Browse by name

Person Last Name Document title Date
Diaz Series of documents concerning fiscal affairs, maritime transportation and civil administration 01-24-1808
Diaz del Campo Series of documents concerning fiscal affairs, maritime transportation and civil administration 01-24-1808
Diaz de Ortega Series of documents concerning maritime transportation, military organization, and military-religious relations. 08-25-1809
Diaz de Ortega Series of documents concerning maritime transportation, military organization, and military-religious relations. 08-25-1809
Diaz Fernandez de la Vega Series of documents dealing with maritime transportation and civil administration 10-16-1812
Diaz Series of documents dealing with maritime transportation and civil administration 10-16-1812
Dias Loera's request to retire from position as Capellan de los buques de San Blas. 03-31-1793
Diaz Correspondence with virrey re: search for Loera's replacement as naval chaplain of San Blas. 07-07-1793
Dias Correspondence re: financial accounts for exploration of California coast 1789-1792. 01-01-1789
Dias Correspondence re: financial accounts for exploration of California coast 1789-1792. 01-01-1789
Dias Correspondence re: financial accounts for exploration of California coast 1789-1792. 01-01-1789
Dios Morelos Don Juan de Dios Morelos, cirujano de San Blas destinado en Monterrey se goze de las gratificaciones de Mesa concedidas a los de su clase. 11-14-1799
Diaz Expediente sobre la arribada a Monterrei de la Fragata Ynglesa americana el otro de Boston, su capitan Mr. Door, socorres que se le... 04-29-1796
Diaz Expediente sobre la arribada a Monterrei de la Fragata Ynglesa americana el otro de Boston, su capitan Mr. Door, socorres que se le... 04-29-1796
Diaz de Rivera Petition from Velasques de Robledo, meat market supplier, noting 3000 peso payment in taxes to Hacienda owner Ruiz. 10-08-1682
Diego de Soto Informes by Ozaeta, Concepcion, Haro, others regarding acquisition of haciendas Guapango and Arroyo Zarco for Jesuit missions of California. 08-20-1676
Diego Auto by Rivera y Moncada giving account of Ozio's complaints against the people of Todos Santos. 10-26-1753
Dias Informes by Padilla and Reales; Sanchez receives permission to grant 22000 pesos to widow Miranda. 01-13-1714
Diaz Autos regarding Echeverria's and Negrete Cierra's grantings of funds for mission use. 08-11-1745
Diaz Various informes regarding hacienda Arroyo Zarco. 04-14-1774
Diaz del Campo Documents re: to debt of Fages to San Diego presido. 10-27-1793
Diaz Maldonado Documents concerning plans by Gonzalez del Castillo to increase productivity of haciendas owned by Fondo Piadoso. 09-23-1803
Diaz de Bustamante Documents concerning relations between Spaniards, comanches and lipanes in northern Provincias Internas. 00-00-1799
Diaz de Bustamante State of affairs between Spaniards, lipan Apaches and comanches in northern Provincias Internas. 07-23-1799
Diaz de Bustamante Diary of punitive expedition undertaken by tercera compania de Cavalleria Volante de Nuevo Santander. 04-02-1799
Diaz de Ortega Series of letters to Ugarte y Loyola requesting intelligence and expenses reports; notice of new sub-commander under Ugarte y Loyola. 07-18-1787
Diaz de Hortega Payment to Guizarnotegui for contract with presidios and series of letters concerning contract procedures. 06-20-1787
Diaz de Ortega Index of official records in file concerning situation of internal provinces 08-19-1787
Diaz de Hortega Proposals from guizarnotegui and other merchants to supply presidial soldiers and companias Volantes; series of letters praising... 05-14-1787
Diaz de Ortega Hold is called on Guizarnotegui's contract to supply presidial troops until certain requirements are fulfilled 09-26-1787
Diaz de Hortega Hold is called on Guizarnotegui's contract to supply presidial troops until certain requirements are fulfilled 09-26-1787
Diaz de Ortega Letters between Ugarte y Loyola, Mangino and Real Hacienda concerning positive economic aspects of contract with merchant Guizarnotegui to... 09-26-1787
Diaz de Ortega Letters from Ugarte y Loyola and others discussing condition of troops of Nueva Vizcaya and Nuevo Mexico under contract with merchant... 10-20-1787
Diaz de Hortega Formal report by Beregana to viceroy stating situation of funds of Chihuahua, including letter of explanation; response of viceroy. 01-01-1788
Diaz Correspondence between Ugarte y Loyola and real hazienda concerning contract with Guizarnotegui and additional payments to him for 1790. 03-24-1789
Diaz de Hortega Correspondence between Ugarte y Loyola and real hazienda concerning contract with Guizarnotegui and additional payments to him for 1790. 03-24-1789
Dies Letters between viceroy and other officials concerning appointment of Columnas. 12-20-1792
Diaz de Celis Documents dealing with number and salaries of military personnel and missionaries. 12-16-1751
Diaz de Celis Documents re: founding dates of missions and presidios. 00-00-1640
Dias de Ortega Documents dealing with provisioning of food, clothing, and arms for presidial troops. 09-01-1772
Diaz de Hortega Documents dealing with the provisioning of presidios. 08-13-1790
Diaz Documents dealing with termination of Guizarnotegui's contract for provisioning presidios. 11-04-1786
Diaz de Ortega Discourse between Virrey, Ugarte and others concerning acquisition of cannon to defend presidios of Nueva Vizcaya. 04-04-1789
Diaz de Salcedo Documents concerning naming of Ugarte as comandante general de las Provincias Internas; establishment of caja de quintos y azogues. 08-26-1780
Diaz de Salcedo Letter from Diaz de Salcedo to virrey requesting extracts of military reviews. 04-29-1794
Diaz de Bustamante Index of letters sent by Sierra Gorda to Virrey. 05-01-1797
Diaz de Bustamante Military reviews of first and third companias Volantes de Nuevo Santander. 01-01-1796
Diaz de Bustamante Discourse from Sierra Gorda to virrey re: Azana's imminent succession of Branciforte as viceroy; leave granted to captain of 3rd... 10-19-1796
Diaz de Salcedo Roncal requests discharge and transfer to Mexico due to debilitating injury. 01-17-1794
Diaz de Salcedo Documents pertaining to legal case against army officers found guilty of murder of Indians. 11-01-1791
