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Person Last Name Document title Date
Bustillo Junta de guerra decreto concerning military campaign against Yaqui-Mayo rebels. 09-28-1740
Bustillo Index of documents relative to provinces under command of comandante Teodoro Croix. 00-00-1807
Bustillo Melchor falamantes. Plan to determine western limits of the province of louisiana and Texas. 03-26-1807
Bustillo Expediente sobre la arribada a Monterrei de la Fragata Ynglesa americana el otro de Boston, su capitan Mr. Door, socorres que se le... 04-29-1796
Bustillo Index of official documents dealing with Coahuila in possession of Martinez de Soria. 00-00-1799
Bustillo Correspondencia con el gobernador interino don Lorenzo Cancio provincia de Coahuila. Ano de 1764. 01-03-1764
Bustillo Debt of Lasaga to fondo gratificacion 00-00-1784
Bustillo Documents detailing military campaigns and biography of capitan Cancio. 04-20-1769
Bustillo Orders given to all officials in Mexico naming Caballero de Croix by king as comandante general de Provincias Internas. 02-24-1777
Bustillo Correspondence from various officials to viceroy 08-20-1776
Bustillo List of autos referring to various issues within Provincias Internas. 05-02-1703
Bustillo Administrative correspondence between the viceroy and other government officials. 03-28-1786
Bustillo Nuevo Leon. Ano de 1784. Numero 40 instancia de Anselmo Rodriguez Balda, procurador de indios, sobre que se les asista 12-07-1782
Bustillo Letters between Dufay and other military officials dealing with his home arrests. Motives for the arrest are unclear to Dufay 09-20-1787
Bustillo Documents dealing with the home arrest of Alferez Dufay accused of using abusive language and other ill guided behavior against subordinates 02-02-1790
Bustillo Don Carlos por la gracia de Dios, rey de Castilla, de Leon, de Aragon, de las dos cecilias, de Jerusalem . . . . 11-03-1784
Bustillo Expediente formado a consulta de oficiales reales de Potosi... 02-19-1767
Bustillo Consulta del governador del Nuevo Santander sobre haber muerto a dos indios el piquete de la marina... 12-13-1782
Bustillo expediente formado sobre licencia del governador de la colonia... 05-18-1784
Bustillo instancia de don Nicolas Joseph de Cosio Velarde... 03-20-1782
Bustillo Series of autos on land measurements and distributions for colonizers who came from islas canarias to live in San Fernando, province of... 11-28-1730
Bustillo Complaints of soldiers from San Antonio de Bejar against governor Sandoval. Other documents dealing with petition to expel Sandoval because... 01-03-1735
Bustillo Correspondence concerning the suspension of Francisco Lavastida as contadora of San Blas. 11-16-1791
Bustillo excmo. Senor = d. Miguel de la Garza y Falcon, capitan vitalicio... 11-05-1743
Bustillo Letter to virrey concerning defense of Escandon. 06-22-1765
Bustillo Letters informing virrey about situation of new colony Nuevo Santander. 04-18-1769
Bustillo Provincias Internas indice del tomo numero 195 01-28-1791
Bustillo don Manuel Cumplido teniente confirmado por el superior govierno del contadores menores y albaseasgos 10-01-1779
Bustillo muy senor mio: no dudo que siendonos a vuestra senoria y a mi el idioma castellano, debemos entenderlo mexor, que el latino, aprendido por... 08-02-1779
Bustillo muy senor mio: he recibido con el oficio de usted de lo, del corriente copia de la real cedula de 14 de febrero ultimo en que su majestad 07-14-1779
Bustillo Letters to and from Cavallero de Croix concerning 'recargo de armamentos.' 02-26-1774
Bustillo Para llebar a efecto el importante plan al publico para una compania de accionistas destinado al comercio, y mineria de las provincias de... 05-17-1771
Bustillo Arze requests retirement from military. Companies of Bexar formed and individuals named to posts of said company. 10-13-1813
Bustillo Index and extractions from expedientes containing abundant administrative, military, and religious information about provinces Coahuila,... 01-21-1743
Bustillo Index and extractions from expedientes containing abundant administrative, military, and religious information about provinces Coahuila,... 01-21-1743
Bustillo Index and extraction from legajo 4 (1757), quadernos 1-10, containing administrative, military, and religious information regarding various... 01-31-1757
Bustillo Index and extractions from legajo 10 (1763), quadernos 1-8, containing administrative, military, and religious infromation regarding... 11-28-1762
Bustillo Documents concerning marriage of P. nolasco with M. Garza. 08-24-1786
Bustillo Melchor de Artiaga Xarillo vs capitan Gabriel Ruiz. Plieto civil sobre pesos. 07-30-1633
Bustillo Fundacion de capellania. 00-00-1649
Bustillo Fundacion de capellania. 00-00-1649
Bustillo Fundacion de capellania. 00-00-1649
Bustillo Obligacion 12-10-1654
Bustillo Mandamiento que se alisten a la guerra algunos capitans. 03-31-1655
Bustillo Varia. 00-00-1749
Bustillo Juan de Acuna (virrey) to Joseph Antonio Bustillo (gobernador). Instructions to governor of Texas concerning arrival of canary islanders. 11-28-1730
Bustillo Domingo de Hoyos vs. Aparicio Ximenez. Hoyo's expose of plot by Ximenez to assassinate Hoyo. 05-22-1735
Bustillo Francisco Garcia Larios (gobernador). Dispatch relative to freedom of Garcia Larios of all charges imputed against him by soldiers. 01-18-1747
Bustillo Cabello, Urbano Ynoxosa, Josef Marcos de Aguilar, et. Al. Contention of marriage of Maria de la Trinidad with Urbano Ynojosa. 06-04-1781
Bustillo Domingo Cabello. Distribution of goods from presidio. 03-05-1782
