaga Expediente sobre las muertes y robos que executan los indios de la sierra de Tamaulipa y pazes que piden los de la nacion villegas 06-09-1781
Unzaga y Anuzaga Letter from unzaga to Bucareli concerning order to Mezieres to cut all correspondence with Ripperda. 03-13-1775
Unzaga Correspondence between Ripperda and Bucareli for year 1777. 02-25-1777
Unzuga Correspondence between Cazorla and Bucareli. Years 1776 and 1777. 05-01-1776
Unanue Letters from Barrio and Esquibel re: transmission of pleigo. 05-19-1770
Unsaga Ybarrola Correspondence concerning military affairs, mining in Nuevo Leon, 1756-1758. 05-09-1755
Unzaga Correspondence between Urresti and virrey. 01-07-1763
Unzaga Ybarrola Correspondence between virrey and Velasco concerning provincial affairs. 00-00-1760
Unganza Ibarrola Correspondence with gobernador Escandon concerning routine administrative affairs in Nuevo Santander. 01-29-1762
Unzaga Series of correspondence with governor Escandon concerning administrative affairs in Nuevo Santander. 01-06-1764
Unnutia (Sargento)/military rolls from Echegaray for year end 1787. 05-01-1739
Uno Nuevo Reyno de Leon; capitan don Jose Maria de Echegaray 86-87-88 y 89, 11-00-1786
Unzaga y Barrola De las diligenzias echas contra escamilla originario de la villa de Linares por ladron y haver echo fuga de varias carzeles. 04-01-1762
Unzaga Letters by Escandon and Ruiz to Revilla Gigedo about Saca de Agua at Hoyos; tanambre rebels 12-08-1773
Unzaga y Barrota Letters by Escandon and Ruiz to Revilla Gigedo about Saca de Agua at Hoyos; tanambre rebels 12-08-1773
Unzaga Letters by Escandon concerning Chichimec reducciones in Nuevo Santander 1756. 11-13-1775
Unzaga y Barrola Letters by Escandon, Malacara, Unzaga concern return of land to soldiers in Labrador. 03-26-1753
Unzaga Letter catalogues contents of testimonios concerning colonization and pacification in Nuevo Santander 1753. 05-06-1753
Unzaga Letters by Escandon, Valcarzel, Unzaga and others describe agriculture, Indian pacification in Nuevo Santander 1752-4. 12-22-1752
Unzaga Letters from Escandon to virrey, informing him about the destructions the rain cause in Nuevo Santander. 10-30-1751
Unzaga Letters from the capitanes of different villages of Nuevo Santander to Escandon concerning the situation of the villages after the rains. 02-06-1752
Unsaga y Barrola Autos formed against coronel Escandon. 01-29-1773
Unsaga Letter to virrey concerning defense of Escandon. 06-22-1765
Unsaga y Barrola Letters to virrey explaining organization of missions in Nuevo Santander. 10-11-1769
Unzaga Letter from the administrator of hacienda de California to the viceroy insisting in his request for more land 02-14-1769
Unzaga Report by Jose Escandon concerning the foundation of Hoyos, Padilla and Cerro Santiago, and the division of land among the settlers. 07-20-1769
Unzaga Report from ossorio to the viceroy concerning the land conflict with misiones de Californias. 03-01-1763
Unzaga testimonio y consulta pertenesiente a la fundazion de la villa de hoyos 04-14-1751
Unzaga y Amezaga Letters concerning a proposal of the governor of Luisiana for establishing trade with Texas. 09-13-1774
Unias el senor comandante general don Bernardo Bonavia 05-19-1816
Unonga Listas de revistas of the 11 companias of Nueva Vizcaya for the first four months of 1817 01-01-1817
Unonga Listas de revistas for Nueva Vizcaya presidios May-August 1817. 05-01-1817
Unda List of Bacoachi Apaches, their rations per week for 1791. 01-02-1791
Unzaga al presidente de Guadalaxara en 26. Mayo 1756. Para la aprehension de don Joseph Esquivel. Correspondence from mayors of Queretaro and San... 02-07-1756
Unsaga Ibarrola Interrogations from bishop of Guadalaxara made in his visit of Santa Maria de Los Angeles. Autos formed against Escandon. 11-10-1766
Unzaga Military recommendation letters from several capitanes for Escandon's son. 06-29-1765
Unzaga Proposal for salary increase for J.F. Barbarena, 05-10-1751
Unzaga Index and extraction from legajo 4 (1757), quadernos 1-10, containing administrative, military, and religious information regarding various... 01-31-1757
Unzaga Ybarrola Index and extractions from legajo 10 (1763), quadernos 1-8, containing administrative, military, and religious infromation regarding... 11-28-1762
Unzaga Ibarrola Index and extractions from legajo 11 (1764), quadernos 1-8, containing administrative, military, and religious information regarding... 12-03-1763
Unzaga Glossary of expenses incurred during pacification and settlement of colonia del Nuevo Santander. 08-01-1752
Unomo de Suan Debt case 02-20-1647
