Ariz Frontiers

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Article title Datesort descending Journal Title
Property taxes and politics April 1962 Ariz Frontiers
$3,000 a month paid to Goldwater 'ghost' August 1961 Ariz Frontiers
$3,000 a month paid to Goldwater 'ghost' August 1961 Ariz Frontiers
Anti-Communist schools in Phoenix August 1961 Ariz Frontiers
Arizona progress and air-conditioning, or The cool generation, or Rub the sleep out of your eyes; the water's just fine August 1961 Ariz Frontiers
Arizona's Birchers on the march August 1961 Ariz Frontiers
Discrimination in employment August 1961 Ariz Frontiers
Education costs in Arizona August 1961 Ariz Frontiers
Phoenix election December 1961 Ariz Frontiers
Reform of the Arizona constitution December 1961 Ariz Frontiers
Censorship and the Pulliam press December 1961 Ariz Frontiers
Phoenix and the radical right December 1961 Ariz Frontiers
Phoenix and the radical right December 1961 Ariz Frontiers
A new voice for Phoenix, the Arizona Journal February 1962 Ariz Frontiers
Rep. Holsclaw, Pima County moderate February 1962 Ariz Frontiers
Arizona academy February 1962 Ariz Frontiers
Arizona Academy February 1962 Ariz Frontiers
Arizona Academy February 1962 Ariz Frontiers
The John Birch Society in Phoenix, a climate of opinion February 1962 Ariz Frontiers
Federal aid to Arizona February 1962 Ariz Frontiers
Medical school for Arizona February 1962 Ariz Frontiers
Defeated "Stay Americans" complain "they done us in!" January 1952 Ariz Frontiers
At the crossroads; Bill Stephens & the 25th legislature January 1962 Ariz Frontiers
Legislative outlook January 1962 Ariz Frontiers
A preliminary report; tax equalization March 1962 Ariz Frontiers
A preliminary repot; tax equalization March 1962 Ariz Frontiers
An error of judgment? Conflict of interest at ASU March 1962 Ariz Frontiers
Teachers take a Birching March 1962 Ariz Frontiers
Migrant labor in Arizona March 1962 Ariz Frontiers
Right-to-work-law. May 1962 Ariz Frontiers
Right-to-work-law. May 1962 Ariz Frontiers
Pulliam's dilemma - Phoenix city election November 1961 Ariz Frontiers
The campus scene November 1961 Ariz Frontiers
Tucson and the Titans November 1961 Ariz Frontiers
How Phoenix lost its housing code November 1961 Ariz Frontiers
How Phoenix lost its housing code November 1961 Ariz Frontiers
I remember Father Dunne November 1961 Ariz Frontiers
Measured by any yardstick November 1961 Ariz Frontiers
Sam Goddard of Tucson October 1961 Ariz Frontiers
Arizona's quite statesman - Senator Carl Hayden October 1961 Ariz Frontiers
How Maricopa County political bosses maintain power October 1961 Ariz Frontiers
Minority housing in Phoenix October 1961 Ariz Frontiers
Printing the news to fit: the Phoenix monopoly press September 1961 Ariz Frontiers
Anti-Communist activities in Arizona. September 1961 Ariz Frontiers
The Titanizing of Tucson September 1961 Ariz Frontiers
Junior colleges for Arizona September 1961 Ariz Frontiers