Browse by article title

Article Title Author last name Yearsort descending
Military transculturation of northern Piman Indians, 1782-1821 Dobyns 1972
Military transculturation of northern Piman Indians, 1782-1821 Dobyns 1972
Millie's ride Fain 1972
Midget horse roundup in supai canyon Duncan 1972
Minorities find strength in cooperation Murphy 1972
Minorities find strength in cooperation Murphy 1972
Miracle Valley without the miracle worker Burton 1972
Minorities find strength in cooperation Murphy 1972
Minerals of the southwest Jones 1972
Miracle Valley without the miracle worker Burton 1972
Miracle or marvel? The migrating Monarchs Leigh 1973
Mini-cities on the rise Juliber 1973
Migrant teacher - migrant kids: An Avondale program Hamilton 1973
Miss Indian America - a person who cares 1973
Mini-cities on the rise Juliber 1973
Mineral Strip rancher Young 1973
Mineral Strip rancher Young 1973
Mixing it up at Metrocenter Cook 1973
Mineral Strip rancher Young 1973
Michael Joseph O'Donohoe, a pioneer in profile 1973
Minority-group poverty in Phoenix; a socioeconomic survey Roberts 1973
Minority-group poverty in Phoenix; a socioeconomic survey Roberts 1973
Miles Rodda: cowboy artist 1973
Mimbres Indians: everything about them puzzling except their art contributions Mallek 1974
Mini museums Thomas 1974
Mini museums Thomas 1974
Miss Petite International Ropp 1974
Miners in songfest Willson 1974
Miners in a songfeat Willson 1974
Miss Edith Stowe; pioneer Arizona teacher Cochise 1974
Miss Edith Stowe; pioneer Arizona teacher Woods 1974
Millar: the man, the symphony Cheney 1975
Milking the land for more subdivisions Lee 1975
Mining camp by the Santa Cruz 1975
Millions turn their heads Cheney 1975
Michigan v. Tucker: A warning about Miranda Pelander 1975
Mitchel Hugh Campbell, 1875-1921 Schaus 1975
Mineral prospecting in urban areas: a study of surface and mineral rights conflicts under the Stock-Raising Homestead Act Burke 1975
Michigan v. Tucker: A warning about Miranda Pelander 1975
Mining prospects in the Hualapais Malach 1975
Midnight Test Mine Schuster 1975
Mining camp by the Santa Cruz 1975
Mining black diamonds Hirsch 1975
Mining black diamonds Hirsch 1975
Mining consultants enter solar energy field 1976
Minerals catalogued Leighty 1976
Mining: workhorse of the Arizona economy 1976
Minstrel show; Elks' 1905 souvenir program is still entertaining 1976
Minstrel show; Elks' 1905 souvenir program is still entertaining 1976
Mineral frontier in transition: copper mining in Arizona, 1880-1885 Spude 1976
Mineral frontier in transition: copper mining in Arizona, 1880-1885 Spude 1976
Mississippian nautiloids of the Grand Canyon Billinsley 1976
Mission Guevavi: excavations in the convento Robinson 1976
Mission Guevavi: excavations in the convento Robinson 1976
Midnight drugstore Lee 1977
