Browse by name

Person Last Name Document title Date
Zecallo Juachin Codallos y Rabal. An order prohibiting the free grazing of livestock in the Alburquerque jurisdiction until the harvest. 05-09-1748
Zeballos Joachin Codallos y Rabal. An order for the alcaldes mayores to publicize the annual expedition to the salt lakes. 08-08-1748
Zena Arteaga, Manuel de (mayordomo). Claim against Thomas de Zena for sheep owed to the cofradia administered by Manuel de Arteaga. 06-16-1774
Zerda Martin, Joseph. A criminal action taken against a party led by Juan Garsia which illegally traded with the utes. 03-21-1785
Zena Guerrero, Antonio. Inventory of estate of Antonio Guerrero and settlement of debts against that estate. 12-04-1793
Zena Zena, Diego to Chacon, Fernando (gobernador). Receipt for tools repaired and made for the new town. 07-21-1800
Zena Velarde, Juaquin. A civil action brought by Juaquin Velarde concerning 123 pesos missing from 4,000 velarde transported from Chihuahua. 09-01-1803
Zeiba Jose Maria de Arze. Report to governor of rumors that anglo- americans are conspiring with panana Indians. Has sent out patrol to check... 11-23-1808
Zena Tafoya, Jose Miguel to Manrriques, Josef. Transcripts of proceeding in legal suit. 01-17-1811
Zedillo Ruiz, Manuel to Maynez, Alberto. Letters discussing appointment of mail carrier and about the debt owed by Antonio Sandoval and attempts to... 04-15-1815
Zel Sanches, Roman. Receipt for supplies provided to three Santa Fee presidio soldiers. 03-01-1820
Zevallos Testimony by various citizens and Indians charging conspiracy against nine Indians of various pueblos for secret meetings with enemy... 04-30-1748
Zepeda Cabildo of San Fernando to governador. Request notification of commandant general of the conditions of presidios. 00-00-0000
Zepeda Requesting change of rules and enforcement so that everyone aids in cleaning and maintaining irrigation canals. 00-00-0000
Zerda Fifteen powers of attorney from officers and soldiers for collection of annual salaries and allotment of gunpowder. 03-08-1738
Zerda Juan Francisco de Guemes y Horcasitas (conde de Revillagigedo). Acts of inquiry and resolutions relative to the French trade with the... 02-10-1751
Zepeda Documents concerning moving San Xavier presidio. 11-03-1756
Zevallos Manuel Ramirez de la Pizina and to Cabildo, justice, town council and regiment of San Fernando. Documents relating to apprehension and... 02-03-1757
Zepeda Jacinto de Barrios y Jaurequi. Residencia of Jacinto de Barrios y Jaurequi, governor of Texas. 07-00-1757
Zerbantes Angel de Martos y Navarrete. Transfer of San Augustin de Ahumada to Trinity river. 05-20-1760
Zedano Angel de Martos y Navarrete (gobernador). Diligencias sobre aprehension de contrabando. 11-19-1766
Zedano Luis Antonio Manchaca (capitan). Carta sobre compra de tobaco del mision. 08-10-1768
Zepeda Libro de cuentas de las tropas del presidio de Bexar. 01-01-1771
Zepeda Juan Chirinos (soludo). Pleito sobre la muerte de Christobal Carabajal por Juan Chirinos, soldados del presidio de Bexar. 01-16-1772
Zepeda Marcos Vidal. Libro de cuentas. 00-00-1773
Zertucha Simon de Arocha (teniente general). Publicacion de un bando del virrey. 01-28-1773
Zepeda Rosalia Rodriquez. Segunda peticion al gobernador para un sitio de quince baras de tierra. 07-29-1777
Zepeda Felipe de Luna. Proceedings steming from death of Felipe de Luna. 11-05-1779
Zepeda Domingo Cabello and Marcos Zepeda. Proceedings concerning bringing cattle to San Fernando. 04-21-1781
Zepeda Legal proceedings to recover a mule. 05-01-1781
Zepeda Juan Jose Montes de Oca. Water rights dispute. 07-23-1781
Zepeda Domingo Cabello. Monthly report of cavalry division at Bexar. 12-31-1781
Zerda Pedro Joseph Tejada. Adultery case. 01-04-1782
Zepeda Domingo Cabello. 02-14-1782
Zepeda Ayuntamiento at San Fernando to comandante general letter concerning presidial supplies. 05-22-1789
Zepeda Citizens at San Fernando to gobernador Martinez Pacheco. Letter of citizens of San Fernando to governor protesting the order to round up... 05-24-1789
Zepeda Proceedings of petition ot governor Pacheco from republicanos and citizens of San Fernando protesting, in detailed defense, his annullment... 01-01-1790
