Browse by name

Person Last Name Document title Date
Bucareli Documents discussing the property, wealth and obligations of the Jesuits in New Spain and Nueva Viscaya. 09-00-1772
Bucareli Conde de Revillagigedo al rey. Regarding government of Sonoran missions. 04-26-1790
Bucareli Andres de Goycoechea and others. Series of documents concerning Goycoechea's services as capitan of Ahumada presidio. 00-00-1768
Bucareli Representaciones a la corte por el virreynato de Mexico. 00-00-1772
Bucareli Bucareli (virrey). Series of military appointments by Bucareli (virrey). 08-14-1773
Bucareli Baron de Ripperda (gobernador de Texas). Extractos de cartas entre el gobernador de la provincia de Texas y el de la Luisiana, sobre la... 12-07-1773
Bucareli Conde de la Sierra Gorda. Audiencia del Conde de Sierra Gorda sobre el reintegro de las tierras in Nuevo Santander. 04-12-1776
Bucareli Bucareli (virrey). Concerning a legal audiencia and the status of mission land holdings in California. 11-04-1776
Bucareli Frey Francisco Garzes. Diario y derrotero que siguio Frey Garzes en su viage a las naciones del rio Colorado. 01-30-1777
Bucareli Felipe de Barray al virrey de Mexico. Problemas con los indigenas en Nueva Vizcaya. 09-27-1777
Bucareli Letter from Francisco Alvarez Osorio to viceroy concerning granting of pension upon retirement. 11-22-1773
Bucareli Infore by salas indicating that Ozio owes 666 pesos for Indian transfer. 05-21-1775
Bucareli Informe from Maria de Arellano dealing with debt owed by Hernandez on hacienda Arroyo Zarco. 11-11-1774
Bucareli Decreto by Bucareli transferring Ybarra to Valiente 00-00-1778
Bucareli Series of documents from sales Carrillo and Gutierrez to real tribunal concerning cuentas de bienes confiscados. 07-30-1772
Bucareli Letter from Mayorga to sales Carrillo concerning financing of expeditions to California. 10-10-1781
Bucareli Hold is called on Guizarnotegui's contract to supply presidial troops until certain requirements are fulfilled 09-26-1787
Bucareli Letter of Ugarte to viceroy Bucareli 10-22-1771
Bucareli Letter of Ugarte to viceroy Bucareli 11-04-1771
Bucareli Letter of Ugarte to viceroy Bucareli 02-19-1772
Bucareli Letter of governor Ugarte to viceroy Bucareli 06-13-1772
Bucareli Letter and related draft of governor Ugarte to viceroy Bucareli 10-29-1772
Bucareli Letter of governor Ugarte to viceroy Bucareli 11-21-1772
Bucareli Letters from governor to virrey concerning job transfer. 09-05-1771
Bucareli Petitions to viceroy to give certain rights to new town founded in Santander province including city chart. 04-00-1734
Bucareli Letters by Queipo de Llano & Carrillo to virrey & machado about military campaign and bando publication. 07-21-1770
Bucareli Letters between Virrey(?) and Queipo de Llano about bando prohibiting gambling. 02-25-1772
Bucareli Benefits of libranzas. 10-31-1783
Bucareli Communications regarding status of royal treasuries 10-10-1785
Bucareli Correspondence between Ugalde, Croix, Galvez, and other government officials concerning destitution of Ugalde. 00-00-1578
Bucareli Correspondence between Herrera and Bucareli concerning Indians from Candela. 09-19-1773
Bucareli Correspondence between Nava and virrey concerning diverse fiscal and administrative affairs. 05-12-1794
Bucareli Correspondence between various officials concerning funds for support of peaceful Indians. 12-27-1786
Bucareli Documents relating to fate of Antonio Barrios (capitan de dragones) 03-18-1786
Bucareli Rengel consults Galvez concerning legal processing of traitors; edict made regarding official letterheads; and advice on role as temporary... 11-06-1784
Bucareli Letter from Plo y Alduan to Rengel complaining of low salary; high cost of living. Requests that Rengel notify virrey. 12-27-1785
Bucareli Correspondence of Croix with viceroy and Galindo regarding land distribution and collection of tribute from the Yaquis. 06-18-1770
Bucareli Correspondence of Croix concerning fiscal, military and administrative matters of the Provincias Internas, January - May, 1783. 05-03-1768
Bucareli Correspondence of Croix, primarily with viceroy Galvez, for June-December 1783. 03-14-1732
Bucareli Correspondence of comandante general Neve for 1783. 10-04-1776
Bucareli Caballero de Croix's correspondence re: civil administation, orders and commerce. 07-11-1776
Bucareli Cavallero de Croix's correspondence with virrey re: civil administration of bandos, personnel recommendations, request for documents. 04-22-1779
Bucareli Correspondence between Croix and virrey re: civil administration of personnel, armour, and expenditures. 04-12-1780
Bucareli Correspondence between Croix and Mayorga re: administrative matters of receipt of documents, military personnel, and Moncada trip to... 02-06-1780
Bucareli Informes de misiones de las pimerias alta y baja. 11-06-1772
Bucareli Discourse concerning reales de minas at la Cieneguilla, Sonora. 01-20-1772
Bucareli Crespo to virrey concerning receipt of mando. 08-16-1773
Bucareli Letters from Sastre, Munoz, Bucareli and others, concerning military matters of Sonora 08-13-1771
Bucareli Letters from Trespalacios to viceroy and responses, concerning assumption of command at Buenavista 02-29-1772
Bucareli Letter from Ozejo to Bucareli concerning administrative problems at Batuco, Sonora 11-03-1771
