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Person Last Name Document titlesort ascending Date
Bucareli Correspondence concerning 'reduccion' of pintos to 'mision del Helguera.' 00-00-1768
Bucareli Correspondence between various officials concerning funds for support of peaceful Indians. 12-27-1786
Bucareli Correspondence between Ugalde, Croix, Galvez, and other government officials concerning destitution of Ugalde. 00-00-1578
Bucareli Correspondence between Sierra Gorda and virrey regarding Indian agressions and resulting military response. 00-00-1772
Bucareli Correspondence between Nava and virrey concerning diverse fiscal and administrative affairs. 05-12-1794
Bucareli Correspondence between Munoz and virrey, year 1972 01-02-1792
Bucareli Correspondence between Menchaca and Bucareli concerning different unrelated matters. 09-11-1771
Bucareli Correspondence between Hezeta and virrey for December, 1779. 01-09-1780
Bucareli Correspondence between Herrera and Bucareli concerning Indians from Candela. 09-19-1773
Bucareli Correspondence between Croix and virrey re: civil administration of personnel, armour, and expenditures. 04-12-1780
Bucareli Correspondence between Croix and Mayorga re: administrative matters of receipt of documents, military personnel, and Moncada trip to... 02-06-1780
Bucareli Corbalan to Croix (official reply, Mexico, 10/25/1771/ letter concerning Indian payment church tithes. 09-24-1771
Bucareli Corbalan to Croix (Croix's reply, Mexico 9/16/1771) letter-military finances. 08-02-1771
Bucareli Copy of letter from Galvez to viceroy concerning king's approval of Croix duties as superintendente general de real hacienda. 06-08-1777
Bucareli Continuation of preceeding folios in which fathers of various missions defend themselves against allegations of poor mission administration... 02-10-1767
Bucareli Conde del Revillagigedo to Antonio Valdes. 02-28-1790
Bucareli Conde de Revillagigedo al rey. Regarding government of Sonoran missions. 04-26-1790
Bucareli Conde de la Sierra Gorda. Audiencia del Conde de Sierra Gorda sobre el reintegro de las tierras in Nuevo Santander. 04-12-1776
Bucareli Concerns widow's efforts to collect pension for husband who served 40 years in military but died in action before establishment of... 06-16-1716
Bucareli Concerns the relief of the compania franca de Voluntarios de cataluna detached in Sonora. 11-12-1772
Bucareli Concerns the management of the segunda compania de Voluntarios de Cataluna. 02-26-1761
Bucareli Concerns issues leading to Ugarte y Loyola's appointment as governor of puebla de Los Angeles. 00-00-1769
Bucareli Communications regarding status of royal treasuries 10-10-1785
Bucareli Charges against Gonzalez de Santianes leveled by noriega and Sierra Gorda for failing to pacify Indians in Nuevo Santander. 07-20-1770
Bucareli Cavallero de Croix's correspondence with virrey re: civil administration of bandos, personnel recommendations, request for documents. 04-22-1779
Bucareli causa criminal seguida de oficio de la real justicia sobre la muerte dada a Casmiro de Ibarra, vecino de Palmillas, Nuevo Santander. 12-11-1772
Bucareli Caballero de Croix's correspondence re: civil administation, orders and commerce. 07-11-1776
Bucareli Bucareli (virrey). Series of military appointments by Bucareli (virrey). 08-14-1773
Bucareli Bucareli (virrey). Concerning a legal audiencia and the status of mission land holdings in California. 11-04-1776
Bucareli Benefits of libranzas. 10-31-1783
Bucareli Baron de Ripperda to Teodoro de Croix. 04-27-1777
Bucareli Baron de Ripperda (gobernador de Texas). Extractos de cartas entre el gobernador de la provincia de Texas y el de la Luisiana, sobre la... 12-07-1773
Bucareli Autos and decreto by Mena, Jover, Ossio and others regarding mining and livestock matters in Santa Rosalia ranch vecinity. 11-19-1753
Bucareli Arana pidiendo facultad de reconocer los ganados de la colonia y huasteca haver si estan herrados. 02-07-1775
Bucareli Approval of Sigori as administrator of rentas of villa del nombre de Dios 02-23-1768
Bucareli Ano de 1767: correspondencia del capitan Cancio. Informes delays of construction and military March. 12-05-1774
Bucareli Andres de Goycoechea and others. Series of documents concerning Goycoechea's services as capitan of Ahumada presidio. 00-00-1768
Bucareli Administrative correspondence between virrey(?) and gobernador Sierra gorda. 08-20-1779
Bucareli acompamo a v.e. los 14 oficios originales que se sirve 07-10-1792
Bucareli Accounts of salaries paid to cavalry over year of 1772. 06-20-1773
Bucareli 96 letters concerning administration matters for the port of San Blas. 07-24-1792
