Browse authors

Author Last Name Article Titlesort descending Year
kelly Sussman 1962
Keller Telegrapher Barnes volunteers 1968
Kelly Thank God for Toby Ollson! 1959
Kennedy The "Flying Chlamydosphore" - its discovery in the Salt River Valley and the presidio of Tucson 1973
Kendall The /-K/, /-M/ problem in Yavapai ayntax 1975
Kendall The /-K/, /-M/ problem in Yavapai syntax 1975
Kendall The /-K/, /-M/ problem in Yavapai syntax 1975
Kelso The 1948 elections in Arizona 1949
Kelso The 1952 elections in Arizona 1953
Kendall The Altenburger affair: a search for justice 1974
Kendall The Altenburger affair: a search for justice 1974
Kelly The American Institute for Foreign Trade 1965
Keasey The ant: a social insect 1972
Kelso The Arizona ground water act 1948
Kelso The Arizona ground water act 1948
Kessel The battle of Cibecue and its aftermath: a White Mountain Apache's account 1974
Keasey The big controversy over the small rattlesnakes 1973
Keatley The blood horse in Arizona 1960
Kent The braiding of a Hopi wedding sash 1940
Kent The braiding of a Hopi wedding sash 1949
Kennison The busy little bee 1922
Keith The Cat editor enjoys a flight to the Bar T Bar 1956
Kelly The Central Arizona Project: what is it? 1964
Kelly The changing face of Phoenix 1964
Kelly The changing face of Phoenix 1964
Kelly The classic westerner; man, myth and movie 1964
Kelly The Colorado River irrigation 1949
Kent The community credit rip-off: Just how high do the Valley's bad checks bounce? 1975
Kemp The cowboy conductor 1964
Kemp The cowboy conductor 1964
Keldare The dead sleep lonely 1972
Keasey The desert lives at night 1974
Kemp The do-it-yourself-era 1968
Kelsey The Doolittle Report of 1867 1975
Keith The Ellsworth of Safford 1955
Kennedy The foreign medical graduate 1976
Keith The Frank Appleton family joins the Peace Corps 1963
Keasey The friendly little stinkers 1971
Keuhlthau The Hermit of Santa Catalinas 1963
Keuhlthau The hermit of Santa Catalinas 1963
Keating The history of Tucson 1949
Keating The history of Tucson 1949
Keating The history of Tucson 1949
Keating The history of Tucson 1949
Keech The kick-stick race at Zuni 1934
Kennedy The lady long robes pioneer among Indians 1958
Kennedy The lady long robes pioneer among Indians 1958
Kennedy The lady long robes pioneer among the Indians 1958
Kerley The last rug of Mother MacCree 1955
Keating The legend of the Arizona Pioneers' Historical Society 1949
Kessell The making of the martyr: the young Francisco Garces 1970
Kearney The man who came back: Arizona's convict Louis V. Eyting 1990
Kelly The Navaho Indians: land and oil 1963
Kelly The Navaho Indians: land and oil 1963
Kelly The Navaho Indians: land and oil 1963
