Browse by name

Person Last Name Document titlesort descending Date
Menchaca Correspondence between governor of Coahuila and virrey concerning Indian incursions and military actions 03-23-1790
Menchaca Correspondence between governor of Coahuila and virrey concerning poor relations with Indians. 10-08-1787
Medina Correspondence between Grimarest, viceroy, and other officials concerning raid of peaceful Apaches against enemy ones. 09-26-1790
Mere Correspondence between Hezeta and virrey for December, 1779. 01-09-1780
Medina Correspondence between Hezeta and virrey for December, 1779. 01-09-1780
Merino Correspondence between Hijosa and viceroy about Sonoran expedition. 06-06-1767
Melendez Bruna Correspondence between Junta de Marina de San Blas, virrey re: repair of frigate aranzazu. 11-27-1793
Medina Correspondence between Lasaga and virrey (?) re: administrative matters for 1782. 02-25-1782
Mendez de Lievano Correspondence between Lievano and the governor of Colotlan dealing with fiscal affairs and other issues 02-17-1774
Menchaca Correspondence between listed authors re: Apaches in Nueva Vizcaya. 02-24-1788
Melo Correspondence between Lorca y Villena and virrey re: Serano request for mission in San Carlos. 07-20-1774
Medina Correspondence between Loyola and viceroy in regard to various military and civil affairs within Provincias Internas de Poniente. 11-01-1788
Medina Correspondence between Loyola and virrey Florez re: accounting for number of enemies killed. 03-19-1789
Medina Correspondence between Loyola and virrey Florez re: peace with Queyeya. 06-17-1789
Menca Correspondence between Loyola, Rengel and virreynato concerning various replacements for officers and administrative matters. 03-11-1786
Medina Correspondence between Loyola, Rengel and virreynato concerning various replacements for officers and administrative matters. 03-11-1786
Mesias Correspondence between Mayorga and Croix re: military service records, Alamos treasury and military recruitment and rights to produce... 00-00-1730
Medina Correspondence between Medina and Garrido concerning expenses for Apache provisions. 01-08-1790
Medina Correspondence between Medina and Garrido concerning expenses of Apache trip. 12-28-1789
Menchaca Correspondence between Menchaca and Bucareli concerning different unrelated matters. 09-11-1771
Menchaca Correspondence between Nava and Revilla Gigedo re: military personnel, finances and murder of peaceful Indians by soldiers. 01-01-1791
Medina Correspondence between Nava and Revilla Gigedo re: military personnel, finances and murder of peaceful Indians by soldiers. 01-01-1791
Merino Correspondence between Nava and virrey concerning diverse fiscal and administrative affairs. 05-12-1794
Merino Correspondence between Nava, Arrillaga, and virrey concerning diverse administrative and fiscal affairs. 05-08-1793
Merino Correspondence between Nava, Conde del Campo de Alange, and virrey concerning diverse military, fiscal, and administrative affairs. 07-16-1793
Merino Correspondence between Nava, the viceroy, and other government officials concerning administrative management of Provincias Internas. 08-22-1776
Medina Correspondence between Nava, viceroy, and other government officials concerning appointment of Garcia y Bringas. 03-09-1792
Mendez de Liebana Correspondence between Oca and the governor, reporting on administration of presidio of Nayarit. 04-26-1768
Menchaca Correspondence between Oca, Bucareli, and other government officials concerning Oca's request to go to Spain. 05-22-1769
Melendez Bruna Correspondence between oficiales de marina de San Blas, virrey re: funds for repair of armements warehouse. 05-25-1793
Medina Correspondence between Oliden and real hacienda about payment order from pay office. 10-24-1796
Mendoza Correspondence between Pineda and captains concerning presidial personnel. 00-00-1784
Menchaca Correspondence between Plo, viceroy, and other officials concerning Indian raids in Mapimi, Guanacevi, and Parral during February. 03-08-1790
Mendieta Correspondence between Plo, viceroy, and Soto concerning Indian raids in Cerro Gordo and San Juan in July. 07-27-1790
Meras Correspondence between Plo, viceroy, and Soto concerning Indian raids in Cerro Gordo and San Juan in July. 07-27-1790
Merino Correspondence between Posada and other government officials concerning pension of Allande. 01-14-1775
Mesia Correspondence between Posada, Garibay, and other government officials concerning repayment of Garibay's debt. 02-01-1779
Medina Correspondence between Posada, Garibay, and other government officials concerning repayment of Garibay's debt. 02-01-1779
Merino y Moreno Correspondence between Rengel, Garrido y Duran and real audencia gobernadora concerning appointments of officials in Chihuahua. 04-22-1785
Mee Correspondence between Ripperda and Bucareli concerning comanche raids and their war with other Indians. 08-05-1775
Mecieres Correspondence between Ripperda and Bucareli concerning comanche raids and their war with other Indians. 08-05-1775
Mecieres Correspondence between Ripperda and Bucareli concerning inconveniences of receiving letters from Mecieres. 09-24-1774
Mecieres Correspondence between Ripperda and Bucareli concerning plugs of tobacco. 03-30-1775
Mecieres Correspondence between Ripperda and Bucareli concerning sandenis' plan to pacify Indians. 11-15-1774
Menchaca Correspondence between Ripperda and Bucareli concerning slander of Ripperda by Menchaca. 07-15-1774
Mecieres Correspondence between Ripperda and Bucareli concerning Spanish woman and mulato boy taken by Taouaya captain. 03-03-1775
Melchor Correspondence between Ripperda and Bucareli from February to June 1776. 02-15-1776
Mecieres Correspondence between Ripperda and Bucareli from February to June 1776. 02-15-1776
Mezieres Correspondence between Ripperda, Croix, and Bucareli y Ursua depredations. 00-00-1753
Menchaca Correspondence between Rodriguez and viceroy and other officials about Indian depredations 03-17-1768
