Browse by name

Person Last Name Document title Date
Venavides Alari, Jose/Alario, Joaquin. Receipts and requests for supplies by members of the Santa Fe presidio company. 05-27-1820
Velasquez Lopez, Damaso. Civil suit to recover debts totaling about 12,000 pesos. 06-17-1820
Vijil Lopez, Damaso. Civil suit to recover debts totaling about 12,000 pesos. 06-17-1820
Vergara Ravi de Celis, Manuel. Criminal case of theft and perjury. 06-20-1820
Varela Baca, Manuel/Caballero, Jose. Account book of supplies provided to members of the Santa Fe presidio company and accounts of funds. 06-30-1820
Valensuela Baca, Manuel/Caballero, Jose. Account book of supplies provided to members of the Santa Fe presidio company and accounts of funds. 06-30-1820
Valenzuela Melgares, Facundo. Report on the status of retired and disabled soldiers. 07-01-1820
Velez . Instructions for the election of deputies for the Cortes prepared by a junta held in Durango. 07-05-1820
Velez Garcia Conde, Diego. Instructions for the election of delegates to provincial junta based upon instructions published on June 6, 1820 in... 07-05-1820
Velez Garcia Conde, Diego to Melgares, Facundo. Cover letter for instructions for election of deputy (s) to Cortes drawn up by junta in Durango. 07-05-1820
Velasco Fernando VII. Copy of a royal decree changing the succession in favor of the infante Francisco Paulo. 07-19-1820
Velasco Garcia Conde, Alejo. Bando publishing a law passed by the Spanish Cortes abolishing entailed estates. 09-27-1820
Valenzuela Melgares, Facundo. Report on disabled and for retired soldiers. 10-01-1820
Velasco Garcia Conde, Alejo. Bando transmitting a royal order mandating improvements in the condition of prisons. 10-23-1820
Valenzuela Arce, Jose Maria de. Review of assignments and supplies of the Santa Fe company and specific inventory of effects of soldier Narciso Martin. 11-04-1820
Vijil Salasar, Jose Manuel to Melgares, Facundo. 12-25-1820
Venadito Linan, Pascual de. Transmission of viceregal order concerning military pensions. 12-28-1820
Valero . Pamphlet dealing with the history of the revolution in Monterey. 00-00-1821
Valdes . Pamphlet dealing with the history of the revolution in Monterey. 00-00-1821
Valenzuela Melgares, Facundo. Report on two soldiers eligible for service premiums. 04-01-1821
Venavides Cavallero, Jose. List of soldiers named to an expedition (partido). 04-26-1821
Vaca Vaca, Vicente to Melgares, Facundo. Acknowledging receipt of and reporting publication of a proclamation. 06-28-1821
Velasco Garcia Condes, Alejo. Proclamation to soldiers of Provincias Internas occidentales to support independence and iturbide. 08-26-1821
Valdes Salasar, Jose Manuel to Melgares, Facundo. Acknowledging receipt of Pino's proclamation, and concerning a campaign. 08-26-1821
Velasco Garcia Conde, Alejo. On conduct to be followed to achieve independence. 08-26-1821
Velasco Garcia Conde, Alejo. On swearing support for Iturbide's independence plan. 08-27-1821
Velasco Velasco, Francisco. Report of alliance and swearing to system of Iturbide by Chihuahua. 08-28-1821
Velasquez de Leon . On naming of Yturbide as head of military and organization of regency. 09-29-1821
Velasquez de Leon Dominguez, Jose. Circular from imperial regency confirming all officials in their positions. 10-05-1821
Velasco Dominguez, Jose. Circular from imperial regency confirming all officials in their positions. 10-05-1821
Velasquez de Leon Imperial regency. Decree ordering verification of proclamation of independence, and the oath of allegiance to the empire. 10-06-1821
Velasques de Leon Dominguez, Jose. Transmitting decree of imperial regency calling for three days of prayer to gain divine support for the nation. 10-07-1821
Velasco Dominguez, Jose. Transmitting decree of imperial regency calling for three days of prayer to gain divine support for the nation. 10-07-1821
Velazquez de Leon Imperial regency. Copy of a decree defining freedom of the press. 12-17-1821
Velazquez de Leon Junta suprema gubernativa. Set of regulations and tariff tables for the operation of customs houses under the regime of free trade. 01-20-1822
Velasco Fernando VII. Copy of royal order on nomination and employment of retired soldiers. 01-10-1820
Vega Schedule for computing tax amounts for different types of legal tender. 07-11-1758
Venegas Regulations for manufacture and sale of mescal. 09-04-1811
Vargas Registration of land grants before Cabildo of Santa Fe. 07-21-1713
Valverde Order to governor Martinez to return to Mexico City and Martinez's acknowledgement and compliance. 09-30-1716
Velez Cachupin Civil suit by Ana Maria Ortiz against Juan Gavaldon for recovery of pesos. 10-24-1763
Valle Notice to Concha that the mistress of Francisco Chavez has arrived at Encinillas hacienda. 01-24-1794
Vera Notice of assignments of priests to El Paso and Santa Fe missions. 04-11-1794
Vergara Por el padre fray Gabriel de Vergana al padre prefecto fray Juan Alonzo de Ortega. Padron de baptismo de las misiones de Texas trasladadas... 01-30-1734
Villaverde Capitan Juan Bautista Peru, et al. Appointment of Pedro Antonio Velarde as subalterno de Janos presidio. None Given
Velarde Capitan Juan Bautista Peru, et al. Appointment of Pedro Antonio Velarde as subalterno de Janos presidio. None Given
Visarron Arzobispo Juan Antonio de Visarron. Letter concerning need for protection from Indian attacks in Parras-Laguna San Pedro area. 02-13-1737
Vertiz y Hontanon Gobernador Juan Joseph de Vertiz y Hontanon. Auto de guerra concerning proposed campaign against hostile Indians of eastern Nueva Vizcaya. 07-03-1737
Vildosola Manuel Bernal de Huydobro to various people. Letters of Huidobro concerning Yaqui revolt. 00-00-1740
Valladares Diego de Valladares al padre Lucas Luis Alvarez (1/25/1740; 11/28/1740); padre Matheo Ansaldo (1/25/1740). Letters concerning Yaqui-Mayo... 01-25-1740
