Browse by name

Person Last Name Document title Date
Croix Correspondence from various officials to viceroy 08-20-1776
Croix List of autos referring to various issues within Provincias Internas. 05-02-1703
Croix Documents relating to various issues within prov. internas. 05-03-1703
Croix Various documents relating to issues within Provincias Internas 07-17-1778
Croix Informe to Florez (virrey) re: state of provincias. 12-10-1787
Croix Informe to Florez (virrey) re: state of provincias. 12-10-1787
Croix Letter to virrey Florez of service record. 05-08-1788
Croix Informe to king describing establishment, development and current problems in Provincias Internas. 05-08-1789
Croix Informe to king describing establishment, development and current problems in Provincias Internas. 05-08-1789
Croix Letter from Ugarte to virrey concerning military campaigns and pacification of Indians. 10-01-1787
Croix Letters from Flores to Ugarte giving instructions for division of provincias. 11-21-1787
Croix Letters from Flores to Ugarte giving instructions for division of provincias. 11-21-1787
Croix Compilation of reales titulos by Ugarte concerning history and development of comandancia general. 06-15-1776
Croix Compilation of reales titulos by Ugarte concerning history and development of comandancia general. 06-15-1776
Croix Correspondence regarding division of comandancia general in provincias 01-06-1788
Croix Correspondence regarding division of comandancia general in provincias 01-06-1788
Croix Letter from Ugarte to virrey describing military campaigns and requesting promotion. 05-08-1788
Croix Rengel consults Galvez concerning legal processing of traitors; edict made regarding official letterheads; and advice on role as temporary... 11-06-1784
Croix Correspondence between Rengel, Garrido y Duran and real audencia gobernadora concerning appointments of officials in Chihuahua. 04-22-1785
Croix Correspondence between Rengel, Garrido y Duran and real audencia gobernadora concerning appointments of officials in Chihuahua. 04-22-1785
Croix Letters between Rengel and Virreynato concerning surveillance of borders of provincias; operation of war with Indians. 10-11-1785
Croix Correspondence between Virreynato and Rengel concerning certain financial, military and territorial matters. 10-12-1785
Croix Series of letters between Ugarte y Loyola and virreynato concerning various military and financial matters. 03-17-1786
Croix Indexes of Loyola's letters to Virreynato and royal court made up by Garrido y Duran; virrey's acknowledgement of receipt. 05-24-1786
Croix Correspondence between Caballero de Croix and virrey Mayorga on administrative matters of the Provincias Internas Jan.-March 1782. 01-02-1782
Croix Letter from Croix to viceroy Mayorga concerning death of Rivera y Moncada and soldiers from Loreto presidio. 04-07-1782
Croix Administrative correspondence of Provincias Internas between Croix and virrey Mayorga. 05-14-1782
Croix Military inspection of the Piquete de Dragones de Espana conducted by ayudante inspector Roque de Medina January 1782. 01-28-1782
Croix Drafts and official correspondence between Croix and viceroy Mayorga Jan.-October 1782. 01-00-1782
Croix Correspondence of Croix with presidente de la Junta de Arbitros and viceroy. 11-00-1776
Croix Correspondence of Croix with presidente de la Junta de Arbitros and viceroy. 11-00-1776
Croix Correspondence of Croix with viceroy and Galindo regarding land distribution and collection of tribute from the Yaquis. 06-18-1770
Croix Correspondence of Croix with viceroy and Galindo regarding land distribution and collection of tribute from the Yaquis. 06-18-1770
Croix Military, fiscal and administrative correspondence of comandante general Croix, primarily with viceroy, for 1782. 08-19-1773
Croix Correspondence of Croix concerning fiscal, military and administrative matters of the Provincias Internas, January - May, 1783. 05-03-1768
Croix Correspondence of Croix, primarily with viceroy Galvez, for June-December 1783. 03-14-1732
Croix Correspondence of comandante general Neve for 1783. 10-04-1776
Croix Correspondence of comandante general Neve for 1784. 02-28-1781
Croix Croix's correspondence re: administrative matters, mailing of documents and lists of documents received. 10-06-1771
Croix Caballero de Croix's correspondence re: civil administation, orders and commerce. 07-11-1776
Croix Caballero de Croix's correspondence re: civil administation, orders and commerce. 07-11-1776
Croix Cavallero de Croix's correspondence re: compania franca de Voluntarios. 02-06-1780
Croix Cavallero de Croix's correspondence re: compania franca de Voluntarios. 02-06-1780
Croix Cavallero de Croix's correspondence with virrey re: civil administration of bandos, personnel recommendations, request for documents. 04-22-1779
Croix Cavallero de Croix's correspondence with virrey re: civil administration of bandos, personnel recommendations, request for documents. 04-22-1779
Croix Correspondence between Croix and virrey re: civil administration of personnel, armour, and expenditures. 04-12-1780
Croix Correspondence between Croix and virrey re: civil administration of personnel, armour, and expenditures. 04-12-1780
Croix Correspondence between Croiz and Mayorga re: military personnel and treasuries of Chihuahua and Alamos. 00-00-1778
Croix Correspondence between Croiz and Mayorga re: military personnel and treasuries of Chihuahua and Alamos. 00-00-1778
Croix Correspondence between Mayorga and Croix re: military service records, Alamos treasury and military recruitment and rights to produce... 00-00-1730
