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Person Last Name Document title Date
Velez Escalante Sobre sinodos de los religiosos misioneros existentes en Californias. 10-06-1810
Venegas Fray Domingo y Turrate del colegio de San Fernando sobre licencia para ir a la habana. 12-12-1797
Venegas Sobre havilitacion de memorias y situados para la baxa California en el ano proximo de 1811. 10-01-1810
Vega Sparse chronological abstract of correspondence regarding 11 Americans illegally abandoned on shore of Californias near Monterrey by ship... 04-29-1796
Velazquez de Leon Expediente sobre la arribada a Monterrei de la Fragata Ynglesa americana el otro de Boston, su capitan Mr. Door, socorres que se le... 04-29-1796
Vega Expediente sobre la arribada a Monterrei de la Fragata Ynglesa americana el otro de Boston, su capitan Mr. Door, socorres que se le... 04-29-1796
Velasques de Robledo Petition from Velasques de Robledo, meat market supplier, noting 3000 peso payment in taxes to Hacienda owner Ruiz. 10-08-1682
Velasco Testament of Leonardo de Armentia and info regarding estate of Prudencio de Armentia. 07-16-1634
Velasques de Robledo Informes by Ozaeta, Concepcion, Haro, others regarding acquisition of haciendas Guapango and Arroyo Zarco for Jesuit missions of California. 08-20-1676
Velasques de Robledo Informes by Ozaeta, Concepcion, Haro, others regarding acquisition of haciendas Guapango and Arroyo Zarco for Jesuit missions of California. 08-20-1676
Vella Informes by Ozaeta, Concepcion, Haro, others regarding acquisition of haciendas Guapango and Arroyo Zarco for Jesuit missions of California. 08-20-1676
Vegas Informes by Padilla and Reales; Sanchez receives permission to grant 22000 pesos to widow Miranda. 01-13-1714
Velasco Autos regarding censuses of haciendas of Minyo and Vinas, belonging to missions of California 02-17-1730
Velasco Auto granting power to Echeverria to receive 10000 pesos left to missions of California by deceased Velasco. 04-30-1718
Velasques y Lorea Testament of Pena 10-06-1740
Vesga Testament of Pena 10-06-1740
Vello Pereira Informe by Umaran regarding foundation of two capellanias with 4000 pesos each by Villapuente in the name of Pena. 10-10-1746
Ventura Belena Petition for payment from Real Hacienda to Fondo Piadoso: Filastica (string-making substance) sent to San Blas for the expedition of Sonora. 11-24-1766
Verroja Alviz Various informes regarding hacienda Arroyo Zarco. 04-14-1774
Vegas Montoy de Garay asks virrey to send two watchmen to Arroyo Zarco to prevent Indians from fishing in lake and their livestock from grazing... 02-14-1719
Velarde Series of billetes concerning Fondo Piadoso for California missions. 11-19-1777
Velarde Letters and informes concerning administrative accounts at haciendas of California missions. 00-00-1782
Velarde Series of recibos from tesoreria general concerning bienes confiscados. 03-23-1782
Vela Index of correspondence from Hijosa to Bucareli for 1777. 07-17-1775
Vega Index of correspondence from Hijosa to Bucareli for 1777. 07-17-1775
Vega Correspondence of Bucareli to Hijosa, comisario del departamento de San Blas, for July - December 1777. 00-00-1776
Venegas Bills of lading of goods transported by the Fragata Santiago to California ports. 02-24-1777
Venegas Correspondence to viceroy Bucareli from Hijosa, comisario de San Blas, on administrative and naval matters for March - April, 1777. 02-19-1776
Vega Correspondence from Hijosa, comisario del departamento de San Blas, to viceroy Bucareli for September - Oct., 1777. 04-05-1773
Vega Correspondence of Hijosa, comisario de San Blas, with viceroy Bucareli for November - December , 1777. 10-09-1775
Venagas Letters concerning naming of new administrador de haciendas del Fondo Piadoso. 06-15-1798
Velarde Letters protesting working conditions of Indians employed at haciendas Amoles and Buey. 03-04-1808
Velarde Proposals from guizarnotegui and other merchants to supply presidial soldiers and companias Volantes; series of letters praising... 05-14-1787
Ventura Marquez Proposals from guizarnotegui and other merchants to supply presidial soldiers and companias Volantes; series of letters praising... 05-14-1787
Veregana Letters from Ugarte y Loyola and others discussing condition of troops of Nueva Vizcaya and Nuevo Mexico under contract with merchant... 10-20-1787
Velasco Calleja reviews primera compania Volante of Santander for virrey finding it in need of supplies. 03-30-1795
Vertir Index requested by viceroy Pacheco y de Padilla of official documents dealing with Provincias Internas from 1636-1793. 00-00-1636
Velasques Index requested by viceroy Pacheco y de Padilla of official documents dealing with Provincias Internas from 1636-1793. 00-00-1636
Vega Index requested by viceroy Pacheco y de Padilla of official documents dealing with Provincias Internas from 1636-1793. 00-00-1636
Veles Index requested by viceroy Pacheco y de Padilla of official documents dealing with Provincias Internas from 1636-1793. 00-00-1636
Ventura Index of documents re: Provincias Internas and Nayarit located in Chapultepec. 00-00-1771
Velasques Index of documents re: Provincias Internas and Nayarit located in Chapultepec. 00-00-1771
Velarde Documents dealing with provisioning of food, clothing, and arms for presidial troops. 09-01-1772
Velasquez Documents pertaining to legal case against army officers found guilty of murder of Indians. 11-01-1791
Velez de Escalante Series of letters concerning payment of synods to Fernandino missions of California by Fondo Piadoso. 10-24-1804
Velasquez de Leon Series of documents concerning introduction of hemp into Nueva California. 10-23-1798
Venegas Series of documents concerning introduction of hemp into Nueva California. 10-23-1798
Verger Series of letters concerning request made by Verger that free postage be granted to missionaries serving in California. 12-18-1773
Velasquez Letter from Neve to Osorio concerning aquisition of necessary articles. 08-24-1775
Venadito Letters re: payment of sinodos to California missionaries. 01-18-1819
