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Person Last Name Document title Date
Zubiatte Virrey Marques de Casafuerte, et al. El destacamento de 50 soldados para la provincia de Coaguila. 09-00-1723
Zubiate Contra Luis Munis. Por haviendo dado golpes a Joseph Zubiate. 05-08-1762
Zumalabe Alcalde mayor Francisco Antonio Gijon Valdez. Inventory of store belonging to Jacobo Marcos de Zumalabe. 05-00-1770
Zuniga Jose Gabriel Gutierrez de Riva. Venta de esclavo. 09-16-1782
Zubiate Juan Manuel Estevan Rivera. Investigation of murders, robberies committed by Juan Manuel Estevan Rivera and his cronies. 00-00-1787
Zuniga Informes de los padres de Sonora, 1772. 00-00-1772
Zuniga y Guzman Valero, Marques de (virrey) to Valverde y Cosio, Antonio (gobernador y capitan general). Viceregal order for establishment of presidio in... 00-00-1696
Zuniga y Guzman Sotomayor y Mendoza Marques de Balero. Letter to governor Balverde Cossio congratulating him on pacifying the moqui Indians and ordering halt to any further... 07-29-1719
Zuaso Leiba, Zimeon de. The last will and testament of zimeon de leiba. 09-15-1783
Zuniga Echeagaray, Manuel de. Order to governor of New Mexico for all officials to offer whatever aid is needed to captain Josef de Zuniga and his... 03-31-1795
Zuniga Zuniga, Jose de. Announcement to governor Chacon that he and his party surveying for a road to Sonora are in Zuni and request for guides to... 05-01-1795
Zuniga Chacon, Fernando (gobernador). Letter to Josef de Zuniga welcoming the Sonora road expedition and promising to send two guides to help in... 05-05-1795
Zuniga Nava, Pedro de (comandante general). Four letters to governor of New Mexico, acknowledging... 06-20-1795
Zuniga Nava, Pedro de (comandante general). Letter to governor of New Mexico noting arrival in Zuni of captain Joseph de Zuniga leading Sonoran... 07-09-1795
Zubiran Real Alencaster, Joaquin del. Criminal case against Felipe Sandoval for treason and iniciting rebellion. 12-06-1805
Zumalararregui Fernando Setimo to Manrique, Jose. Royal order concerning appeals to the Cortes, of capital sentences. 05-12-1811
Zubia Espinosa, Benito to Villaescusa, Pedro Sebastian. Report on battle between loyal troops and insurgents at Acaponeta. 11-07-1811
Zurrita Vijil, Felipe to Pena, Josef Mariano de la. List of names of persons leaving the jurisdiction. 10-30-1812
Zumalacarregui . Re: abolition of the inquisition - royal order. 02-22-1813
Zumalacarregui Calleja del Rey, Felix. Royal decree on further consequences of the abolition of the inquisition. 02-22-1813
Zunia Bonavia, Bernardo. Royal order: concerning uniform of military lawyers. 12-07-1813
Zuni Ruis (?), Manuel. Records of contributions to the navajos. 06-30-1814
Zuniga y Ontiveros . Outlines functions of consejo and camara de guerra. 02-12-1816
Zubia Lopez, Damaso. Civil suit to recover debts totaling about 12,000 pesos. 06-17-1820
Zubiria . Instructions for the election of deputies for the Cortes prepared by a junta held in Durango. 07-05-1820
Zubiria Garcia Conde, Diego. Instructions for the election of delegates to provincial junta based upon instructions published on June 6, 1820 in... 07-05-1820
Zubiria Garcia Conde, Diego to Melgares, Facundo. Cover letter for instructions for election of deputy (s) to Cortes drawn up by junta in Durango. 07-05-1820
Zubiria Garcia Conde, Diego to Melgares, Facundo. Authorizing the use of funds collected to send Pino to the 1820 - 1823 Cortes and not used for... 07-10-1821
Zubiria Melgares, Facundo. Copy of a September 9, 1821 bando from the diputation of Durango concerning the need to maintain newly won liberties. 10-28-1821
Zuluaga Rey, Ysidro to Melgares, Facundo. 10-10-1821
Zuniga y Guzman Administration of trials of thieves and other criminals None Given
Zuniga y Guzman Sotomayor Order to governor Martinez to return to Mexico City and Martinez's acknowledgement and compliance. 09-30-1716
Zuniga y Guzman Sotomayor y Mendoza Virrey Balthazar de Zuniga y Guzman Sotomayor y Mendoza. Decreto ordering reduction Tejas Indians. 01-02-1717
Zuniga Santiago de Zuniga. Documents of case Zuniga brings against Simon de Arocha for pesos promised. 05-14-1788
