Browse by date

Title/Description Location Datesort ascending
Oil palm Democratic Republic of the Congo 1920-01-26
Eggplant Democratic Republic of the Congo 1920-01-26
Manihot and rice Democratic Republic of the Congo 1920-01-25
Bananas, river in back Democratic Republic of the Congo 1920-01-25
Bananas, yams, rice Democratic Republic of the Congo 1920-01-25
Ripe corn, rice Democratic Republic of the Congo 1920-01-25
Rice Democratic Republic of the Congo 1920-01-25
Native hut Democratic Republic of the Congo 1920-01-25
Old woman and hut Democratic Republic of the Congo 1920-01-25
Typical native women Democratic Republic of the Congo 1920-01-25
Typical native women (back) Democratic Republic of the Congo 1920-01-25
Across the river Democratic Republic of the Congo 1920-01-25
A field of corn, rice Democratic Republic of the Congo 1920-01-25
Large tobacco field Democratic Republic of the Congo 1920-01-25
Sugar cane Democratic Republic of the Congo 1920-01-25
Floor of tropical rain forest Democratic Republic of the Congo 1920-01-25
Tropical rain forest floor Democratic Republic of the Congo 1920-01-25
Light place in forest Democratic Republic of the Congo 1920-01-25
Density of forest Democratic Republic of the Congo 1920-01-25
Termite hill Democratic Republic of the Congo 1920-01-25
Soil bank Democratic Republic of the Congo 1920-01-24
Rice Democratic Republic of the Congo 1920-01-24
Rice fields, old corn Democratic Republic of the Congo 1920-01-24
Native village Democratic Republic of the Congo 1920-01-24
Natives on open flat cars Democratic Republic of the Congo 1920-01-24
Village huts and forest Democratic Republic of the Congo 1920-01-24
Train Democratic Republic of the Congo 1920-01-24
Grass and trees Democratic Republic of the Congo 1920-01-24
Grass flat, forest Democratic Republic of the Congo 1920-01-24
Termite hill Democratic Republic of the Congo 1920-01-24
Grass and track Democratic Republic of the Congo 1920-01-24
Tree vegetation Democratic Republic of the Congo 1920-01-24
Grass and forest Democratic Republic of the Congo 1920-01-24
Stream, grass and forest Democratic Republic of the Congo 1920-01-24
Edge of forest Democratic Republic of the Congo 1920-01-24
Grass with forest in back Democratic Republic of the Congo 1920-01-24
Stream, bank vegetation Democratic Republic of the Congo 1920-01-24
Stream, trees and grass Democratic Republic of the Congo 1920-01-24
Natives on flat cars Democratic Republic of the Congo 1920-01-24
Edge of forest, stream bank Democratic Republic of the Congo 1920-01-24
Railroad Democratic Republic of the Congo 1920-01-24
Grassland and forest Democratic Republic of the Congo 1920-01-24
Across the river Democratic Republic of the Congo 1920-01-24
Forest across open grass Democratic Republic of the Congo 1920-01-24
Across the river Democratic Republic of the Congo 1920-01-24
Road through tropical rain forest Democratic Republic of the Congo 1920-01-24
Across the river Democratic Republic of the Congo 1920-01-24
Raven with house and forest Democratic Republic of the Congo 1920-01-24
Across the river Democratic Republic of the Congo 1920-01-24
General view Democratic Republic of the Congo 1920-01-24
