Browse by name

Person Last Name Document title Date
Bonilla Escribano Juan de Bonilla. Inventario de bienes. 02-22-1729
Bonilla Fr. Diego Ximenez. Instruccion que previene las reglas para el establecimiento de los pueblos de espanoles, e indios sobre las margenes del... 00-00-1769
Bonilla . Index of documents from 1788. 00-00-0000
Bonilla . Copy of royal cedula reviewing regulations for collection and distribution of diezmos. 04-13-1777
Bonilla Croix (Caballero de) (comandante general). Croix to governor of New Mexico authorizing pension for retiring captain Francisco Bellido and... 06-23-1777
Bonilla . Copy of royal cedula forwarding papal regulations for conduct of celebrations for St. Joseph's day. 12-04-1777
Bonilla . Royal cedula outlining administration of limosnas in various bishoprics. 03-09-1778
Bonilla . Royal cedula banning circulation of book entitled ano 2440 which is critical of the church, and any other publications of a similar... 04-20-1778
Bonilla . Royal cedula establishing penalties for interference with mail transport. 05-22-1778
Bonilla Bonilla, Antonio. Index of documents that have been remitted to the governor of New Mexico. 07-22-1778
Bonilla Rubio, Jose. Copy of opinion of Jose Rubio, comandante ynspector, supporting order by archibishop of Mexico that all military men of able... 08-08-1778
Bonilla Galindo Navarro, Pedro. A review of the criminal case against various soldiers for death of Bartolome Apodaca is passed on to comandante... 09-08-1778
Bonilla . Royal cedula ordering that the title senoria be used when addressing members of the audiencia. 09-24-1778
Bonilla . Royal cedula ordering church services to celebrate recovery of princess from illness. 01-24-1779
Bonilla Galvez, Joseph de to Croix (Caballero de). Detailed instructions to Croix on royal policy toward the Indians on the frontier. 02-20-1779
Bonilla Croix (Caballero de) (comandante general). Letter to governor of New Mexico explaining that due to grave illness Croix has authorized his... 07-08-1779
Bonilla Croix (Cavallero de). Letter and bando relating to the increase in the value of gold coins. 07-17-1779
Bonilla Galvez, Joseph de. Letter to Teodoro de Croix requesting detailed economic reports of goods and services of all cities and provinces in his... 10-18-1779
Bonilla Galvez, Joseph de. Transmission of royal cedula ordering removal of all european merchants and their agents from Spanish possessions. 10-28-1779
Bonilla Charles III. A royal dispatch concerning church ceremony. 12-26-1779
Bonilla . A petition related to the construction of walls. 04-13-1780
Bonilla Croix, Teodoro de. A bando concerning the extention of credit to presidio soldiers by merchants. 05-01-1780
Bonilla Croix (Cavallero de). expediente concerning church ornaments collected for a proposed navajo mission. 09-01-1781
Bonilla Croix (Cavallero de) to Ansa, Juan Baptista de. A dictamen dealing with the appointment of chaplains to the presidios. 04-24-1782
Bonilla Valdez to Flores/Ugarte y Loyola. Permission for sick to move to better climates. 02-17-1788
Bonilla Ugarte y Loyola, Jacobo to Concha, Fernando de la. Appointment of viceregal secretary. 10-17-1788
Bonilla Florez/Bonilla, Antonio. Concerns missions in accordance with royal order of January 1784 - order not explained - lost mail appears to have... 02-12-1789
Bonilla Royal cedula re consent to marry and appeals to ecclesiastical authorities. 11-12-1792
Bonilla Hugo O'Conor al Juan Peru. Letter notifying Peru of Bonilla's appointment as ayudante inspector. 02-24-1774
Bonilla Teodoro de Croix a Juan Bautista Peru, and Peru's replies. Letters concerning presidial affairs. 02-00-1780
Bonilla Diego de Borica a Juan Bautista Peru; Peru a Alonso Villaverde. Letters concerning presidial affairs. 02-00-1780
Bonilla Croix (comandante general). Informe sobre una junta de guerra para lacer un programa de defensas para la frontera contra los Apaches. 06-06-1778
Bonilla Josef de Galvez. expediente sobre las causas criminales contra soldados y sobre la administracion y reglas de este proceso. 08-09-1778
Bonilla Jose de Galvez. Autorizacion del rey para mas padres Franciscanos como capellanes de los presidios. 10-16-1778
Bonilla Antonio Banilla. Lista de la caballeria de presidio de La Bahia para el ano de 1778. 05-22-1779
Bonilla Cavallero de Croix to Domingo Cavello. Transmits Galvez' letter of March 12 concerning royal order regulating trials in Texas and... 07-19-1779
Bonilla De Croix (Caballero) to Domingo Cavello. Letter requesting Cabello's opinion on evaluations concerning best location for new bishopric. 08-06-1779
Bonilla Domingo Cabello (gobernador). Concerns receipt of proclamation concerning methods of securing dispensations from Rome, and marriages of... 08-25-1779
Bonilla Jose Matamoros (armero). Copy of contract and conditions under which Jose Matamoros agrees to become master gunsmith to presidial troops of... 04-17-1780
Bonilla Teodoro de Croix to Domingo Cabello and others follow. Request for donations to free Indian captives. 06-08-1780
Bonilla Teodoro de Croix to Domingo Cabello. Requiring return of weapons from civilians. 06-16-1780
Bonilla Teodoro de Croix to Domingo Cabello. Documents concerning powers and duties of presidial paymasters. 06-23-1780
Bonilla Domingo Cabello. Memo concerning presidial supplies. 11-12-1780
Bonilla Domingo Cabello. Orders to list and tax pulperias in the indies. 02-06-1783
Bonilla El rey. Real cedula de su majestad sobre la educacion, truto y ocupaciones de los esclavos en todos sus dominios. 03-00-1790
