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Person Last Name Document title Date
Nava Letter from Nava to Munoz concerning proper format of correspondence. 01-29-1791
Nava Letter from Castro to virrey complaining about Emparan. 06-27-1791
Nava Letters between Castro and virrey concerning charges of insubordination against Emparan. 08-10-1791
Nava Letters concerning charges of insubordination leveled by Castro against Emparan. 07-29-1791
Nava Letters between Emparan and Castro concerning dispute over appointment of Ventura Moreno as teniente gobernador militar. 07-29-1791
Nava Letters from Castro and virrey concerning insubordinate behavior of Emparan and Ventura Moreno. 09-06-1791
Nava Letter from Castro to virrey concerning complaints against Emparan. 10-18-1791
Nava Letter from Battaller to virrey concerning complaints leveled by Castro against Emparan. 11-13-1791
Nava Letters, notes between Revilla and Fiscal about setting up hospital and cost of staffing. 12-15-1790
Nava Letters between Castro, Sierragorda, Maldonado about results of various military trials. 07-07-1791
Nava Letters between Lacomba, Revilla Gigedo and others detailing Menchaca's trial for misconduct. 07-03-1788
Nava Letters between Revilla Gigedo, Gutierrez, Lopez de la Paliza, and others about punishment of Alvares, Ximenez, & Cano. 02-12-1793
Nava Letters between Nava, Revilla Gigedo, Diaz de Salcedo, others over cost, escort of powder to Monclova & San Luis Potosi. 11-12-1793
Nava Letters between Leon y Perez, Sesso, Diaz de la Vega, others about Leon y Perez' appointment as director of garden. 09-03-1794
Navarro Letters between Leon y Perez, Sesso, Diaz de la Vega, others about Leon y Perez' appointment as director of garden. 09-03-1794
Nava Letters between Emparan, Castro, Revilla Gigedo, others concerning Castro's dislike of Emparan; administrative bibliography. 10-19-1773
Nava Correspondence between Cordero, Nava, viceroy, and other government officials concerning transfer of Alvarez to Coahuila. 01-04-1791
Nacache Correspondence between Ugalde, Croix, Galvez, and other government officials concerning destitution of Ugalde. 00-00-1578
Narices Tuertas Correspondence between Ugalde, Croix, Galvez, and other government officials concerning destitution of Ugalde. 00-00-1578
Narbona Letters from Nava to virrey concerning military personnel 08-23-1792
Nava Viceroy's letters to Nava referring to orders and dispatches about military and religious positions, and administrative paperwork. 09-27-1790
Nava Nava's correspondence re: military conduct; Bejar company; finances; receipt of dispatches; and pensions. 10-16-1790
Nava Nava's correspondence re: military and religious appointments; military salaries and pensions; military administration. 01-19-1791
Nava Correspondence between Nava and Revilla Gigedo re: military appointements; relaying of orders; funds used in transport 12-27-1790
Nava Correspondence between Nava and Revilla Gigedo re: military personnel, finances and murder of peaceful Indians by soldiers. 01-01-1791
Nava Nava's correspondence re: Posita and Maniguane hacienda attack; Nuevo Santander military inspection; military personnel and military... 12-13-1790
Nava Nava's correspondence concerning unidentified ships firing in bay of San Juan. 02-27-1791
Nava Nava's correspondence concerning transport costs and Alferez appointments of compania de San Juan Bautista. 03-15-1791
Nava Nava's correspondence concerning search for ships sighted off Tiburon coast. 05-02-1791
Nava Nava's correspondence re: pensions; military and civil personnel' military appointments; civil administration. 07-01-1772
Nava Nava's correspondence re: military personnel and appointments; vandos; civil administration 00-00-1784
Nava Nava's correspondence re: Diaz de Luna's conduct; Alferez appointments; troop debts; chaplain Cortes. 03-02-1791
Nava Nava's correspondence re: invalids; Nava's request for Mariscal de Campo poistion; civil administration. 00-00-1753
Nava Nava's correspondence re: Grimarest's illness; Fourth company paymaster request for funds; military retirement and invalids. 06-04-1789
Nava Nava's correspondence concerning Grimarest's illness and insubordination; escape of Chiquito capitan. 12-04-1786
Navarro Nava's correspondence concerning Grimarest's illness and insubordination; escape of Chiquito capitan. 12-04-1786
Nava Nava's correspondence re: military appointments for Santa Fe, Tucson, and Cerrogordo; and retirements. 07-01-1791
Nava Nava's correspondence re: military appointments; invalids and retirements; vandos. 02-27-1791
Nava Nava's correspondence re: military appointments; paymaster bankruptcies; Concha's return to Mexico for medical care. 07-13-1789
Nava Nava's correspondence concerning census of province of New Mexico, provides populations totals for several areas, and categories of... 11-01-1791
Nava Nava's correspondence concerning Denofeant's conduct among Apache chiricaquis, and Mata Binolas' plans against rebels near... 06-14-1791
Nava Nava's correspondence re: Alferez appointments in Bautista, and discussion of creation of ayudante inspector posts. 06-00-1778
Nava Nava's correspondence concerning military personnel and appointments. 09-16-1791
Nava Correspondence between Nava and virrey concerning routine administrative issues. 02-05-1795
Nava Correspondence between Nava and virrey concerning diverse fiscal, religious, and military affairs. 11-07-1793
Nava Letters from Nava to virrey concerning vacating of homes in main plaza of Durango to make room for royal offices. 12-10-1793
Nava Correspondence between Nava and virrey concerning routine military affairs. 03-04-1793
Nava Correspondence between Nava and virrey concerning diverse military and administrative affairs. 03-07-1793
Nava Correspondence between Nava and virrey concerning diverse military and administrative affairs. 04-10-1793
Nava Correspondence between Nava, Arrillaga, and virrey concerning diverse administrative and fiscal affairs. 05-08-1793
