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Person Last Name Document titlesort descending Date
Yturrigaray A series of indexes primarily originating in Nuevo Santander which for the most part discuss gratifications to Indians and cases brought... 09-28-1804
Yturrigaray At request of his father, Luis Cuevas is sent to Nueva Californiato become poblador or soldado; father later requests that he be returned... 02-18-1799
Yturrigaray Case against Condestable Fernandez accused of desertion and contraband aboard ship principe Fernando 02-10-1807
Yturrigaray Concerning political, military administration. 04-01-1808
Yturrigaray Consideration of increasing the pay of the interventor of rentas in Chihuahua. 09-17-1790
Yturrigaray Correspondence, manifests, and documents regarding royal treasuries of Chihuahua and Arispe 1795-1804 12-31-1795
Yturrigaray Criminal contra Jose Antonio Aduna, acusado de haver sacado cigarros del estanco para revenderlos. 09-14-1803
Yturrigaray cuenta de gastos de agasajos de yndios en el ano de 1806. 05-07-1806
Yturrigaray Cuenta de las cantidades suplidas por el fondo de gratificacion de dicha compania en agasajo de indios que la han visitado de paz. 12-31-1802
Yturrigaray Cuenta de las cantidades suplidas por el fondo de gratificaciones en agasajos de indios. 12-31-1802
Yturrigaray Discussion about introduction of mescal into California 00-00-1796
Yturrigaray dn. Francisco Galas teniente retirado de cavalleria de las Provincias Internas sobre que se le coloque en rentas o se le de una compania de... 12-15-1804
Yturrigaray Documents concerning audit of accounts of haciendas owned by Fondo Piadoso during their administration by Sagarraga. 09-09-1800
Yturrigaray Documents concerning defense plans to prevent U.S. invasion of Texas and reports of troop strengths at Texas presidios. 11-08-1808
Yturrigaray Documents concerning plans by Gonzalez del Castillo to increase productivity of haciendas owned by Fondo Piadoso. 09-23-1803
Yturrigaray Documents concerning tensions between Spanish and americans on Louisiana-Texas frontier. 05-23-1805
Yturrigaray Documents relating to money owed to real hacienda by Fondo Piadoso. 03-15-1804
Yturrigaray Documents relating to request by Gomez that twelve missionaries be granted travel allowance for their passage from Spain to California. 03-22-1804
Yturrigaray Documents, site plan concerning construction of quarters for Nuevo Santander companias Volantes. 06-03-1803
Yturrigaray don Francisco Ruiz Pujadas, oficial de ministro de marina, y con destino a este campamento hace presente a v. E. con la mas atenta y devida... 08-28-1815
Yturrigaray Don Juan de Dios Morelos, cirujano de San Blas destinado en Monterrey se goze de las gratificaciones de Mesa concedidas a los de su clase. 11-14-1799
Yturrigaray el capitan don Pedro de Herrera gobernador interino del Nuevo Reino de Leon sobre gratificaciones por este gargo. 04-22-1806
Yturrigaray el encargado del govierno representa los excesos que se experimentan en las corridas de cavallada mestena en el norte de aquella provincia... 08-26-1800
Yturrigaray El senor comandante general de Provincias Internas sobre haber dispuesto la traslacion a estas cajas de 78449 pesos 2 reales 6 granos en 20... 09-10-1806
Yturrigaray Ex-surgeon of San Blas solicits permission to wear military uniform and use military fueros 06-14-1802
Yturrigaray Expediente concerning construction of ship for use by San Diego presidio 12-10-1801
Yturrigaray Fragmentary documents concerning public works around Mexico City. 04-24-1799
Yturrigaray Guadalaxara -- en carta numero 165 de 26 de noviembre de 1803 dio cuenta . . . . 12-16-1803
Yturrigaray Informes dealing with exemption of mailing charges applied to missionaries. 05-06-1773
Yturrigaray Inventory of maintenance costs to be covered by real hacienda for barge servicing San Diego. 12-31-1802
Yturrigaray Inventory of presidio San Diego 12-31-1801
Yturrigaray Invoices from haciendas Ibarra and Amole. 06-00-1798
Yturrigaray Jose Castanares nominated as administrator of rentas in nombre de Dios (villa). 01-01-1775
Yturrigaray Letter from Gomez to virrey concerning payment of sinodos. 05-23-1804
Yturrigaray Letters among relevant officials discussing a second bout with the malignant fevers dealt with thus far in this Volume and solicitation of... 02-06-1803
Yturrigaray Letters and documents about retirement of head of carpenters of port of San Blas. 11-07-1772
Yturrigaray Letters and minutes from Chihuahua, Cosala, Sonora, and Rosario that deal with a variety of matters that occurred in the Provincias... 01-05-1796
Yturrigaray Letters concerning Chacon's petition for salary to be paid after leaving the gubernatorial office. 02-29-1764
Yturrigaray Letters concerning military logistics. 12-06-1805
Yturrigaray Letters concerning military retirment 05-19-1797
Yturrigaray Letters concerning political and military matters in the area of Texas. 08-25-1806
Yturrigaray Letters concerning political and military matters. 10-21-1806
Yturrigaray Letters concerning political relations between the United States and Spain. 03-01-1803
Yturrigaray Letters concerning political strategies regarding the Texas conflict. 01-07-1805
Yturrigaray Letters concerning the establishment of borders between Louisiana and Texas. Letters and forms on military ammunition. Legal documents... 09-24-1804
Yturrigaray Letters concerning various administrative arrangements. 08-29-1805
Yturrigaray Letters from Pena and related correspondence asking for payment of sinodos to California missionaries. 12-21-1803
Yturrigaray Letters from various authors discussing the orders emanating from the junta provincial held to discuss problem of epidemic. 01-07-1803
Yturrigaray Letters from various authors that concern the state of the epidemic in Nuevo Santander and Nuevo Reyno de Leon. 02-08-1803
Yturrigaray Letters from various people in Leon and Santander concerning communications (in context of transmittals), regarding diseases. 02-07-1803
