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Person Last Name Document title Date
Gonzales Diarios del destacamento de la Villa de Croix ano de 1788 y 89 10-01-1788
Gonzales Diarios del comandante del destacamento de la Villa de Llera, ano de 1788 y 89 09-01-1788
Gonzales Series of military personnel records from compania Volante de Nuevo Santander for 1788 signed by Murgier. 03-01-1788
Gonzalez de la Huerta Quaderno que comprende los borradores de oficios passados del capitan... 11-29-1786
Gonzales Legaxo numero 17 que comprende la correspondencia de la segunda compania Volante de la colonia de Nuevo Santander con la extinguida... 10-30-1786
Gonzales Disparate collection of letters, informes from Ugalde and unsigned others to Lacomba concerning activities and organization of tercera... 11-12-1783
Gonzalez de Paredes Disparate collection of letters, informes from Ugalde and unsigned others to Lacomba concerning activities and organization of tercera... 11-12-1783
Gonzales de Paredes Service records of officers of tercera compania del Nuevo Santander. 01-01-1754
Gonzalez Diarios de novedades, estados de fuerza of the segunda and tercera companias Volantes del Nuevo Santander. 02-31-1791
Gonzales Diarios de novedades, estados de fuerza of the segunda and tercera companias Volantes del Nuevo Santander. 02-31-1791
Gonzales Paredes Extracto general del ano 1791 de la segunda compania Volante de la colonia del Nuevo Santander. 01-01-1791
Gonzales Paredes Extracto general de 1792 ano de la segunda compania Volante. 01-01-1792
Gonzales Hojas de servicio de oficiales, sargentos, y cadete de la tercera compania Volante de la colonia del Nuevo Santander ajustados por fin de... 12-31-1791
Gonzales de Paredes Letters from Lacumba, Claudio to Ugalde, Juan de concerning: orders received, supplies received, Indians arrested. 08-09-1786
Gonzales Letters from Lacumba, Claudio to Ugalde, Juan de concerning a variety of topics affecting la tercera compania Volante de la colonia del... 01-08-1787
Gonzales de Paredes Letters from: Lacomba, Gonzales de Paredes, Cantum, Flores; to; Ugalde, Juan de 12-26-1787
Gonzales de Paredes Letters from Lacomba and others to Ugalde; concerning a variety of matters affecting the tercera compania Volante. 11-26-1787
Gonzales Letters from Lacomba/Cossio to Ugalde; concerning a variety of matters affecting la tercera compania Volante de la colonia del Nuevo... 06-30-1789
Gonzales de Paredes Letters from Lacomba, Puga, Gonzales de Paredes to Ugalde, Juan de: concerning matters affecting tercera companis Volante de la colonia del... 08-22-1787
Gonzalez de Santianer Various military instancias from Nuevo Santander. None Given
Gonzalez Various military instancias from Nuevo Santander. None Given
Gonzales de Paredes Various military instancias from Nuevo Santander. None Given
Gonzalez Huerta Various military instancias from Nuevo Leon. 04-27-1783
Gonzales de Santiamer Various military instancias from Nuevo Leon. 04-27-1783
Gonzalez Huerta Military service records, presidio de Lampazos. 01-08-1760
Gonzalez Huerta Accounts for compania Volante de Lampazos for 1790, 1791. 12-31-1790
Gonzalez Huerta Military accounts and other manifests of flying company at Lampazos. 12-31-1791
Gonzalez Extracto general of military reviews of flying company of Lampazos, 1791, 1792. 01-03-1791
Gonzalez Extracto general of military reviews of flying company of Lampazos, 1791, 1792. 01-03-1791
Gonzalez Ramirez Extracto general of military reviews of flying company of Lampazos, 1791, 1792. 01-03-1791
Gonzalez Huerta Vaamonde's suggestions re: vacancies at Lampazos. 10-15-1791
Gonzales Huerta Routine administrative correspondence from Vaamonde to Castro. 04-28-1790
Gonzalez Huerta Routine administrative correspondence from Vaamonde to Castro. 04-28-1790
Gomez de Castro Routine administrative correspondence from Vaamonde to Castro. 04-28-1790
Gordoqui Routine administrative correspondence from Vaamonde to Castro. 04-28-1790
Gonzalez Huerta Routine administrative correspondence from Vaamonde to Castro. 04-28-1790
Gonzalez Huerta Administrative correspondence from Ramon to Castro. 06-10-1791
Gonzales Letters from Diaz and Vidal concerning conditions and activities of companies in Laredo. 02-03-1792
Gonzales Letters from Diaz and Vidal concerning conditions and activities of companies in Laredo. 02-03-1792
Gonzales Expositions from soldiers accompanying the padre conductor to missions of Texas. 12-07-1792
Gonzales Expositions from soldiers accompanying the padre conductor to missions of Texas. 12-07-1792
Gomes Montenegro Series of letters from Gutierrez de la Cueva to Virrey 01-10-1792
Gomez de Montenegro Report of troop strength at Monclova. 08-17-1791
Gomez Letters between Emparan, Castro, Revilla Gigedo, others concerning Castro's dislike of Emparan; administrative bibliography. 10-19-1773
Gonzalez Bracho Letters between Emparan, Castro, Revilla Gigedo, others concerning Castro's dislike of Emparan; administrative bibliography. 10-19-1773
Gonzales Copy of several letters between Ugarte, Diaz, viceroy, and other government officials concerning Parras and Saltillo. 01-22-1786
Goicochea Correspondence between Fueros, Texeda, and other government officials concerning marriage of Barry with Paliza. 05-01-1760
Gorostiza Correspondence between Gorostiza, Revilla Gigedo, Nava and other government officials concerning punishing soldiers by transferring them. 10-06-1790
Gomez Correspondence between Gorostiza, Revilla Gigedo, Nava and other government officials concerning punishing soldiers by transferring them. 10-06-1790
Gomez Correspondence between Sanches, Bustamante, and others concerning Ugalde's attack on Sanches. 07-01-1782
