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Person Last Name Document title Date
Alburquerque Series of documents concerning legal history supporting Lujan's request that he receive Halberdier's salary. 09-29-1797
Alburquerque Correspondence re: Sarmiento's mines at Rosario. 12-29-1773
Alburquerque Testimony to junta general concerning Indian wars fought under Guajardo Fajardo administration to viceroy duke of Albuquerque. 12-26-1653
Alburquerque Marques de la Nava de Brazinas to Cabildo de Santa Fe. Request by Vargas to Cabildo de Santa Fe for justification and certification of his... 00-00-1692
Alburquerque Juan Griego, Joseph Sacambe, et al, tegua Indians to Marques de la Nava de Brazinas. Petition for redress of action against them by former... 03-00-1703
Alburquerque Diego de Vargas (gobernador y capitan general). Permission for capitan Miguel de Sola Cubero to leave kingdom of New Mexico. 11-28-1703
Alburquerque Sebastian Lujan to Francisco Cuervo y Valdes (gobernador y capitan general). Petition regarding permission to leave province. 03-27-1705
Alburquerque Francisco Fernandes de la Cueva, Duque de Alburquerque (virrey) informe regarding deplorable conditions in New Mexico. 05-07-1705
Alburquerque Cabildo de Santa Fe to gobernador. Petition to governor asking him to remit their application to viceroy for assistance to residents of... 05-08-1705
Alburquerque Penuela, Marques de la (gobernador) to los oficiales de Santa Fee, Santa Cruz, San Philipe de Alburquerque.. Mandamiento 03-16-1710
Alburquerque Paez Hurtado, Juan. Proceedings and testimony on behalf of Hurtado. 04-04-1710
Alburquerque Cabildo de Santa Fee to Penuela, Marques de la. Complaint against Fransisco Cuerbo y Valdes. 04-07-1710
Alburquerque Alburquerque, Duque de. Order: relative to the abuse of Indians in Galisteo by soldiers. 05-23-1710
Alburquerque Cabildo de Santa Fee to gobernador de Santa Fee. Writs, declarations, testimony pertaining to the suit against Fransisco Cuerbo y Valdes. 10-29-1710
Alburquerque Penuela, Marques de la. Order: that notice of a caravan and postal delivery to ciudad de Mexico be publicly posted (announced). 05-10-1712
Alburquerque Linares, Duque de. Decree of the viceroy, concerning the performance of Cuervo y Valdes as governor of Nueva Mexico. 05-31-1712
Alburquerque Flores Mogollon, Juan Ignacio. Statements of witnesses of an Apache attack, and the deliberations of a council of war. 08-02-1713
Alburquerque Garzia Jurado, Ramon. Criminal proceedings against Ramon Garzia Jurado for forced labor of Indians. 09-00-1731