Browse by name

Person Last Name Document title Date
Billago Weekly rolls of Bacoachi Apaches, their rations. 12-01-1786
Billago Rolls of Bacoachi Apaches. 03-04-1787
Billago Weekly rolls of Bacoachi Apaches for May through July, 1787. 05-22-1787
Bichase Weekly rolls of Bacoachi Apaches, rations, September to August 1787. 08-05-1787
Bichase Weekly rolls of Bacoachi Apaches; rations listed. 01-05-1787
Bilute Weekly rolls of Bacoachi Apaches; rations listed. 01-05-1787
Billago Weekly rolls of Bacoachi Apaches; rations listed. 01-05-1787
Bicpici Extracto de las ultimas noticias de la expedicion milital de Sonora, comunicadas con fha. de 3 de febrero pmo. Porel comandante de ella dn... 01-30-1771
Biana Muy senor mio: acompanan adjuntos los estados de la fuerza efectiba con que subsite el destacamento de mi mando 01-26-1770
Bildasola En primeros de abril salieron tres destacamentos los dos siguieron a los partidas de enemigos piatos... 05-20-1770
Bial Indexes and letters that concern primarily military matters in the province of Texas, subject matter ranges from military misconduct to... 08-19-1793
Bisuete Correspondence concerning 'reduccion' of pintos to 'mision del Helguera.' 00-00-1768
Bialdea Concerning preparations for reconquest of Nayarit. 01-22-1724
Bizente Reports of conflict, peaceful encounters with Indians in Nayarit. 01-22-1724
Bildosola Cuenta de las cantidades suplidas por el fondo de gratificacion de dicha compania en agasajo de indios que la han visitado de paz. 12-31-1802
Bisuete Letters from Escandon to the virrey informing him of the campaign against the Indians of the nation Sibuy. Others from Boix requesting... 10-20-1764
Bios Service records, biographies, and honors of twenty-four members of the compania de opatas de Bacoachi. 06-30-1818
Bisnero Relaciones of premios and filicianes of soldiers and sub-officials assigned to the milicias of Nuevo Santander. 12-31-1803
Bibiano Charles Candidates recommended to fill vacant posts of companias milicias de Nuevo Santander. 02-17-1807
Biolet Ugarte Hojas de servicio and relacion de oficiales for the cuerpo de caballeria provincial de frontera de la Nuevo Santander. 05-31-1781
Biolet y Urgarte Relaciones de servicios for the tercera compania Volante de Nuevo Santander. 05-15-1760
Bisuete Documents concerning marriage of P. nolasco with M. Garza. 08-24-1786
Biringas Indice de los expedientes de la provincia de Sonora de los anos 1730 a 1791 (actually 1793). 00-00-1730
Bizcaya Padre Luis Xavier Velarde al padre Marcos de Somoza. Letter concerning mission affairs. 05-15-1729
Biemuli Testimonio de los autos. 09-20-1751
Biezma Testamento 12-00-1648
Biezma Civil suit- debt. 03-00-1649
Biengolea Civil case-debt 11-20-1649
Biedma Payment of debt 11-05-1654
Bilchey de Bezeria Disputed debt claims. 04-02-1655
Bilchey de Bezerra Letter of authority. 04-20-1655
Billalo Sale of apartment. 05-20-1655
Bierro de Zerrcecda Venta de esclavo 05-30-1661
Biasoayn Francisco Fernandeza la Cueva Enrique (virrey) (duque de Albuquerque). Autos de guerra- practicados contra los indios enemigos. 02-23-1709
Bilchis Tobar y Conbena Capitan Bartholome Garcia Monttero to gobernador Joseph Cevasttian Lopez de Carvajal. Sobre juntas secretas en San Phelipe. 10-11-1724
Bizonte y Sidro Cabildo de Santa Fee to gobernador de Santa Fee. Writs, declarations, testimony pertaining to the suit against Fransisco Cuerbo y Valdes. 10-29-1710
Bigil Dios, Miquel de/Medina, Ramon de to Casados, Francisco loss of his mule from Dios and Medina. 10-18-1712
Biejo Dirucaca, Jeronimo. Proceedings in suit for criminal charges including witchcraft and murder. 05-08-1713
Bixil Bueno de Bohorques, Francisco Joseph. Power of attorney of soldiers for the collection of their pay. 05-16-1714
Bisto Antonio de Beitia. Proceedings of criminal case against Antonio de Beitia for assault and possible rape of Margarita Bisto. 08-11-1716
Bijil Bijil, Juan (heirs of). Lujan had been debtor of Bijil, paid debt later charged forty-two pesos more, which having paid he sought to... 09-26-1766
Bijil Bijil, Juan (heirs of). Lujan had been debtor of Bijil, paid debt later charged forty-two pesos more, which having paid he sought to... 09-26-1766
Bijil Bijil, Juan (heirs of). Lujan had been debtor of Bijil, paid debt later charged forty-two pesos more, which having paid he sought to... 09-26-1766
Binolas Rafael de Ahumada. Treasurer's report for cavalry company of Santa Fe presidio. 09-21-1785
Bial Concha, Fernando de la (gobernador). Relation formed and signed by the governor of the disbursements divided in gratification of the allies... 08-28-1787
Birbiesca Lero, Manuel Nicolas de. A detailed set of instructions for the proper collection of tithes prepared by the dean and Cabildo of the vacant... 10-23-1804
Birbiasca Peres, Ramon (?). 08-14-1805
Bibian de Ortega Real Alencaster, Joaquin del to bishop of Durango. Acknowledging receipt of a letter from Olivares y Benito favoring in an unspecified way... 10-02-1805
Billanueba Tafoya, Jose Miguel. 12-09-1805
Bizente Gonzales, Josef Manuel/Cordero, Juan Domingo to Manrrique, animals from the comanches. 06-08-1814
