Browse by name

Person Last Name Document title Date
Diaz de Hortega Payment to Guizarnotegui for contract with presidios and series of letters concerning contract procedures. 06-20-1787
Diaz de Hortega Proposals from guizarnotegui and other merchants to supply presidial soldiers and companias Volantes; series of letters praising... 05-14-1787
Diaz de Hortega Hold is called on Guizarnotegui's contract to supply presidial troops until certain requirements are fulfilled 09-26-1787
Diaz de Hortega Formal report by Beregana to viceroy stating situation of funds of Chihuahua, including letter of explanation; response of viceroy. 01-01-1788
Diaz de Hortega Correspondence between Ugarte y Loyola and real hazienda concerning contract with Guizarnotegui and additional payments to him for 1790. 03-24-1789
Diaz de Hortega Documents dealing with the provisioning of presidios. 08-13-1790
Diaz de Hortega Nonpayment of benefits to invalid soldiers. 03-23-1788
Diaz de Hortega Communications regarding status of royal treasuries 10-10-1785
Diaz de Hortega Letters from various officials to viceroy concerning status of royal treasuries 10-00-1788
Diaz de Hortega Letters to and from viceroy and various officials concerning status of royal treasuries 10-14-1789
Diaz de Hortega Letters to and from viceroy and various officials concerning status of royal treasuries 02-28-1789
Diaz de Hortega Letters between viceroy and various officials concerning status of royal treasuries 12-28-1789
Diaz de Hortega Letters between viceroy and various officials concerning status of royal treasuries. 06-11-1790
Diaz de Hortega Correspondence between various officials concerning status of royal treasuries 02-17-1783
Diaz de Hortega Communications between various officials concerning status of royal treasuries 10-18-1787
Diaz de Hortega Correspondence between Diaz, Fueros, viceroy, and others government officials concerning separation of Nueva Vizcaya from Coahuila. 05-21-1785
Diaz de Hortega Copy of several letters between Ugarte, Diaz, viceroy, and other government officials concerning Parras and Saltillo. 01-22-1786
Diaz de Hortega Correspondence between Gorostiza, Revilla Gigedo, Nava and other government officials concerning punishing soldiers by transferring them. 10-06-1790
Diaz de Hortega Correspondence between various officials concerning funds for support of peaceful Indians. 12-27-1786
Diaz de Hortega Expediente concerning funds for pacification of indians 02-20-1779
Diaz de Hortega Correspondence between various officials concerning payment of presidial troops and companias Volantes in Nueva Vizcaya 09-10-1772
Diaz de Hortega Correspondence between various officials concerning military finances 00-00-1772
Diaz de Hortega Correspondence between various officials concerning Indian pacification in Nuevo Mexico 07-06-1789
Diaz de Hortega Correspondence re: total expenditures for Apaches de paz, prisoners of war and Taraumare auxiliaries, broken down by presidio and compania. 02-01-1791
Diaz de Hortega Correspondence re: expenses for maintenance of Apaches de paz. 07-09-1790
Diaz de Hortega Correspondence re: approval for 3000 pesos for expenses of maintaining Apaches de paz. 07-16-1787
Diaz de Hortega Correspondence re: peace and war with Apaches in Nuevo Mexico and Nueva Vizcaya, including expenses and treatment. 02-20-1779
Diaz de Hortega Accounts of horses, mules destined for presidios of Nuevo Mexico. 03-09-1786
Diaz de Hortega Dos cuentas de gastos extraordinarios originados en la provincia de Nuevo Mexico. 08-25-1787
Diaz de Hortega Account and receipt of gift goods to allied Indian nations in Nuevo Mexico. 01-01-1790
Diaz de Hortega [untitled] 02-02-1789
Diaz de Hortega Letter certifying loss of military items in battle against Apaches. 02-08-1790
Diaz de Hortega Correspondence dealing with alleged negligence of military officials who have permitted the Indians to inflict terror on ranchos and... 07-05-1788
Diaz de Hortega Series of reports detailing robberies committed by Indians. Military officials are blamed for not being able to stop these crimes 07-30-1788
Diaz de Hortega Correspondence between Diaz de Hortega and viceroy regarding concerns that Apaches are destroying haciendas property without punishment.... 08-12-1788
Diaz de Hortega Letters between Diaz de Hortega and Ugalde about complaint in unequal military funding; purchase of military livestock. 12-31-1786
Diaz de Hortega Letters between Diaz de hortega, virrey Flores & various military officials about Indian attacks and vecino abandonment. 10-06-1768
Diaz de Hortega Correspondence between Diaz and the viceroy concerning Apache raids in Guanacevi and real del Oro. 01-11-1790
Diaz de Hortega Correspondence between Diaz and viceroy concerning separation between civil and military offices in Durango. 10-14-1787
Diaz de Hortega Correspondence between Diaz, viceroy, and other officials concerning Indian raids in Julimes, Guanacebi, and Conchos. 02-01-1790
Diaz de Hortega Correspondence between Diaz, viceroy, and other officials concerning Indian raids in San Buenaventura, Papasquiano, and Chihuahua. 02-22-1790
Diaz de Hortega Correspondence between Diaz and several justicia mayores concerning Indian raids and town abandonments. 03-01-1790
Diaz de Hortega Correspondence between Plo, viceroy, and other officials concerning Indian raids in Mapimi, Guanacevi, and Parral during February. 03-08-1790
Diaz de Hortega Correspondence between Diaz, viceroy, and other officials concerning Indian raids during September. 09-00-1790
Diaz de Hortega Correspondence between Diaz, viceroy, and Matos concerning military attack against Indians in Organos. 10-14-1790
Diaz de Hortega Correspondence between Diaz, viceroy, and Valle concerning Indian raids in district of Chihuahua in September. 10-12-1790
Diaz de Hortega Correspondence between Diaz, viceroy, and other officials concerning Indian raids during October. 10-29-1790
Diaz de Hortega Correspondence between Diaz, viceroy, and Matos concerning military expedition against Indians in Candela. 11-18-1790
Diaz de Hortega Correspondence between Diaz, viceroy, and Valle concerning Indian raids during October. 11-11-1790
Diaz de Hortega Correspondence between Diaz, viceroy, and other officials concerning Indian raids during November. 11-30-1790
