Browse by name

Person Last Name Document titlesort ascending Date
Castro Vaamonde's suggestions re: vacancies at Lampazos. 10-15-1791
Cadena Vaamonde issues complaint re: reluctance of Cabildo to surrender personal effects of deceased vicar general of Bishopric. 11-14-1791
Castro Usurpacion de sinodos por el provincial de Zacatecas. 04-24-1792
Campo Uranga requests retirement from compania Volante de San Carlos. 08-04-1814
Carvello Unsigned documents that deal exclusively with matters directly or indirectly related to the giving of gifts to the lipanes, comanches... 02-18-1789
Carrasco Unsigned (many by Juan Bautista Peru). Copies of letters, communications to Jacobo Ugarte de Loyola, 1787, unsigned. 00-00-1787
Castro Cid Unrelated letters concerning military administration of Nuevo Santander. 02-26-1750
Castaneda Unnumbered letters from Vaamonde and others to Conde de Revilla Gigedo. This series begins with he recivido las dos instancas. 09-20-1793
Carro Unnumbered letters from Vaamonde and others to Conde de Revilla Gigedo. This series begins with he recivido las dos instancas. 09-20-1793
Calrado Unnumbered indexes of letters written from Vaamonde to Conde virrey with some letters included, begins with indice de la correspondencia. 04-26-1791
Canto Una breve noticia de pueblos y padres que pueden ayvoar a la provincia. None Given
Cassas Un indio negrito encarcelado 10-25-1668
Carrasco Ugarte y Loyolas correspondence to virrey re: selection military personnel for posts in Nueva Viscaya and Sonora, especially placement of... 09-19-1789
Canuelas Ugarte y Loyolas correspondence to virrey re: selection military personnel for posts in Nueva Viscaya and Sonora, especially placement of... 09-19-1789
Carral Ugarte y Loyola, Jacobo. Request for permission for padre Josef Carral to leave New Mexico to seek medical attention. 11-19-1789
Canuelas Ugarte y Loyola, Jacobo to Concha, Fernando de la. Answer to de la Concha's letter concerning the petitions of two citizens. 02-14-1790
Carral Ugarte y Loyola, Jacobo to Concha, Fernando de la. Answer to de la Concha's letter concerning the petitions of two citizens. 02-14-1790
Cavallero Ugarte y Loyola, Jacobo (comandante general) to Concha, Fernando de la (gobernador). Copy of royal order concerning desertors treatment and... 11-09-1789
Carral Ugarte y Loyola to de la Concha. Letter to de la Concha (gobernador) bidding him to capture and imprison Antonio Varela, fugitive. 07-21-1789
Candelaria Abetia Ugarte y Loyola submits detailed informe regarding criminals accused of treason and means to contain rebellious Indian nations. 07-27-1785
Camarena Ugarte y Loyola submits detailed informe regarding criminals accused of treason and means to contain rebellious Indian nations. 07-27-1785
Campos Ugarte y Loyola informs of measures taken to punctually pay for synods for religious men attending to missions. 04-13-1779
Cabello Ugarte y Loyola informs of judicial, administrative, spiritual, economic, and defensive conditions in Sonora and Nueva Vizcaya. Information... 12-01-1783
Cavello Ugarte y Loyola corresponds with Virreynato regarding various administrative, military and financial matters. 08-03-1786
Cabello Ugalde's field reports of campaign against the mescaleros in Nueva Vizcaya, Texas, and New Mexico. 08-11-1787
Cazorla Two letters from Bucareli answering Ripperda's repeated requests for permission to trade arms in Texas 01-06-1773
Cachupin Trujillo, Pablo. Attempt to recover mule; traces path mule took and order for payment of mule. 09-27-1766
Catarina Trujillo, Melchor (indio xemes). causa criminal fulminante contra Melchor indio del pueblo de la Isleta, acusado por sospecha de haber... 06-08-1731
Campo Redondo Trujillo, Manuel. Proceedings against Manuel Trujillo and son for horse stealing. 07-00-1797
Canuelas Trujillo, Manuel. Proceedings against Manuel Trujillo and son for horse stealing. 07-00-1797
Cavezon Trial against several Indians from San Christobal mission, accused of convincing other to go to the mountains and rebel against Spaniards 03-23-1790
Castaneda Trial against several Indians from San Christobal mission, accused of convincing other to go to the mountains and rebel against Spaniards 03-23-1790
Castillo y Llata trata de la posesion de las tierras mercedados a los indios neofitos de la mision de arnedo. 01-10-1809
Catani trata de la posesion de las tierras mercedados a los indios neofitos de la mision de arnedo. 01-10-1809
Calleja Transportation of Indian prisoners to Mexico City 07-04-1800
Calleja Transmittal letter dealing with abolition of inquisition. 06-08-1813
Carrero Transition of government in the Californias 04-01-1822
Cancio Transfer of money from caja de los Alamos to Buenavista; also military supplies and salaries are shown. 08-07-1771
Carrete Transfer of money from caja de los Alamos to Buenavista; also military supplies and salaries are shown. 08-07-1771
Carmona Transfer of money from caja de los Alamos to Buenavista; also military supplies and salaries are shown. 08-07-1771
Calleja Transfer of military barracks from Llera to Villa Padilla 06-16-1797
Camacho Transfer of military barracks from Llera to Villa Padilla 06-16-1797
Campo Transfer of funds. 11-29-1783
Cantelmi Transfer of funds. 11-29-1783
Carillo Transcripts of interrogation of Indian suspects in murder of Luna. 04-26-1724
Cacho Transcripts of interrogation of Indian suspects in murder of Luna. 04-26-1724
Carvajal Torivio de Urrutia. Documentos sobre los asesinatos de Joseph Ganzabal y Juan Joseph Sains de Zevallos, ambos de San Xavier. 05-23-1752
Caro Tomas de Guadalajara y Jose Tarde al padre provincial Francisco Jimenez. In regard to those things that are taking place in these... 02-02-1676
Caro Tomas de Guadalajara and Jose Tarda to padre provincial Francisco Jimenez. Journey among the Tarahumara and Tepehuanes. 00-00-1675
Canales todos los fieles christianos tengan por publico excomulgado a don Alexo de Rubalcava contador de diezmos de esta santa originals, signed.... 10-07-1771
