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Ugarte y Loyola Recommendations for promotions to presidial captain 02-26-1790
Uranga Recommendations for promotions to presidial captain 02-26-1790
Ugarte y Loyola recivido el real decreto y orden de 17 y 22 de febrero de 1787 que previenen devan gozar los oficiales militares y todo. 06-12-1788
Ugarte y Loyola real orden duplicada de 30 de julio de 85 sobre destino del capitan del presidio di Rio Grande don Manuel de Zevecedo... 12-11-1784
Urioste Real Alencaster, Joaquin del. List of soldiers from the Santa Fee presidio company eligible for retirement and a pension. 04-20-1805
Urioste Real Alencaster, Joaquin del. Detailed account book of common funds of the Santa Fee presidio from April, 1805 to December, 1836. 04-30-1805
Umiane Real Alencaster, Joaquin del. Criminal case against Felipe Sandoval for treason and iniciting rebellion. 12-06-1805
Ulibari Real Alencaster, Joaquin del. Criminal case against Felipe Sandoval for treason and iniciting rebellion. 12-06-1805
Ugalde Re: court-material of Serna, teniente de primera compania Volante de Nuevo Santander. 11-29-1792
Ugalde Raphael Martinez Pacheco to Juan de Ugalde (coronel). Reports on assumption of duties as governor of Texas. 12-04-1786
Ugalde Raphael Martinez Pacheco to Juan de Ugalde (comandante general) recommends removal of Luis Cazorla from duties as captains of La Bahia for... 12-14-1786
Unanues Ramon Garcia Jurado and Salvador Martines-to-Joachin Codallos y Rabal. Peticion de Ramon Garcia Juardo y de Salvador Martinez. 02-05-1746
Ugalde Rafhael Martinez Pacheco to Juan de Ugalde. Concerns desertion of Jose Maria Hernundez. 02-12-1787
Urito Rafael Tapia. Report on arms stored in an unspecified warehouse (Santa Fe presidio)(?). 08-23-1819
Ugalde Rafael Martinez Pancheco (gobernador). Letter to comandante general Ugalde acknowledging receipt of report on campaign against Indians and... 12-23-1789
Ugarte y Loyola Rafael Martinez Pacheco. Discussing arrival of dupar with goods for Indian trade and for villages of Bexar and Bahia. 09-16-1787
Ugalde Rafael Martinez Pacheco. Discusses visit of comanchos who offer to help find route to Santa Fe. 01-18-1788
Ugarte y Loyola Rafael Martinez Pacheco. Discusses comanche aid in finding a direct route from Bexar to Santa Fe. 10-12-1787
Ugalde Rafael Martinez Pacheco. Discusses comanche aid in finding a direct route from Bexar to Santa Fe. 10-12-1787
Urrutia Rafael Martinez Pacheco, Manuel Urrutia. Correspondence concerning lipan refusal to be reduced to the missions. 09-21-1787
Ugarte y Loyola Rafael Martinez Pacheco to Ugarte y Loyola. Reporting management of affairs in Texas. 10-12-1787
Ugalde Rafael Martinez Pacheco to Luis Cazorla. Orders to organize for a campaign against the coastal tribes. 12-19-1787
Ugarte Rafael Martinez Pacheco to Juan de Ugarte. Discussion of settlement of lipanes at missions. 03-10-1787
Ugalde Rafael Martinez Pacheco to Juan de Ugalde. Visit of vidais and orsoquisacs reported. 09-17-1787
Ugalde Rafael Martinez Pacheco to Juan de Ugalde. Visit of Indians to receive gifts and ratify peace reported. 09-16-1787
Ugalde Rafael Martinez Pacheco to Juan de Ugalde. Transmission of summary proceedings against lipan Indian charged with homicide. 10-07-1787
Ugalde Rafael Martinez Pacheco to Juan de Ugalde. Tells of lipanes aiding in search for missing horses, and of results of the search. 03-17-1788
Urrutia Rafael Martinez Pacheco to Juan de Ugalde. Tells of lipanes aiding in search for missing horses, and of results of the search. 03-17-1788
Ugalde Rafael Martinez Pacheco to Juan de Ugalde. Reports visit of comanches to Bexar. 03-03-1788
Ugalde Rafael Martinez Pacheco to Juan de Ugalde. Reports visit by vidais and orroquiza Indians, the giving of presents and of providing escort as... 09-30-1787
Ugalde Rafael Martinez Pacheco to Juan de Ugalde. Reports visit by tancahua Indians at Bexar. 10-28-1787
Ugalde Rafael Martinez Pacheco to Juan de Ugalde. Reports visit by taguacanes at Bexar. 02-16-1788
Ugalde Rafael Martinez Pacheco to Juan de Ugalde. Reports visit by taguacanes and asks if 11 capitanes had arrived at their camp yet. 03-13-1788
Ugalde Rafael Martinez Pacheco to Juan de Ugalde. Reports visit by a number of comanches, many of whom had never been to Bexar. 01-07-1788
Ugalde Rafael Martinez Pacheco to Juan de Ugalde. Reports theft of horses by lipanes at Palo Alto. 02-15-1788
Ugalde Rafael Martinez Pacheco to Juan de Ugalde. Reports on character of a coco and orcoquiza chief who is christian, and married to a genteel... 01-06-1788
Ugalde Rafael Martinez Pacheco to Juan de Ugalde. Reports no further evidence of attack on lipanes by other tribes. 01-17-1788
Ugalde Rafael Martinez Pacheco to Juan de Ugalde. Reports investigation and imprisonment of a lipan Indian charged with murder. 10-01-1787
Ugalde Rafael Martinez Pacheco to Juan de Ugalde. Reports distribution of presents to taguacanes. 03-29-1788
Ugalde Rafael Martinez Pacheco to Juan de Ugalde. Reports departure of comanches with messenger carrying invitation to meet Ugalde. 03-30-1788
Ugalde Rafael Martinez Pacheco to Juan de Ugalde. Reports confrontation, as accounted by capitan Sojais, between comanches and mescaleros. 01-21-1788
Ugalde Rafael Martinez Pacheco to Juan de Ugalde. Reports arrival of taguayas at Bexar and discussion of the campaign they took against lipanes. 02-03-1788
Urrutia Rafael Martinez Pacheco to Juan de Ugalde. Reports arrival of lipan chief Aga, the completion of orders concerning treatment of Aga, and... 12-09-1787
Ugalde Rafael Martinez Pacheco to Juan de Ugalde. Reports arrival of lipan chief Aga, the completion of orders concerning treatment of Aga, and... 12-09-1787
Ugalde Rafael Martinez Pacheco to Juan de Ugalde. Reports arrival at Bexar of cocos and orcoquiza Indians. 12-07-1787
Ugalde Rafael Martinez Pacheco to Juan de Ugalde. Reports action taken in inviting comanches to meet Ugalde. 03-16-1788
Ugalde Rafael Martinez Pacheco to Juan de Ugalde. Reporting publication on prohibition of gambling. 11-12-1787
Ugalde Rafael Martinez Pacheco to Juan de Ugalde. Reporting on steps taken to invite comanches to visit Bexar. 02-29-1788
Ugalde Rafael Martinez Pacheco to Juan de Ugalde. Report on costs in gathering cattle for military use which has risen due to need to supply... 11-11-1787
Ugalde Rafael Martinez Pacheco to Juan de Ugalde. Report of investigation of horse theft by lipanes. 03-03-1788
