Ariz Hist Rev

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Article titlesort ascending Date Journal Title
Mary Elizabeth Post, high priestess of Americanization July 1929 Ariz Hist Rev
Mary Elizabeth Post, high priestess of Americanization July 1929 Ariz Hist Rev
Mary Elizabeth Post priestess of Americanization July 1929 Ariz Hist Rev
M.J. Riordan January 1931 Ariz Hist Rev
Lola Oury Smith January 1932 Ariz Hist Rev
Lieutenant Charles B. Gatewood, services ignored July 1929 Ariz Hist Rev
Lieutenant Charles B. Gatewood, services ignored July 1929 Ariz Hist Rev
Lieutenant Charles B. Gatewood, 6th U. S. Cavalry and the surrender of Geronimo April 1931 Ariz Hist Rev
Lieutenant Charles B. Gatewood, 6th U. S. Calalry and the surrender of Geronimo April 1931 Ariz Hist Rev
Letter, 1919 July 1935 Ariz Hist Rev
Letter to governor Goodwin, 1864 July 1936 Ariz Hist Rev
Letter to governor Goodwin July 1936 Ariz Hist Rev
Lansford W. Hasting's project for the inversion and cnquest of Arizona and New Mexico for the Southern Confederacy July 1931 Ariz Hist Rev
Lansford W. Hasting's project for the invasion and conquest of Arizona and New Mexico for the Southern Confederacy July 1931 Ariz Hist Rev
Labors for a territorial government April 1928 Ariz Hist Rev
L. M. Smith April 1931 Ariz Hist Rev
Kino of Primera Alta, apostle of the Southwest April 1932 Ariz Hist Rev
Kino Memorial Committee April 1928 Ariz Hist Rev
Killing the judge and Mrs.McComas October 1928 Ariz Hist Rev
Killing of judge and Mrs. McComas October 1928 Ariz Hist Rev
Killing of judge and Mrs. McComas October 1928 Ariz Hist Rev
Julia Y. Reidhead October 1931 Ariz Hist Rev
Judge Charles Payne Hicks January 1930 Ariz Hist Rev
Josephine Brawley Hughes, crusader, state builder January 1930 Ariz Hist Rev
Josephine Brawley Hughes, crusader, state builder January 1930 Ariz Hist Rev
Joseph Anderson, Greaterville (reminiscences) April 1936 Ariz Hist Rev
John W. Osborn July 1931 Ariz Hist Rev
John P. Clum July 1932 Ariz Hist Rev
John P. Clum October 1932 Ariz Hist Rev
John Hagan April 1931 Ariz Hist Rev
John B. Wylie April 1932 Ariz Hist Rev
John Alexander April 1930 Ariz Hist Rev
Joe Phy, gladiator October 1930 Ariz Hist Rev
James Stinson April 1932 Ariz Hist Rev
James M. Polhamus January 1930 Ariz Hist Rev
James Henry East July 1930 Ariz Hist Rev
James B. Finely January 1931 Ariz Hist Rev
J.L.B. Alexander April 1931 Ariz Hist Rev
J. S. Vosburg April 1931 Ariz Hist Rev
J. Lorenzo Hubbell January 1931 Ariz Hist Rev
It all happened in Tombstone October 1929 Ariz Hist Rev
It all happened in Tombstone October 1929 Ariz Hist Rev
It all happened in Tombstone October 1929 Ariz Hist Rev
Isaac Goldberg, (Original manuscript) April 1935 Ariz Hist Rev
Isaac Goldberg ( original manuscript) April 1935 Ariz Hist Rev
Isaac Goldberg April 1935 Ariz Hist Rev
Interview with Hon. A. C. Baker at Phoenix, Arizona, March 23, 1917 October 1929 Ariz Hist Rev
Interview with Hon. A. C. Baker at Phoenix, Arizona, March 23, 1917 October 1929 Ariz Hist Rev
Interesting reminiscences October 1928 Ariz Hist Rev
Interesting reminiscences October 1928 Ariz Hist Rev
Interesting reminiscences October 1928 Ariz Hist Rev
Interesting reminiscences October 1928 Ariz Hist Rev
Inspecting historic missions July 1928 Ariz Hist Rev
Incidents of building a railroad - Bowie to Globe October 1928 Ariz Hist Rev
I. E. Solomon January 1931 Ariz Hist Rev
