Browse by name

Person Last Name Document title Date
Dias del Castillo expediente formado sobre la salida de rezagos de platas de la villa de Chiguagua.... 03-09-1735
Dias del Castillo Correspondence between Castro and the viceroy. Military administration 1791. 04-06-1791
Dias del Castillo Felipe de Luna. Proceedings steming from death of Felipe de Luna. 11-05-1779
Dias del Castillo Teodoro de Croix to Domingo Cabello and others follow. Request for donations to free Indian captives. 06-08-1780
Dias del Castillo Domingo Cabello. Decree of municipal ordinances. 04-02-1781
Dias del Castillo Cabello, Urbano Ynoxosa, Josef Marcos de Aguilar, et. Al. Contention of marriage of Maria de la Trinidad with Urbano Ynojosa. 06-04-1781
Dias del Castillo Juan Jose Floes. Petition to export cattle proceeding. 07-11-1781
Dias del Castillo Vizente Flores. Proceedings for export of cattle. 07-13-1781
Dias del Castillo Simon de Arocha. Proceedings dealing with exportation of cattle. 07-19-1781
Dias del Castillo Juan Jose Montes de Oca. Water rights dispute. 07-23-1781
Dias del Castillo Domingo Cabello a Jose Antonio Curbelo. Request to export cattle. 09-17-1781
Dias del Castillo Domingo Cabello. Tax decree. 01-05-1782
Dias del Castillo Domingo Cabello. Distribution of goods from presidio. 03-05-1782
Dias del Castillo Domingo Cabello. Public ordinance concerning travel. 06-09-1782
Dias del Castillo Domingo Cabello. Decision on gambling and illicit sexual affairs. 01-24-1783
Dias del Castillo Domingo Cabello. exportation of cattle to Coahuila. 04-00-1784
Dias del Castillo Domingo Cabello, et al. exportation of cattle. 08-11-1784
Dias del Castillo Freedom of a female slave. 01-25-1785
Dias del Castillo Concerning order to kill unbranded cattle. 04-30-1785