Browse by name

Person Last Name Document titlesort descending Date
Velasco Documents concerning defense plans to prevent U.S. invasion of Texas and reports of troop strengths at Texas presidios. 11-08-1808
Vera Documents concerning executors of Neve's will, inventories, auction and accounts of Neve's wealth. 01-29-1777
Vera Documents concerning executors of Neve's will, inventories, auction and accounts of Neve's wealth. 01-29-1777
Velazco Documents concerning financial support of colonial officials wife. 12-00-1780
Venadito Documents concerning frontier, tobacco, and military personnel 01-16-1819
Velderrain Documents concerning Indian affairs and military campaigns against Indians enemies. 07-02-1775
Venadito Documents concerning Indian raid against Texas hacienda San Juan de Mata. 01-26-1821
Venadito Documents concerning Indians raids against Texas haciendas, Spanish troops. 01-26-1821
Ventrua de Taranco Documents concerning matters mutual to religious and political heirarchies. 03-10-1817
Velasco Documents concerning matters mutual to religious and political heirarchies. 03-10-1817
Veytia Documents concerning matters mutual to religious and political heirarchies. 03-10-1817
Venegas Documents concerning military, fiscal, and medical affairs of Provincias Internas de occidente. 07-06-1813
Velasco Documents concerning military, fiscal, and medical affairs of Provincias Internas de occidente. 07-06-1813
Venadito Documents concerning pacification of Indians surrounding Tucson area. 01-19-1821
Vellido Documents concerning presidios, and illness of Munoz. 07-25-1770
Velasco Documents concerning promotions in office of secretary of Provincias Internas. 08-15-1817
Venadilo Documents concerning promotions in office of secretary of Provincias Internas. 08-15-1817
Veltran Documents concerning pueblo revolt of 1680 and requests for aid. 11-30-1682
Vela Documents concerning rebel raid against and money missing from treasury at Bajan 05-29-1819
Velasco Documents concerning religious affairs of Durango and Chihuahua. 02-15-1817
Venegas Documents concerning Sambrano in charge of counter-revolution against Hidalgo and insurgentes. 12-17-1814
Velasco Documents concerning soldiers parral compania de compana's attempts to obtain full salaries. 07-23-1711
Velarde Documents dealing with provisioning of food, clothing, and arms for presidial troops. 09-01-1772
Ventura Figueroa Documents discussing the property, wealth and obligations of the Jesuits in New Spain and Nueva Viscaya. 09-00-1772
Verdugo de Aro y Davila Documents explaining services to the king in Guezucar, by military and auxiliary troops under jurisdiction of Colotlan. 12-02-1721
Verdedrique Documents from viceroy and various officials regarding affairs of Provincias Internas. 02-24-1777
Velazques Documents in reference to monies advanced to Belena. 12-21-1769
Velasquez Documents pertaining to legal case against army officers found guilty of murder of Indians. 11-01-1791
Ventura Documents pertaining to proof of legitimacy of heirs of capitan Fernando Rivera y Moncada and settlement of dispute of his salary and... 00-00-1742
Ventura Documents pertaining to proof of legitimacy of heirs of capitan Fernando Rivera y Moncada and settlement of dispute of his salary and... 00-00-1742
Velasquez de Leon Documents pertaining to visita of Josef de Galvez in alta California 1769. Sent to governor Neve by predecessor Barri at time of change of... 12-12-1767
Vega Documents referring to petitions to viceroy from settlers from Canary Islands in Texas province. 12-31-1731
Vegellina y Sandoval Documents regarding impeachment of Valero and mental illness of Gutierres de la Pena. 05-10-1721
Vega Documents regarding impeachment of Valero and mental illness of Gutierres de la Pena. 05-10-1721
Vergara Documents regarding military issues within Provincias del Poniente. 12-15-1788
Veregana Documents regarding military issues within Provincias del Poniente. 12-15-1788
Velande Documents regarding primarily presidio of Janos. 07-15-1771
Vega Documents related to court cases of various prisoners. 08-12-1776
Velasquez Documents relating to charges brought by Moreno y Castro against Pison y Gusman for blasphemies, drunkenness, debts and other bad conduct,... 00-00-1768
Velasco Documents relating to comanche, navajo unrest. 05-02-1817
Velarde Documents relating to military and civilian appointments, retirements, Indian attacks within Provincias Internas 05-13-1777
Velarde Documents relating to military and civilian appointments, retirements, Indian attacks within Provincias Internas 05-13-1777
Velasquez de Lara Documents relating to payment of synods to missionaries at Guajiquimi and Amatlan de Xora. 12-04-1769
Venancio Atalo Documents relating to the nuevo reglamento of 1772 03-09-1773
Ventura Marino Documents relating to various issues within prov. internas. 05-03-1703
Venancia de la Riva Documents reporting Apache raids in Nueva Vizcaya. 07-01-1789
Verger Documents required to obtain marriage license for Ignacio Garisuain, Josefa Martinez. 05-14-1782
Vega y Salazar Domingo de la Rea. Sobre muerto por indios, testamento y sobre bienes. 07-01-1651
Vellido Domingo Elizondo. Estado que manifiesta la total fuerza con que salieron a compana los piquetes y companias destinadas a la expedicion de... 01-15-1771
Verrera Domingo Gonzalez vs Pedro de la Verrera. Pleito criminal. 08-19-1633
