Browse by name

Person Last Name Document title Date
Beltran Request to consider carpenters of Loreto and San Diego invalids due to age and illnesses. 05-14-1793
Belarde Summary of income and expenditures at haciendas belonging to misiones de Californias. 12-00-1782
Berrio Summary of income and expenditures at haciendas belonging to misiones de Californias. 12-00-1782
Beltran Series of documents concerning project to increase production at hacienda San Pedro de Ibarra. 02-07-1797
Berenguer de Marquina Series of documents concerning leasing of haciendas owned by Fondo Piadoso. 09-01-1800
Berenguer de Marquina Documents concerning audit of accounts of haciendas owned by Fondo Piadoso during their administration by Sagarraga. 09-09-1800
Berenguer de Marquina Documents concerning plans by Gonzalez del Castillo to increase productivity of haciendas owned by Fondo Piadoso. 09-23-1803
Belda Series of letters and informes concerning mission finances and personnel in California. 01-01-1798
Becerra Letters protesting working conditions of Indians employed at haciendas Amoles and Buey. 03-04-1808
Benavides Documents concerning relations between Spaniards, comanches and lipanes in northern Provincias Internas. 00-00-1799
Berenguer de Marquina Documents concerning relations between Spaniards, comanches and lipanes in northern Provincias Internas. 00-00-1799
Beregana Payment to Guizarnotegui for contract with presidios and series of letters concerning contract procedures. 06-20-1787
Beltian Index of official records in file concerning situation of internal provinces 08-19-1787
Beregana Hold is called on Guizarnotegui's contract to supply presidial troops until certain requirements are fulfilled 09-26-1787
Beregana Letters between Ugarte y Loyola, Mangino and Real Hacienda concerning positive economic aspects of contract with merchant Guizarnotegui to... 09-26-1787
Beregana Letters from Ugarte y Loyola and others discussing condition of troops of Nueva Vizcaya and Nuevo Mexico under contract with merchant... 10-20-1787
Beregana Formal report by Beregana to viceroy stating situation of funds of Chihuahua, including letter of explanation; response of viceroy. 01-01-1788
Beregana Correspondence between Ugarte y Loyola and real hazienda concerning contract with Guizarnotegui and additional payments to him for 1790. 03-24-1789
Benasueta Correspondence between Ugarte y Loyola and real hazienda concerning contract with Guizarnotegui and additional payments to him for 1790. 03-24-1789
Beregana Borica directs in-depth investigation of contract between Loyola and Guizarnotegui on behalf of Loyola 09-10-1787
Bernal Index requested by viceroy Pacheco y de Padilla of official documents dealing with Provincias Internas from 1636-1793. 00-00-1636
Bezerra Index requested by viceroy Pacheco y de Padilla of official documents dealing with Provincias Internas from 1636-1793. 00-00-1636
Belarde Index requested by viceroy Pacheco y de Padilla of official documents dealing with Provincias Internas from 1636-1793. 00-00-1636
Berroteran Index requested by viceroy Pacheco y de Padilla of official documents dealing with Provincias Internas from 1636-1793. 00-00-1636
Beregana Documents dealing with provisioning of food, clothing, and arms for presidial troops. 09-01-1772
Beregana Documents dealing with the provisioning of presidios. 08-13-1790
Beregana Documents dealing with termination of Guizarnotegui's contract for provisioning presidios. 11-04-1786
Beregana Discourse between Virrey, Ugarte and others concerning acquisition of cannon to defend presidios of Nueva Vizcaya. 04-04-1789
Bernal Discourse between Virrey, Ugarte and others concerning acquisition of cannon to defend presidios of Nueva Vizcaya. 04-04-1789
Beregana Documents concerning naming of Ugarte as comandante general de las Provincias Internas; establishment of caja de quintos y azogues. 08-26-1780
Bentura Belena Vaamonde issues complaint re: reluctance of Cabildo to surrender personal effects of deceased vicar general of Bishopric. 11-14-1791
Benzoechea Cosio seeks transfer to regimento de Dragones de Espana. 10-20-1794
Belda Roster of chief administrators at California missions from May 1802 until May 1803. 05-00-1802
Belda y Costello Series of letters to viceroy asking permission for Belda y Costello to return to Spain. 05-24-1804
Beltran Series of letters relating to Lujan's request that he receive pay owed him for time that he was hospitalized. 11-03-1801
Berenguer de Marquina Series of letters re: request by Castro to retire with half salary. 03-31-1802
Beltran Cedulas granting veterans pensions to Espinosa and Montero. 11-07-1806
Berenguer de Marquina Series of documents concerning legal history supporting Lujan's request that he receive Halberdier's salary. 09-29-1797
Berenguer de Marquina Series of documents concerning introduction of hemp into Nueva California. 10-23-1798
Bermudez Series of documents concerning introduction of hemp into Nueva California. 10-23-1798
Benitez Series of documents concerning introduction of hemp into Nueva California. 10-23-1798
Beltran Documents relating to request by Gomez that twelve missionaries be granted travel allowance for their passage from Spain to California. 03-22-1804
Bermudez Documents relating to request by Gomez that twelve missionaries be granted travel allowance for their passage from Spain to California. 03-22-1804
Berenguer de Marquina Expediente concerning construction of ship for use by San Diego presidio 12-10-1801
Bernal Expediente concerning construction of ship for use by San Diego presidio 12-10-1801
Bejar Expediente concerning construction of ship for use by San Diego presidio 12-10-1801
Beltran Expediente concerning construction of ship for use by San Diego presidio 12-10-1801
Berenguer de Marquina Discussion about introduction of mescal into California 00-00-1796
Beltran Discussion about introduction of mescal into California 00-00-1796
Bermudes Problem of importation of mescal into California and the estanco de mescal in Tepic 05-29-1787
