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Person Last Name Document titlesort descending Date
Yescas Listas de revistas May-August 1817 for presidios of Sonora. 05-01-1817
Yescas Listas de revistas May-August 1817 for presidios of Sonora. 05-01-1817
Yermo Meeting from the royal tribunal to determine the advantages and disadvantages to the open commerce between New Spain and provincias of the... 06-01-1785
Yescaz Military rolls for all companies in Sonora for January, 1818. 01-01-1818
Yescas Miscellaneous administrative documents concerning the Provincias Internas. 12-03-1817
Yermo Notes and letters concerning appointment of Cancio as captain of Santa Rosa presidio 05-28-1755
Yermo Nuevo Reyno de Leon; capitan don Jose Maria de Echegaray 86-87-88 y 89, 11-00-1786
Yendo Ortega, Gabriel de. Criminal suit against Joseph Trujillo, Pablo Francisco de Villapando and Joseph Yendo for cattle theft. 01-23-1769
Yermo Proceedings against Blas de Eca y Musquiz. 07-28-1784
Yermo Proposal by military to overcome financial problems by paying soldiers in 'cigarros,' not money. 09-30-1772
Yermo Provincias Internas indice del tomo 219 12-31-1803
Yermo Quaderno que comprende los borradores de oficios passados del capitan... 11-29-1786
Yeaza recibi de dn. Mariano Yeaza recaudador.. letters concerning administrative matters at the contaduria of California. 07-02-1840
Yescas Report by Zuniga on payments to soldiers of Santa Cruz presidio as per royal order of October 4, 1766. 12-31-1817
Yescas Report by Zuniga on payments to soldiers of Santa Cruz presidio as per royal order of October 4, 1766. 12-31-1817
Yeseas Reports from Pesqueira and Elias Gonzalez concerning payments to soldiers at Fronteras presidio. 06-30-1817
Yeseas Reports from Pesqueira and Elias Gonzalez concerning payments to soldiers at Fronteras presidio. 06-30-1817
Yeseas Reports from Pesqueira and Elias Gonzalez concerning payments to soldiers at Fronteras presidio. 06-30-1817
Yezep Rolls of Bacoachi Apaches. 03-04-1787
Yeste Rolls of Bacoachi Apaches. 03-04-1787
Yenlos Rolls of Bacoachi Apaches. 03-04-1787
Yermo Series of billetes concerning Fondo Piadoso for California missions. 11-19-1777
Yermo Series of recibos from tesoreria general concerning bienes confiscados. 03-23-1782
Yeco Soldier Juan Salcido is charged with second desertion 11-22-1814
Yermo Summary of income and expenditures at haciendas belonging to misiones de Californias. 12-00-1782
Yepache Teodoro de Croix a Juan Bautista Peru, and Peru's replies. Letters concerning presidial affairs. 02-00-1780
Yepes testimonio de la causa formada contra don Domingo Perez Anzuategui oficial del ministerio de marina, tesorero y guarda de almacen principal... 01-11-1816
Yermo Ugalde . . . Num.10 . . . de 4 de diziembre de 87. -- pide a v.e. permiso para pasar a Texas . . . 04-28-1788
Yermo Ugarte y Loyola and Ugalde discuss through letters to virrey Conde de Galvez need to contract merchant to provide for troops of Provincias... 10-12-1786
Ye Vargas, Diego de. Journal of events - military. 03-00-1694
Ye Vargas, Diego de. Journal of events, military. 07-07-1694
Ye Vargas, Diego de. Journal of events, military. 07-07-1694
Ye Vargas, Diego de. Letter advising an unnamed person of the events between June 14 and August 15, 1694. 07-01-1694
Yesgo Weekly rolls of Bacoachi Apaches for May through July, 1787. 05-22-1787
Yesgo Weekly rolls of Bacoachi Apaches, their rations. 12-01-1786
Yeste Weekly rolls of Bacoachi Apaches, their rations. 12-01-1786
Yesgo Weekly rolls of Bacoachi Apaches; rations listed. 01-05-1787
