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Person Last Name Document titlesort descending Date
Ybarra Alcaldes ordinarios Clemente de Ybarra y Jacobo Belo. Autos de bien gobierno y Jacobo Belo. 01-19-1799
Ybtfidil-Teilde Ano de 1792. Informacion reservada, recivida de orden del senor comandante general brigadier don Pedro de Nava, por el teniente coronel don... 00-00-1790
Ybarra Ano de 1817. Nueva Vizcaya. Ojas de servicios de los oficiales sargentos mas antiguos y cadetes. 10-01-1818
Ybarra Ano de 1817. Nueva Vizcaya. Relaciones de antiguedad de oficiales, sargentos y cadetes, y noticias de alta y vaxa. 12-31-1817
Ybarra Ano de 1818. Nueva Vizcaya. Listas de revista de las companias que guarnecen aquella provincia correspondentes al mes de Mayo junio julio y... 05-01-1818
Ybarra Antonio Reyes. Informe concerning state of Sonora. 04-20-1772
Ybanneta articulo 1 letters concerning charges of misconduct filed against Jose Antonio Nunez. 09-25-1791
Ybanez artilleria, pertrechos, armas, y municiones remitidas de la havana a Texas. 01-28-1811
Ybreo Cabildo of San Fernando to governador. Request notification of commandant general of the conditions of presidios. 00-00-0000
Ybarra California, manual de las partidas de dinero que se han recaudado y distribuido, correspondientes al fondo de California. 03-30-1838
Ybarra Capitan Bartholome Garcia Monttero to gobernador Joseph Cevasttian Lopez de Carvajal. Sobre juntas secretas en San Phelipe. 10-11-1724
Ybanez Continuation of preceeding folios in which fathers of various missions defend themselves against allegations of poor mission administration... 02-10-1767
Ybarsabal Correspondence between Antonio de Ozio and governor of Californian peninsula regarding the branding of livestock. 11-13-1716
Ybarro Correspondence between Croix and Cuellar concerning war against Apaches. Copies of extensive series of documents and testimonies from... 10-20-1766
Ybarguen Correspondence between Feliz, viceroy, Nava, and other government officials concerning payment of sinodos to Valdez. 08-00-1767
Ybarra Correspondence between Oca and the governor, reporting on administration of presidio of Nayarit. 04-26-1768
Ybabe Correspondence between Ugarte, Arrizcorreta, and several government officials concerning payment of Ugarte's debt. 05-27-1767
Ybieta Correspondence concerning military and religious corruption in Nueva Vizcaya 01-25-1768
Ybanez Correspondence dealing with the control of idolatry among Indians of the provincia de Nayarit 09-20-1768
Ybarzabal Correspondence re: documents in Bodega's possesion at time of death that are to be archived. 05-03-1794
Ybragoyen Correspondence re: expenses of expedicion de Sonora. 03-26-1773
Ybarra Correspondence re: submission and receipt of documents relating to appointments and expenses of provincias under Nava's direction. 08-13-1794
Ybarren Correspondence relating to amount owed to Tadeo de Rivera's estate by Menocal, discovered during review of fiscal affairs of compania... 11-16-1782
Ybarra Correspondence to gobernador of Nuebo Santander; various concerns. 01-14-1778
Ybanez Correspondence to viceroy Venadito from 1819, sundry concerns. 03-22-1819
Ybarra Correspondence to viceroy Venadito from September 1819 to March 1821, military concerns. 09-24-1819
Ybarra Correspondence with Cuellar mainly regarding military matters and war with Indians. Year 1767. 01-18-1767
Ybarra Correspondencia con la colonia del Nuevo Santander y revistas. 10-26-1773
Ybarrez Debt of Lasaga to fondo gratificacion 00-00-1784
Ybarra diligencias about contributions taken to create militias in real de Vallecillos. Civil and military conflict over abuses committed against... 11-03-1790
Ybarra Discussion of Vicarra's prison sentence for charges of treason and murder; copy of real cedula. 05-21-1785
Ybiricu Division of water sources among Indians of mission San Antonio and settlers from the Canary Islands. 06-02-1731
Ybarren Documentation of transfer of funds and payment of libranzas from caja de Chihuahua. 01-24-1793
Ybarra Documents concerning military bonus pay. 06-23-1817
Ybardo Documents concerning reciprocal trade between Louisiana and Texas and on the equipping of a port on the coast of the latter. 09-23-1778
Ybanez Documents discussing appointment, election, duties of alcaldes in Nayarit. 01-02-1724
Ybarra Documents relating to payment of synods to missionaries at Guajiquimi and Amatlan de Xora. 12-04-1769
Ybardo Domingo Cabello, presents to be given to friendly indians 04-04-1785
Ybarrola don Jose de Palacio vecino y del comercio de esta.... treasury, bookkeeping documents for Sonora, Chihuahua, Saltillo, and Mexico. 07-18-1794
Ybarraran don Justo Carresse sobre retirar la fianza que otorgo a favor de los s.s. Lains e Ybarraran para el arrendamiento de la hacienda de... 04-06-1842
Ybarra el capitan Vicente Hernandez, su edad 58 anos.... letters concerning military retirements and promotions. 03-01-1818
Ybarra el exmo. Sr. Vice-presidente de los estados unidos Mexicanos.... letters concerning the decree of April 16, 1834 which secularized all... 04-16-1834
Ybarra en la ciudad de Mexico a 5 de julio.... documents concerning administrative activities at the Fondo Piadoso de California. 07-05-1842
Ybarrola Espinosa, Benito to Villaescusa, Pedro Sebastian. Report on battle between loyal troops and insurgents at Acaponeta. 11-07-1811
Ybarra Expediente formado sobre el establecimiento de un correo mensal desde La Bahia del Espiritu Santo hasta Arispe. 01-31-1779
Ybarra expediente sobre providencias para contener la infedilidad de los taraumaras y gente foragida que hostilizan en la Nueva Vizcaya. 10-03-1781
Yberbille Extract of noticias. 00-00-1806
Ybargollen Ff.91 reads presidio de la Monclova. ff.92 Coahuila. Comandante de la compania del presidio de Coahuila. 1755. varios government... 00-00-1732
Ybanes Fray Garzes requests financial assistance for establishment of new mission among Yuma, per order of Croix. 08-22-1776
Ybanez French trespassing into Spanish territory, Part III. 00-00-1690
