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Author Last Name Article Titlesort ascending Year
Littlefield Found: 22,000 yesterdays 1964
Littlefield Found: 22, 000 yesterdays 1964
Lincoln Face of Arizona: Paul V. Shank, restaurateur 1964
Lincoln Face of Arizona: Jerry Robertson, sportsman 1964
Lindsay Ethnoarchaelogical research at Canyon del Muerto, Arizona: a Navajo example 1973
Lindsay Ethnoarchaelofical research at Canyon del Muerto, Arizona: a Navajo example 1973
Littlepage Early Arizona mansion retains past elegance 1954
Lindig Der riesenkaktus in wirtschaft und mythologie der Sonorishen wustenstamme 1963
Lindig Der riesenkaktus in wirtschaft und mythologie der Sonorischen w 1963
Lindsay Cruising down the (desert) river 1957
Livermore Community planning for social welfare 1959
Lincoln Combating student absenteeism: strategies for raising attendance and achievement 1983
Lister Chinese sojourners in Territorial Prescott 1989
Lister Chinese sojourners in Territorial Prescott 1989
Lindsay Cenozoic vertebrate localities and faunas in Arizona 1974
Lively Cactus spines for survival 1958
Littlepage Burnt adobe, vivid color highlight spacious home 1954
Litz Arizona's little known Pipe Spring National Monument 1968
Littlefield Arizona National --- a beefy show of strength 1966
Lippitt Arizona in the looking-glass 1929
Lierle American agriculture is "Best in the West." 1976
Litton Alps in the desert 1950
Lincoln A rattesnake can always get their attention 1971
Leyel, Linkert A Bicentennial salute to health services in the Verde Valley of Arizona 1976
