Browse by name

Person Last Name Document title Date
Duran Ugarte y Loyola, Jacobo. Advises of pension to deceased man's widow. 06-24-1789
Duenas Uranga, Francisco Xavier de (lieutenant governor of El Paso) to Concha, Fernando de la (gobernador). Request for advice on eclesiastical... 01-20-1790
Duenas Ugarte y Loyola, Jacobo (comandante general). Forwarding of two letters (twitchell no. 1079) from teniente de gobernador of El Paso... 02-09-1790
Duenas Paiz, Antonio to Concha, Fernando de la. Petition requesting replacement of fray Duenas with fray Bermejo as Duenas does not allowed... 00-00-1791
Duran . List of soldiers of Santa Fe presidio to receive pensions including their ages and years in service. 11-28-1795
Duran . List of soldiers of Santa Fe presidio to receive pensions including their ages and years in service. 11-28-1795
Durocher Real Alencaster, Joaquin del to Salcedo, Nemesio. Draft of a letter transmitting a memorial concerning money to support a Frenchman being... 05-22-1805
Dunbar Cavacalbo (Marques de). Concerning the american expedition of Dunbar. 07-15-1805
Dunbar Casacalbo (Marques de) to Ceballos, Pedro. Concerning Dunbar and Lewist Clark expeditions. 07-18-1805
Duran Fernandes, Bartolome. Criminal case against Reyes Vigil. 07-28-1805
Durocher Salcedo, Nemesio to Real Alencaster, Joaquin. Salcedo informs governor that he will be returning to Ylinois to New Mexico to negotiate... 09-09-1805
Durocher Salcedo, Nemesio to Real Alencaster, Joaquin del. Concerning Indian relations. 09-12-1805
Dunbar Salcedo, Nemesio to Casacalbo (Marques de). Concerning the expedition of William Dunbar. 10-08-1805
Durocher Real Alencaster, Joaquin del to Salcedo, Nemesio. Acknowledging receipt of information that two Frenchmen had requested permission from... 11-20-1805
Durocher Real Alencaster, Joaquin del to Salcedo, Nemesio. Diary of Vial expedition to the great plains. 11-20-1805
Durocher Joaquin del Real Alencaster (gobernador). note to comandante general that Frenchman Lorenzo Durocher has arrived in province and been... 08-16-1806
Duroret Ysidro Rey. Two notes to governor of New Mexico informing him of arrival of a Frenchman and an anglo-american on way to Chihuahua and... 08-31-1806
Duran Joaqin del Real Alencaster (gobernador). note to audiencia of Guadalajara that documents for criminal case against Josef Antonio Duran,... 06-10-1807
Duran List of subscribers to the Voluntary contribution made by the inhabitants of the province of New Mexico. Nearly 500 names. 11-20-1809
Duran Ruiz, Antonio/Chaves, Jose Antonio. List of names of children vaccinated; names of parents; places of residence. 08-22-1810
Duscan Venegas, Francisco Xavier. Proclamation regarding the rebellion, and the offer of a conditional pardon to some rebels. 02-11-1811
Duran Armijo, Francisco. Case against Armijo for cruelty to his wife. 03-25-1816
Duran Jose Francisco Duran. 04-29-1819
Duran Jose Francisco Duran. 04-29-1819
Duran Receipt for arms stored and taken. 08-23-1819
Duran Rafael Tapia. Report on arms stored in an unspecified warehouse (Santa Fe presidio)(?). 08-23-1819
Duran y Chaves Melgares, Facundo. Case of criminal assault. 09-09-1819
Duran Bartolo Duran. Receipt for soap, sugar loaves, and ribbons sold to Bartolo Duran. 10-15-1819
Duran An order to have depts paid off. 10-19-1819
Duran Leiba, Jose Francisco. 12-27-1819
Duran . List of supplies given to members of the Santa Fe presidio. 05-06-1820
Duran Lucero, Pablo. Report on local elections for representatives to a district electoral junta to be held at Taos and on district election. 12-03-1820
Duran Lucero, Pablo. Report on local elections for representatives to a district electoral junta to be held at Taos and on district election. 12-03-1820
Duran Duran, Manuel to Melgares, Facundo. Report on ayuntamiento of Pecos. 01-03-1821
Duran Duran, Manuel to Melgares, Facundo. Reporting on absence of elector Alexandro and settlement of a law suit. Reply appended. 02-19-1821
Duran Duran, Manuel to Melgares, Facundo. Concerning transport of grain for the troops. Reply appended. 04-10-1821
Duran Jaramillo, Manuel. Receipt for supplies provided to soldiers from carrizal presidio company. 06-19-1821
Duran Duran, Manuel to Melgares, Facundo. Acknowledging receipt of letter concerning Duran's non compliance with an order to organize... 07-26-1821
Duran Duran, Manuel to Melgares, Facundo. Reporting on damages done by a group of comanches and asking for the formation of a contribution to a... 08-21-1821
Duran Duran, Manuel to Melgares, Facundo. Acknowledging receipt of Pino's proclamation, and communicating his (Duran's) willingness to... 08-23-1821
Duran Duran, Manuel to Melgares, Facundo. Reporting on whereabouts of militiamen nominated to rank of sergeant. 08-24-1821
Duquesney Padre Ignacio Maria Napoli, Ignacio Duquesney, Pedro de la Riva. Description visit to western Yaqui pueblos. 05-11-1740
Duquesney Ignacio Duquesney al padre visitador general Joseph Xavier de Molina. Letter concerning Yaqui revolt. 07-07-1740
Duran Luis Antonio Manchaca (capitan). Pleito sobre muerte por heridos de Diego Menchacha por Juan Sosa por adulterio con su esposa. 04-19-1772
Duran Domingo Cabello. 02-14-1782
Dupon Rafael Martinez Pacheco. Discussing arrival of dupar with goods for Indian trade and for villages of Bexar and Bahia. 09-16-1787
Dupont Jacobo Ugarte y Loyola to Rafael Martinez Pacheco. Letter granting trading privileges to Alexandro Dupont. 11-22-1787
