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Person Last Name Document titlesort descending Date
Ugarte y Loyola Correspondence from Loyola to viceroy during July 1788 regarding issues within Provincias Internas de Poniente with previous documents. 09-28-1787
Urias Correspondence from Loyola to viceroy during July 1788 regarding issues within Provincias Internas de Poniente with previous documents. 09-28-1787
Ugarte y Loyola Correspondence from Loyola to viceroy during June 1788 with previous dated documents as reference. 06-01-1788
Ugalde Juan de Correspondence from Loyola to viceroy for the month of May 1778 with other correspondence from previous years regarding issues raised by... 12-00-1784
Urizar y Estrada Correspondence from Mariscal de Campo to virrey concerning Indian affairs, tax collection, other issues in 1768. 00-00-1756
Ugarte y Loyola Correspondence from Ugarte to virrey concerning his personal biography and request for promotion. 11-02-1789
Ugarte y Loyola Correspondence from various officials to viceroy regarding military issues in Provincias Internas. 04-23-1788
Ugalde Correspondence from various officials to viceroy regarding military issues in Provincias Internas. 04-23-1788
Uranga Correspondence from various officials to viceroy regarding military issues in Provincias Internas. 04-23-1788
Ugalde Correspondence from various officials to virrey concerning 'novedades de indios.' 03-10-1782
Ugarte y Loyola Correspondence from various officials to virrey concerning 'novedades de indios.' 03-10-1782
Ugarte y Loyola Correspondence of comandant O'Conor and viceroy Bucareli with a copy of a letter from O'Conor to Ugarte 06-31-1775
Ugarte y Loyola Correspondence of comandante general Neve for 1784. 02-28-1781
Ugarte y Loyala Correspondence of Croix concerning fiscal, military and administrative matters of the Provincias Internas, January - May, 1783. 05-03-1768
Uribe Correspondence of Fueros with viceroy and other officials 09-20-1775
Urrea Correspondence of Fueros with viceroy and other officials 09-20-1775
Urrea Correspondence of Fueros with viceroy and other officials 09-20-1775
Urrea Correspondence of Fueros with viceroy and other officials about affairs at placeres de Cieneguilla 01-04-1775
Ugarte Correspondence of governor Fayni and viceroy Bucareli and related letter by commandant inspector O'conor 10-01-1775
Urtuay Correspondence of Hijosa, comisario de San Blas, to viceroy Bucareli for February - March, 1777. 00-00-1776
Urrea Correspondence of intendente Corbalan for July 1774 12-11-1759
Urrea Correspondence of intendente Corbalan for May - June, 1774 06-22-1773
Ugarte y Loyola Correspondence of Ugarte and viceroy concerning promotions of presidial officers and other administrative positions. 06-01-1787
Uranga Correspondence of Ugarte and viceroy concerning promotions of presidial officers and other administrative positions. 06-01-1787
Urrea Correspondence of Ugarte and viceroy concerning promotions of presidial officers and other administrative positions. 06-01-1787
Ugarte Correspondence of Ugarte and viceroy concerning promotions of presidial officers and other administrative positions. 06-01-1787
Uldosola Correspondence of Urrea, Bucareli and others concerning administrative/military problems at altar 01-01-1769
Urrea Correspondence of Urrea, Bucareli and others concerning administrative/military problems at altar 01-01-1769
Urrea Correspondence of Urrea, Bucareli and others concerning administrative/military problems at altar 01-01-1769
Ugarte y Loyola Correspondence of Vidal de Lorca, 1774. 09-23-1773
Urrea Correspondence re: arrest of various Indians for rebellion. 01-06-1776
Urrea Correspondence re: arrest of various Indians for rebellion. 01-06-1776
Ugarte y Loyola Correspondence re: Bohorquez' patrol neat Tucson. 06-07-1789
Ugarte y Loyola Correspondence re: campaigns and attacks against Apaches. 12-31-1788
Ugarte Correspondence re: campaigns and attacks against Apaches. 12-31-1788
Urrea Correspondence re: charges brought against various Indians. 12-15-1775
Ugarte y Loyola Correspondence re: continuing peace with four allied Indian nations, and use of comanches as auxiliaries. 07-03-1789
Ugarte y Loyola Correspondence re: Cordero's campaigns against Indians. 09-11-1789
Ugarte Correspondence re: Cordero's campaigns against Indians. 09-11-1789
Uranga Correspondence re: Cordero's campaigns against Indians. 09-11-1789
Urrea Correspondence re: discovery of placeres in Palo Ensebado area; need for troops to protect area from rebel Indians Cieneguilla, Altar.... 09-12-1775
Ugalde Correspondence re: expenses for maintenance of Apaches de paz. 07-09-1790
Ugarte y Loyola Correspondence re: expenses for maintenance of Apaches de paz. 07-09-1790
Uranga Correspondence re: expenses for maintenance of Indians. 01-18-1790
Ugarte y Loyola Correspondence re: expenses for maintenance of Indians. 01-18-1790
Uranga Correspondence re: expenses for maintenance of Indians. 01-18-1790
Ugarte Correspondence re: expenses for maintenance of Indians. 01-18-1790
Urrea Correspondence re: Indian hostilities, uprisings; reinstatement of Manuel as gobernador. 01-19-1776
Ugarte y Loyola Correspondence re: Marrufo's campaign diary. 03-22-1789
Ugarte y Loyola Correspondence re: military campaigns by Carrasco and Concha against Apaches. 05-07-1789
