Browse by name

Person Last Name Document title Date
Tunon Letters by Aragon, Linares, others to viceroy, with responses concerning administrative problems in Sonora and Sinaloa 01-01-1769
Tueros Correspondence between comandante general, viceroy and various officers. 04-00-1787
Tunon Correspondence of intendente Corbalan for May - June, 1774 06-22-1773
Tunon Correspondence of intendente of Sonora for August - October 1774. 06-18-1773
Tunon Correspondence of intendente of Sonora for 1775. 00-00-1749
Tueros Correspondence relating to Diaz' request for payment of back retirement salary. 08-20-1783
Tunon Correspondence related to Cuellar's expedition against Indians. 01-03-1769
Tunon Letters concerning different military matters regarding one of Cuellar's expeditions against Indians, also series of testimonies... 11-16-1768
Tunon Correspondence concerning Cuellar's military expedition against Indians, also conflict between Barrios and Cuellar. 09-08-1769
Tunon Documents concerning Cuellar's military expedition, election of new governor of Nueva Vizcaya and complaints about Cuellar's... 06-07-1769
Turin Correspondence by Camano and Ladron de Guevara concerning establishment of villa de Santillana, mining, reduccion 02-23-1758
Tuenos Letters, oficios to and from Ugalde pertaining to the circumstances of campaign against mescaleros 01-10-1787
Tueros Suplemento de la instruccion general que comprehende dos copias de oficios pasado el primero a 4 companias presidiales y una bolante 01-01-1787
Tubar Letters between Ugarte y Loyola and virrey (?) about Indian relations, depredations; military campaign Jan-Apr 1788. 10-21-1787
Tuerto Gonzales d. Tomas Rodriguez Biedma del orden de Santiago, teniente coronel de los rs. Exercitos. Sargento mayor de los ... 01-05-1794
Tuerto ...ta la cita del soldado de esta segunda compania Pedro Garcia comparecio ante mi y los de mi asistencia por citacion... 05-10-1793
Tuerto estado soltero, su empleo capitan de la segunda compania Volante, establecida en la colonia del Nuevo Santander... 02-00-1793
Tubiaun Dilegencias practicadas por noriega sobre el beneficio de metales en el real de San Nicolas de Croix. 06-06-1666
Tugo solicitud de la diputacion de mineria, sobre que se le franqueen por el tribunal 100 [mil] pesos para fomento del mineral del real de Santa... 12-16-1791
Tusseguslan Concerning Diaz de Luna transporting Apache prisoners to capitol. 10-14-1790
Turundarena Nuevo Reyno de Leon. Caussa criminal que se sigue de oficio contra los que resultaren culpados, sobre las muertes hechas en el paraje de la... 07-30-1782
Tueros excelentisimo senor acompano a v.e. documento adjunto remitido por mi theniente gobernador... 08-19-1791
Tuenos real orden duplicada de 30 de julio de 85 sobre destino del capitan del presidio di Rio Grande don Manuel de Zevecedo... 12-11-1784
Tucon Chufati Ano de 1792. Informacion reservada, recivida de orden del senor comandante general brigadier don Pedro de Nava, por el teniente coronel don... 00-00-1790
Tuna-Yilten Ano de 1792. Provincias de poniente y oriente. Coleccion de oficios y documentos de los comandantes generales srd. las pazes pretendidas... 13-11-1792
Tuscaye (illegible) que manifiesta la Apacheria que se halla de paz este presidio oi dia de la fecha . . . Numero 4. 09-30-1792
Tuyenata (illegible) que manifiesta la Apacheria que se halla de paz este presidio oi dia de la fecha . . . Numero 4. 09-30-1792
Tucjudesat (illegible) que manifiesta la Apacheria que se halla de paz este presidio oi dia de la fecha . . . Numero 4. 09-30-1792
Tudesna Concerns summary of military actions and hostilities occurring west Provincias Internas. Also other military incursions against Indian... 01-27-1793
Tula Auto of testimony defending rights of Indians. 04-12-1779
Tude Documents concerning Apaches in reduccion at Bacoachi . 08-30-1790
Tusegoslan Documents concerning Opata, Chiricahua auxiliaries. 09-14-1790
Tusegoslan Documents concerning Opata, Chiricahua auxiliaries. 09-14-1790
Tussegoslan Correspondence related to diaries of Cordero's and Casanova's campaigns against Apaches. 12-22-1788
Tuyenatan Correspondence between Loyola and virrey Florez re: peace with Queyeya. 06-17-1789
Tuyenatan Correspondence re: success of attacks on apackes. Letter, oficio, diary, padron. Original, copy (dated aut. 14, 1789), signed, unsigned. 07-21-1789
Turner Letters concerning political and military matters in the area of Texas. 08-25-1806
Tuero Documents concern crimes committed by Ramon and witnesses' testifying against him. Diligencias practicadas sobre la conducta del... 12-10-1795
Tunales quaderno de rayas de labradores de esta hacienda de San Francisco Xavier de la Baya 04-01-1803
Turrubiarte cuaderno numero 23, de cuentas particulares de los sirvientes labradores, y baqueros de las estancias de cerroalto, 12-31-1802
Tusenasen List of Bacoachi Apaches, their rations per week for 1791. 01-02-1791
Tutie Accounts of rations to specific Apache families at Bacoachi. 12-31-1790
Tunagay Rolls of Bacoachi Apaches. 03-04-1787
Tule Weekly rolls of Bacoachi Apaches for May through July, 1787. 05-22-1787
Tude Weekly rolls of Bacoachi Apaches, rations, September to August 1787. 08-05-1787
Tude Weekly rolls of Bacoachi Apaches; rations listed. 01-05-1787
Tusye Weekly rolls of Bacoachi Apaches; rations listed. 01-05-1787
Tulle Weekly rolls of Bacoachi Apaches; rations listed. 01-05-1787
Tubiria Documentos de la distribucion de caudales de 1788. 12-20-1787
Tueros Correspondence between capitan Urrea and viceroy concerning military life and tactics against Indians. 01-11-1774
