Browse by name

Person Last Name Document titlesort descending Date
Delgado Concha, Fernando de la (gobernador). notice of retirement of first lieutenant Manuel Delgado and promotion of several lieutenant Vicente... 10-12-1791
Delgado Concha, Fernando de la. Account of expenses incurred in the construction of the new quartel for presidio de Santa Fe. 00-00-1789
Deza y Ulloa Conclusion of junta general re: discontinuation of food shipments to Coahuila. 06-15-1701
Delgado Continuation of documents concerning Roldan-Grimaldi civil-military controversy 04-22-1817
Delgadillo Copies of documents concerning taxation dispositions in Guadalaxara and Zacatecas. 06-22-1774
Delgadillo Copies of documents dealing with tax issues between Guadalaxara's real hacienda and province of Culiacan. 05-23-1779
Denojeant Correspondence between Bonilla, Ugarte, and other government officials concerning appointment of Denojeant. 10-19-1781
Denojeant Correspondence between comandante general and viceroy re: military personnel. 06-16-1785
Demecieres Correspondence between Croix and virrey re: civil administration of personnel, armour, and expenditures. 04-12-1780
Delgado Correspondence between gobernador of Nuevo Santander and others campaign diaries, and administrative matters for 1780. 01-04-1780
Delgado Correspondence between governor Sandoval and viceroy Acuna concerning military desobedience and rebellion. 12-06-1735
Denojeant Correspondence between Grimarest, viceroy, and other officials concerning raid of peaceful Apaches against enemy ones. 09-26-1790
Denofeant Correspondence between Loyola and virrey Florez re: peace with Queyeya. 06-17-1789
Delgadillo Correspondence between Nava and virrey concerning diverse fiscal and administrative affairs. 05-12-1794
Denojeant Correspondence between Nava, viceroy, and other government officials concerning appointment of Garcia y Bringas. 03-09-1792
Delgado Camargo Correspondence between Oca, Bucareli, and other government officials concerning Oca's request to go to Spain. 05-22-1769
Delgado Correspondence between Salcedo and Zambrano concerning capture of insurgents. 03-19-1810
del Campo Correspondence between Ugarte y Loyola and real hazienda concerning contract with Guizarnotegui and additional payments to him for 1790. 03-24-1789
Denofeant Correspondence between Ugarte y Loyola and virrey Florez re: diary of Villaesusa's campaign. 01-04-1789
Denofeant Correspondence between Ugarte y Loyola and virrey re: peace with Apaches. 02-28-1789
Delgado Correspondence between various officials concerning Indian relations in Nuevo Mexico 11-00-1786
Delgado Correspondence between viceroy and comandante general de las Provincias Internas. 05-03-1788
de Correspondence between workers at salt flats of Zapotillo and virrey re: increade in price of salt. 05-02-1792
Deblane Correspondence concerning Indian attacks in Texas and Nuevo Santander and relations with French in Luisiana. 11-09-1795
Deza y Ulloa Correspondence concerning missions along Rio Grande 06-02-1704
Demecieres Correspondence concerning various matters of military administration. 11-16-1788
Delgado Correspondence from Loyola to viceroy during July 1788 regarding issues within Provincias Internas de Poniente with previous documents. 09-28-1787
Delgado Correspondence from various officials to viceroy regarding military issues in Provincias Internas. 04-23-1788
Denojeant Correspondence of Ugarte and viceroy concerning promotions of presidial officers and other administrative positions. 06-01-1787
Detona Correspondence re: Bohorquez' patrol neat Tucson. 06-07-1789
Denofeant Correspondence re: campaigns and attacks against Apaches. 12-31-1788
Delgado Correspondence re: documents in Bodega's possesion at time of death that are to be archived. 05-03-1794
Delgadillo Correspondence re: fire in old church and financing construction of new church. 05-17-1787
Denofeant Correspondence re: success of attacks on apackes. Letter, oficio, diary, padron. Original, copy (dated aut. 14, 1789), signed, unsigned. 07-21-1789
Denojeant Correspondence regarding military issues during September 1788 in Provincias Internas de Poniente. 09-22-1788
Delgado Correspondence to viceroy Venadito from September 1819 to March 1821, military concerns. 09-24-1819
Demesieres Correspondence with Florez concerning events of campaign to punish carancahuazes. 09-17-1789
De Mecieres Croix (comandante general). Ha recibido oficios del gobernador sobre los indios lipanes; la construccion de dos canoas para reconocer las... 04-29-1778
Delgado Cuaderno de las elecciones para el Cabildo. 00-00-1763
Delgado Cuaderno en que constan las cuentas de los soldados y pobladores que estan a cuidado del sr. Capitan don Fernando Rivera y Moncada 06-02-1780
De la Garza cuando me traslade de la provincia de Coahuila a esta colonia... 07-05-1790
De Croix De Croix (Caballero) (comandante general). General pardon for all class of criminals for period of six months in accordance with royal... 00-00-1778
De Croix De Croix (Caballero) to Domingo Cavello. Acknowledges receipt of report from parrish priest concerning fulfillment of easter precept by... 08-13-1779
De Croix De Croix (Caballero) to Domingo Cavello. Approves Cavello's measures for the establishment of monthly mail. 08-16-1779
De Croix De Croix (Caballero) to Domingo Cavello. Letter requesting Cabello's opinion on evaluations concerning best location for new bishopric. 08-06-1779
De Croix De Croix (Caballero) to Domingo Cavello. Transmits discharge for Francisco Xavier Benitez and appointments for Joseph Santoja and Joseph... 07-28-1779
De Croix De Croix (Caballero). Letter to governor noting prices to be charged for mules and horses captured from enemy Indians and sold to public. 11-16-1777
De Croix De Croix (Caballero). Letter to governor of New Mexico ordering that all wounds received by accident or violence be recorded. 11-15-1777
De Croix De Croix (Cavallero) to Domingo Cavello. Commends Cavello's visit to president of missions. 09-16-1779
De Croix De Croix (Cavallero) to Domingo Cavello. Transmits Belena's dispatch of September 4, concerning acquisition and division of territory... 10-14-1779
