Ariz Cattlelog

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Article title Datesort ascending Journal Title
Cowboy corner April 1951 Ariz Cattlelog
Life on a cattle ranch April 1950 Ariz Cattlelog
Winter April 1949 Ariz Cattlelog
Winter on the Arizona Strip April 1949 Ariz Cattlelog
Wintry experiences April 1949 Ariz Cattlelog
History of the Santa Cruz county fair and rodeo association April 1948 Ariz Cattlelog
From ox cart to airplane April 1948 Ariz Cattlelog
The Cudahy Packing Company in Arizona April 1947 Ariz Cattlelog
The Cudahy Packing Company in Arizona April 1947 Ariz Cattlelog
Mrs. Arizona Benton Stiles, northern Arizona's oldest Cowbelle April 1947 Ariz Cattlelog
Four generations of the Perkins Family April 1946 Ariz Cattlelog
