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Person Last Name Document title Date
Sierra Reports of Indian raids in Nueva Vizcaya. 12-30-1788
Sierra Reports of Indian raids in Nueva Vizcaya. 03-13-1789
Sierra Reports of Indian raids, ceremonies, intertribal relations. 06-03-1789
Sierra Documents reporting Indian raids, militia activities in Nueva Vizcaya. 08-31-1789
Sierra Reports of Indian raids, military campaigns at norte. 05-20-1790
Sierra Letters to virrey and real audiencia concerning the establishment of obispado for Nuevo Santander. 01-25-1773
Sierra 1327. Californias Ibarra. Ano de 1774. Numero 1098. expediente promovido por el ilustrisimo senor obispo de Guadalaxara y jueces hacedores... 09-30-1774
Sierra 1327. Californias Ibarra. Ano de 1774. Numero 1098. expediente promovido por el ilustrisimo senor obispo de Guadalaxara y jueces hacedores... 09-30-1774
Sierra Once oficios del coronel don Phelipe de Neve remitiendo cuentas de reclutas, pobladores remontadas y de los soldados de presidios de esta... 10-24-1781
Sierra Documents relating to charges brought by Moreno y Castro against Pison y Gusman for blasphemies, drunkenness, debts and other bad conduct,... 00-00-1768
Sierra ano de 1788. El ayudante ynspector don Juan Gutierrez. Gutierrez de la Cueva is granted position of teniente coronel and Ochoa and Sierra... 02-07-1788
Sierra Report by Arvizu on payments to soldiers of the presidio of Tucson as per the royal decree of April 20, 1815. 12-31-1817
Sierra Report by Arvizu on payments to soldiers of the presidio of Tucson as per the royal decree of April 20, 1815. 12-31-1817
Sierra Correspondence re: charges brought against various Indians. 12-15-1775
Sierra Correspondence related to court case against Gaspar. 08-29-1775
Sierra Interrogations from bishop of Guadalaxara made in his visit of Santa Maria de Los Angeles. Autos formed against Escandon. 11-10-1766
Sierra Regarding military monetary awards. 10-04-1766
Sierra Ugarte y Loyola informs of measures taken to punctually pay for synods for religious men attending to missions. 04-13-1779
Sierra Index and extractions from expedientes containing abundant administrative, military and religious information regarding the provinces... 01-01-1766
Sierra Index and extractions from legajo 10 (1763), quadernos 1-8, containing administrative, military, and religious infromation regarding... 11-28-1762
Sierra Juan Robledo. Real provision. 02-12-1652
Sierra Joseph Fernandez de Cordoba/Francisco Sanchez de Tagle/ Francisco de Bonmirelo deposition concerning land tenure along Rio Florido near San... 02-07-1711
Sierra Contra jugadores de Naipes. 05-18-1764
Sierra Victor Sierra. Cuenta de los productos del fondo, susgastos. 00-00-1785
Sierra . Index of documents from 1788. 00-00-0000
Sierra Sierra, Nicolas de la. Raphael Pacheco brings suit against his employer's estate. 11-15-1766
Sierra Sanchez, Joseph. Suit brought against Diego Antonio Chavez over claim on property and construction of house that blocks the entrance and... 07-18-1767
Sierra Sierra, Nicolas Antonio de la. Civil suit for debt of 650 pesos against Joseph Mariano Baca. 08-01-1767
Sierra Ugarte y Loyola, Jacobo to Concha, Fernando de la. Ugarte y Loyola tells he paid stipend to priests for the synod of 1784. 01-12-1788
Sierra Salcedo, Nemesio to Manrique, Jose. Re: the appointment of an official; and the use of the surname only on the signature of certain... 07-11-1810
Sierra Fernando VII to Manrique, Jose. Royal decree: rights of natives of the Spanish indies. 10-17-1810
Sierra Manrique, Jose to Salcedo, Nemesio. Re: various matters: retirements, gifts to Indian allies, election of officials, etc. 11-20-1810
Sierra Fernando Septimo. Royal decree: concerning election of representatives. 12-13-1810
Sierra Venegas, Francisco Xavier. Proclamation regarding the rebellion, and the offer of a conditional pardon to some rebels. 02-11-1811
Sierra Salcedo, Nemesio to Manrrique, Jose. Decree concerning the mounting expenses of maintaining the army and the war and steps to be taken in... 09-07-1812
Sierra Antonio Trevino. Informes sobre rendicion de Trevino y de los indios taguais. 00-00-0000
Sierra Carlos de Franquis Benites de Lugo al Marques de Torreblanca. Report concerning mismanagement and corrupt practices of governing officials... 08-26-1739
Sierra Justo Boneo (gobernador). Recidencia proceedings of Justo Boneo (gobernador), deceased, conducted by Francisco Garzia Larios (governador). 11-07-1744
Sierra Antonio Rodriquez Mederos vs. Pedro del Barrio Junco y Espriella, Vicente Albares Trabieso and Francisco de Arroyo. Documents demanding... 07-19-1749
Sierra Antonio Rodriquez Mederos vs. Pedro del Barrio Junco y Espriella, Vicente Albares Trabieso and Francisco de Arroyo. Documents demanding... 07-19-1749
Sierra Cabildo of San Fernando vs. Antonio rodriquez Mederos. Investigation of actions of Antonio Rodriquez Mederos (mayordomo) by cubildo. 07-21-1749
Sierra Joseph Joaquin de Coy y Muzquiz. Varios documentos sobre el pleito del Cabildo de San Fernando de Bejar contra Antonio Rodriguez Mederos. 06-17-1750
Sierra Juan Francisco de Guemes y Horcasitas (conde de Revillagigedo). Acts of inquiry and resolutions relative to the French trade with the... 02-10-1751
Sierra Soldados y oficiales del presidio de Los Adaes. Grants power of attorney. 12-31-1753
Sierra Jazinto de Barrios y Jaurigue. Documents concerning encroachment of French into Spanish Texas. 09-00-1754
Sierra Ciudadanos de San Fernando a Jazinto de Larrios y Jaurigue. Series of documents seeking repeal of acts by the governor. 09-00-1754
Sierra Junta de guerra y hacienda. Proceeding on captured Frenchmen and a new mission. 02-04-1756
Sierra Jacinto de Barrios y Jaurequi. Residencia of Jacinto de Barrios y Jaurequi, governor of Texas. 07-00-1757
Sierra Jacinto de Barrios y Jaurequi. Residencia of Jacinto de Barrios y Jaurequi, governor of Texas. 07-00-1757
Sierra Jacinto de Barrios y Jauregui. Determination of national jurisdiction of Arroyo de la Cascara. 11-05-1757
