Browse by name

Person Last Name Document title Date
Cuevas Series of documents concerning expenses made by Sagarraga in preparing for transition of office to Gonzalez del Castillo. 10-10-1799
Cuebas Documents concerning plans by Gonzalez del Castillo to increase productivity of haciendas owned by Fondo Piadoso. 09-23-1803
Culebras Borica directs in-depth investigation of contract between Loyola and Guizarnotegui on behalf of Loyola 09-10-1787
Cuerbo y Valdes Index requested by viceroy Pacheco y de Padilla of official documents dealing with Provincias Internas from 1636-1793. 00-00-1636
Cuellar Index of documents re: Provincias Internas and Nayarit located in Chapultepec. 00-00-1771
Cuerbo Index of official documents dealing with Coahuila in possession of Martinez de Soria. 00-00-1799
Cuellar Documents dealing with provisioning of food, clothing, and arms for presidial troops. 09-01-1772
Cubas Request for reimbursement for construction costs at Punta de Guijarros near San Diego presidio 10-02-1807
Cueba Deserters from russian fragata juno off San Francisco harbor 04-14-1806
Cuyando Biennial reports of Dominican missions in baja California, noticias de las misiones que ocupan los religiosos de ____. notas. 04-29-1799
Cutas Sobre sinodos de los rr. Pp. misioneros Fernandinos, respectivos al presente ano de 1808. 07-06-1808
Cuadobell Sobre sinodos de los rr. Pp. misioneros Fernandinos, respectivos al presente ano de 1808. 07-06-1808
Cuadoboll El gobernador de la baja California? de 3 de noviembre, ano 1809 acompana las memorias que se necesitan en aquella provincia en el proximo... 09-03-1809
Cumana Inquiry from gobernador Arrillaga about problem of neutral ships landing at more than one Spanish port unnecessarily. Replies and answers... 12-06-1800
Cuellar Letters from Rodriguez to viceroy concerning presidial affairs 12-03-1755
Cuellar Correspondence between Rodriguez and viceroy and other officials about Indian depredations 03-17-1768
Cuellar Letter to viceroy and Diary recounting activities at Sacramento presidio 01-20-1768
Cuernitos Official correspondence of Oca with viceroy and others 05-06-1769
Cuseyro Noticias sobre la venida y situacion de los corsarios 04-01-1816
Cuellar Letters of Ugarte to viceroy Croix 01-01-1767
Cuna Letters of Ugarte to viceroy Croix 01-01-1767
Cullar Letters of Ugarte to viceroy 12-14-1769
Cuna Letter of Ugarte to viceroy Croix 02-07-1770
Cuellar Correspondence and indexes to letters of governor Guitierrez and viceroy Conde de Revilla Gigedo 10-20-1791
Cueto Formation and armament of cavalry and presidio in Nuevo Leon. 06-07-1783
Cueto Contrato de condiciones and related documents 10-28-1783
Cueto Indian raids and proposed solutions 03-03-1783
Cueto New troop formation Nuevo Reyno de Leon 04-12-1783
Cuerda Ugalde report to fiscal 10-18-1783
Cueto Indian attacks Nuevo Leon 03-26-1784
Cuerbo Escape of deserters 03-00-1789
Cuerbo y Valdes Sobre la fundacion del pueblo y mision de San Francisco Solano en el nuevo valle de la circuncision 03-01-1700
Cuerbo y Valdes Letter to viceroy 05-18-1700
Cuerbo y Valdes Letter to viceroy 12-25-1700
Cuerbo y Valdes Letter to viceroy 02-21-1700
Cuerbo y Valdes Documents relating to formation of flying company in Coahuila and financial support for missions 03-01-1701
Cuerbo y Valdes Request for supplies 04-18-1701
Cuerbo y Valdes Correspondence to viceroy 03-18-1701
Cuerbo y Valdes Letter to viceroy 06-04-1701
Cuerbo y Valdes Conclusion of junta general re: discontinuation of food shipments to Coahuila. 06-15-1701
Cuerbo y Valdes Letter to viceroy 08-10-1701
Cuerbo y Valdes Discourse to viceroy 02-27-1702
Cuerbo y Valdes Letter to Diego Ramon 04-06-1702
Cuerbo y Valdes Letter to viceroy 05-08-1702
Cuerbo y Valdes Letter to viceroy 06-22-1702
Cuerbo y Valdes Meeting of junta general 07-05-1702
Cuerbo y Valdes Inspection of missions 06-25-1703
Cuerbo Visita general de misiones Coahuila 08-30-1706
Cuerbo Discourse concerning issues in Coahuila 07-16-1707
Cuerbo de Valdes Rivera's visita to presidios of northern frontier of New Spain 12-07-1728
