Browse by name

Person Last Name Document title Date
Cuellar Letter and related table on Galvez command submitted to Bucareli 02-18-1772
Cueva Request of payment of sinodos and monies to priests in Sonora. 08-02-1770
Cuellar Oficios del comandante general de Provincias Internas y respuestas del virrey 04-08-1777
Cuenca Correspondence between viceroy and Croix in reference to various issues within Provincias Internas. 07-31-1777
Cuenca Documents relating to military and civilian requests for salary increases and other issues. 09-17-1777
Cuero Verde Establishment of peace with mescaleros. 10-15-1787
Cuerno Verde Peace with mescalero Apaches, and violation of that peace by tropas de Coahuila. 02-12-1787
Cuernoverde Documents regarding peace with mescaleros. 04-19-1787
Cuern Verde Ugalde's field reports of campaign against the mescaleros in Nueva Vizcaya, Texas, and New Mexico. 08-11-1787
Cuernoverde Jacobo Ugarte y Loyola to king. Three letters to Ugarte y Loyola describing situation of Apaches de paz in Bacoachi and others elsewhere. 04-16-1787
Cuernoverde Instructions to Diaz with regard to peace with mescaleros. 10-30-1787
Cuerno Verde Peace with mescaleros. 12-13-1787
Cuerno Verde Correspondence between listed authors re: Apaches in Nueva Vizcaya. 02-24-1788
Cuerno Berde [untitled] 02-02-1789
Cuernoverde Informe to king describing establishment, development and current problems in Provincias Internas. 05-08-1789
Culebras Correspondence between comandancia and Virreynato concerning drought in provinces and intensified war with Apaches. 08-06-1785
Curbelo Correspondence of Croix concerning fiscal, military and administrative matters of the Provincias Internas, January - May, 1783. 05-03-1768
Cuerbo Croix's correspondence re: administrative matters, mailing of documents and lists of documents received. 10-06-1771
Cueras Domingo Elizondo to Marques de Croix. Letter concerning Indian reductions. 02-03-1771
Cueras Domingo Elizondo to Marques de Croix. Letter concerning reduccion of rebel Indians. 04-21-1771
Cuera Bernardo de Urrea to Domingo Elizondo. Letter concerning piato rebel cuera. 04-25-1771
Cueras Domingo Elizondo and Juan de Pineda. Extracto de las noticias y novedades en la expedicion de Sonora (2 copies). 04-20-1770
Cueras Juan de Pineda, Domingo Elizondo. Extracto de las ultimas noticias de la expedicion de Sonora contra los yndios rebeldes del cerro Prieto. 03-01-1770
Cueras Letters from Azuela and Bellido to viceroys concerning the military struggle against Sonoran Indians (with responses) 01-15-1771
Cuso Correspondence of Urrea, Bucareli and others concerning administrative/military problems at altar 01-01-1769
Cuera Correspondence of Urrea, Bucareli and others concerning administrative/military problems at altar 01-01-1769
Cuervo Testimony of junta de guerra convened for the establishment of the presidio of Buenavista. 02-16-1765
Culebray Documents dealing with military appointments for San Buenaventura and San Eleceario. Letters with list of candidates for positions. 07-03-1789
Culebras Letters from comandante general to viceroy regarding military personnel. 05-12-1790
Cubas Documents concerning payment of synods to Nayarit missionaries through cajas de Guadalaxara. 04-01-1779
Cuebas Documents concerning payment of synods to Nayarit missionaries through cajas de Guadalaxara. 04-01-1779
Cumplido Discussion of desire to settle cases of various prisoners who are currently imprisoned in real carcel of Durango. 12-24-1778
Cumplido Documents related to court cases of various prisoners. 08-12-1776
Cuencame Documents related to court cases of various prisoners. 08-12-1776
Cueras Pedro Corbalan to Antonio Maria Bucareli y Ursua letter concerning Seri defeat rebel Pimas. 12-24-1771
Cueras Francisco Bellido to Pedro Corbalan letter concerning Seri conquest rebel Pimas. 12-19-1771
Cuenca Letter from governor to virrey concerning the return of 50 soldiers 00-00-1729
Cuenca Petitions to cancel a fine. 00-00-0000
Cuellar Official letters concerning civil management of the area. 00-00-0000
Cuellar Letters from Aguero to Croix 10-26-1767
Cuenca Letters to and from Aguero concerning civil administration 01-12-1769
Cunon Letters to and from Aguero concerning civil administration. 00-0--1766
Cuellar Letters to and from Aguero concerning civil administration. 00-0--1766
Cuellar Letters between Fayni and Croix concerning Indian depredations 11-14-1769
Cuellar Letters about Indian depredations in the area around Chihuahua. None Given
Cuellar Letters between Fayni and Croix about defence organization for Durango area. 06-14-1769
Cuellar Correspondence between Gutierrez, virrey re: review of troops. 09-10-1768
Cuellar Correspondence between Queipo de Llano and virrey re: Indian depredations in Nueva Vizcaya. 01-29-1769
Cuellar Letters from virrey to Sabedra, Lardin re: recovery of funds. 05-27-1769
Cuellar [untitled] 01-01-1748
