Browse by name

Person Last Name Document title Date
Yturrigaray Case against Condestable Fernandez accused of desertion and contraband aboard ship principe Fernando 02-10-1807
Yturrigaray Letters and documents about retirement of head of carpenters of port of San Blas. 11-07-1772
Yturrigaray Series of letters from Marfil and Benitez, asking for better job in future. 06-02-1777
Yturrigaray Ex-surgeon of San Blas solicits permission to wear military uniform and use military fueros 06-14-1802
Yturrigaray At request of his father, Luis Cuevas is sent to Nueva Californiato become poblador or soldado; father later requests that he be returned... 02-18-1799
Yturrigaray Proceso contra los neofitos de la mision de San Antonio llamados primo... 12-15-1800
Yturrigaray Solicitud del gobernador para que se le remita cantidad de greta a fin de que alli fabrique losa un poblador alfarero. 11-15-1802
Yturrigaray Don Juan de Dios Morelos, cirujano de San Blas destinado en Monterrey se goze de las gratificaciones de Mesa concedidas a los de su clase. 11-14-1799
Yturrigaray Series of documents concerning leasing of haciendas owned by Fondo Piadoso. 09-01-1800
Yturrigaray Documents concerning audit of accounts of haciendas owned by Fondo Piadoso during their administration by Sagarraga. 09-09-1800
Yturrigaray Documents concerning plans by Gonzalez del Castillo to increase productivity of haciendas owned by Fondo Piadoso. 09-23-1803
Yturrigaray Correspondence, manifests, and documents regarding royal treasuries of Chihuahua and Arispe 1795-1804 12-31-1795
Yturrigaray Documents relating to money owed to real hacienda by Fondo Piadoso. 03-15-1804
Yturrigaray Series of letters relating to transfer of fray Romero and fray Sanchez Hervas from Spain to California. 02-24-1804
Yturrigaray Series of letters concerning return of three priests to Spain. 05-07-1804
Yturrigaray Series of letters concerning payment of synods to Fernandino missions of California by Fondo Piadoso. 10-24-1804
Yturrigaray Letter from Gomez to virrey concerning payment of sinodos. 05-23-1804
Yturrigaray Series of letters to viceroy asking permission for Belda y Costello to return to Spain. 05-24-1804
Yturrigaray Series of letters re: request by Castro to retire with half salary. 03-31-1802
Yturrigaray Series of documents concerning legal history supporting Lujan's request that he receive Halberdier's salary. 09-29-1797
Yturrigaray Series of documents relating to charging of import taxes on ships unloading in California from other parts of empire. 09-00-1793
Yturrigaray Invoices from haciendas Ibarra and Amole. 06-00-1798
Yturrigaray Inventory of maintenance costs to be covered by real hacienda for barge servicing San Diego. 12-31-1802
Yturrigaray Letters from Pena and related correspondence asking for payment of sinodos to California missionaries. 12-21-1803
Yturrigaray Documents relating to request by Gomez that twelve missionaries be granted travel allowance for their passage from Spain to California. 03-22-1804
Yturrigaray Expediente concerning construction of ship for use by San Diego presidio 12-10-1801
Yturrigaray Discussion about introduction of mescal into California 00-00-1796
Yturrigaray Problem of importation of mescal into California and the estanco de mescal in Tepic 05-29-1787
Yturrigaray Question of unused pistols in San Diego and Santa Barbara 00-00-1792
Yturrigaray Lujan makes claim for Abono de gratificacion de Mesa 02-11-1797
Yturrigaray Matter of reimbursement for supplies provided to ships 00-00-1781
Yturrigaray Problems with delivery of barrel of aguardiente to California presidio. 00-00-1790
Yturrigaray Shipment of armaments to presidios of Monterrey and San Francisco 06-24-1791
Yturrigaray Informes dealing with exemption of mailing charges applied to missionaries. 05-06-1773
Yturrigaray Fragmentary documents concerning public works around Mexico City. 04-24-1799
Yturrigaray Guadalaxara -- en carta numero 165 de 26 de noviembre de 1803 dio cuenta . . . . 12-16-1803
Yturrigaray Participo a la superioridad de v.e., como a mi regreso a esta villa, imbesti unos trece dias entre las montanas . . . . 07-11-1805
Yturrigaray Salcedo requests weapons 11-03-1806
Yturrigaray Letters concerning political and military matters. 10-21-1806
Yturrigaray Letters concerning political and military matters in the area of Texas. 08-25-1806
Yturrigaray Letters concerning military logistics. 12-06-1805
Yturrigaray Letters concerning the establishment of borders between Louisiana and Texas. Letters and forms on military ammunition. Legal documents... 09-24-1804
Yturrigaray Letters concerning various administrative arrangements. 08-29-1805
Yturrigaray Letters concerning political strategies regarding the Texas conflict. 01-07-1805
Yturrigaray Letters concerning political relations between the United States and Spain. 03-01-1803
Yturrigaray Providencias dictados para el Socorro de las familias de los soldados que se hallan de auxiliares en la provincia de Texas. 11-03-1806
Yturrigaray Varied correspondence regarding financial aid to families of auxiliary forces in Texas, imprisonment of two foreign doctors, and food... 04-20-1810
Yturrigaray Various letters and diaries giving accounts of Indian depredations, military responses to this, and other military matters. 05-18-1810
Yturrigaray M. Salcedo describes encounters with U.S. military personnel. 06-22-1808
Yturrigaray Concerning political, military administration. 04-01-1808
